Feedback please

Ive started leveling a lightforged Ret pally, and have began to wonder if i should stay ally and try and build a guild up, on the other side.

I love my horde toons, all my orcs and belf DH, but if we want more balanced wpvp then its up the the players to make it happen.

So the big question is, if i wanted a all space goat guild would there be interest?

Other than the waggle of course.


These forums are barren man, im sure there would be interest though.
I run a goblin guild, and the best tip I have for you for running a race guild is,

Dont bother posting adverts in Trade.
Use /who

Do /who r-draenei

And it will bring up all the draenei players, from there you can /who names and see if they are in guilds, and shoot them a recruitment msg.

Good luck!


Thanks man, the forums seem a little sparse.

Maybe ill have the guild do some rp write ups on the forums.

At Blackrock we called it “day at the keep”, and it was more day to day things toons did outside of the bigger rp events

Ya know anything to help bring back ED


I’d love to see some other single race guilds around on Alliance side. Best of luck to you. Please post if you make it happen. I don’t have a Draenei alt yet nor any clue on how to RP one. I’d be willing to give it a go.


Go for it! We definitely could use another race guild as CBH posted.

BUT, just keep in mind. When your space gang comes through the Stormwind port or main gate… expect to see Vamptdk… you will still need to clear customs and have your ship inspected we don’t see many foreigners here outside of our current massive problem in the streets of Stormwind. We have Darnassian refugee camps EVERYWHERE. There is a ban on any more imports of Darnassian refugees.

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