Feedback: Please chill on the "open concept" dungeons

Having more than 1 route is reasonable.

It’s only a problem in the the Dragonriding dungeon because… Dragonriding. Every other dungeon you’re rooted to the ground and just follow the map. If you wipe you just run back the way you came. Even if you only roughly remember the path, there’s only going to be so many options in that rough direction where mobs are cleared.

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no there isnt and no you dont lol

They should add a live emergency phone/intercom in each dungeon to help those who end up getting lost.

Revert Azure Vault jump skip nerf plox.

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I think the part before the last boss is more of a problem than DR itself.

Being thrown to the ground caused a lot of issues for first-time comers.

It’s about letting people train for content before they enter it, which is what the person I quoted was talking about.

What if they made them even more complicated? What if they were made into mazes, 12 different pathways, trap doors, jump puzzles, and class mechanics that can bypass traps to disable them and open a shortcut :open_mouth:

Is this Mists of Tirna Scithe? I feel you are talking about Mists of Tirna Scithe.

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I liked nohkud because it has dragon riding. It was a refreshing change. I get how some dislike it thoufh

No thanks, I like variety in a dungeon, and for all things said, Brackenhide Hollow has a pretty standard route

I’ve actually grown to love the older linier designs, as someone who is always doing old content for mounts/pets/mog etc, i can’t tell you how frustrating it is when you’re just trying to clear an old raid or dungeon and it’s all over the place, teleports here, elevators there, talk to this NPC after boss dies or this gate/door won’t open blah blah blah, it’s incredibly annoying.

I’d actually love an addon to help with this.