Feedback: Paladins

the changes to herald with radiant glory, might and crusade is honestly expected. if rg procs dont proc suns avatar then frankly the issues with herald was borderlined solved. is just for me personally, kinda lame to make space for radiant glory to exist. but i cant be to mad cause it makes crusade stronger, might a nice middle g round and radiant glory less oppressive so good work.

looking forward for the next set of ret changes

Out of curiosity, since Radiant Glory is supposed to make AV proc on use, how would it not proc Sun’s Avatar? Are you referring to it not automatically placing Dawnlights on targets?

Our buffed up Holy Shocks are doing like 4% of people’s max HP. The only thing that was keeping the spec afloat was the dawnlights.

I don’t think that there should have been any nerfs if they weren’t accompanied by massive buffs. The base kit of Paladin is very undertuned. Everything except Holy Light is doing less than other healers


I just wanna piggy back on this to say that the thing I always enjoyed about Martyr and the Maraad’s playstyle was being able to bomb really big spot heals when needed. It was very strong at keeping people alive which made the damage trade off feel worthwhile. Having it attached to Holy Shock doesn’t capture the same feeling (especially with current tuning) because HS is the core ability in our rotation and we’re incentivized to spend the charges often to spread glimmer.

I wish they kept Martyr as an actual ability because then you can have it be this juicy spot heal and keep the choice of when to spend it. Tying it to WoG I think would be better but then you have yet another modifier which can be problematic when tuning the ability. Which unfortunately impacts most of our abilities currently.

Speaking of put spenders, I still vote for LoD to apply Glimmers to everyone hit.

Lessen the burden of Holy Shock, give the spell an actual purpose, and may even encourage getting those stupid talents that increase its range.

If you don’t want LoD to trigger Glimmers, thats fine, but being able to set up for big damage by casting LoD and then using HS to trigger them would be nice synergy.


I cannot possibly stress this enough. Radiant Glory is now a dead talent for Herald of the Sun.


yeah wouldn’t it make more sense for both AW and Crusade to give 4 dawnlights, and RG to give two since it can be used twice as often?

No, it makes sense for all of them to give 4 because that’s where most lot of the haste comes from for burst.

Radiant Glory + Crusade already suffers from almost half of its duration dedicated to stacking it up. Now less haste makes that even worse.

I’m thinking 2 would be the best sweet spot.

I feel since RG puts wings on a 30ish second cooldown, almost max amount of dawnlights ever 30 seconds would RG almost a hard requirement when using HotS.

While I’m not a particular fan of the inconsistent number, it does seem to work. Crusade has the longest cooldown, so it drops the highest amount, and then just goes down from there.

Really hoping that Light of Dawn becomes an AOE heal instead of a frontal. It really isn’t fun to have to turn around and aim it at the group, especially when people are typically all over the place. An AOE heal would solve that so you don’t have to figure out where people are and still do decent healing


Additional feedback, this time with Lightsmith Holy. While HotS has the Dawnlights which help in aoe intensive situations, all Lightsmith to deal with that is the base toolkit.

A base toolkit that’s incredibly weak more often than its not.

It feels like, to effectively heal as a Lightsmith you have to,

  • Pray you have Infusion
  • Cast Hand of Dinvinity
  • Cast Virtue
  • Cast Infusion-Holy Light
  • Cast Holy Prism

Which…does not feel great.


Also, what’s going on with Crusade? It currently has the tooltip of AW Might, but doesn’t actually do anything.

Is crusade getting redesigned into something else and a placeholder was put in, or simply an error?

Error. Might and Crusade are working fine on my end.

Weird. My crusade only activates avenging wrath without the crit bonus. Even after relogging, changing specs and changing back, etc.

Edit: and then randomly just now my 5th wake of ashes activated crusade proper.

the overall changes to to holy pally and lightsmith feel great. The tuning per ability feels alot wonky. The damage of holy pally feels non existent i hope healer damage isnt left so low.

Ive mostly been using at holyshock melee playstyle. Ive noticed majority of healing is in Armaments which might be because damage profiles are too easy and there isnt anything to heal or its severely tuned to that ability.

Holy pally damage feels like its very non existant. they are doing less damage then s4 which feels absolutely bad especially to percent of damage being done by rest of the group. If healers are taking such a big trinket nerf they need to see larger damage increase.

How did you deal with aoe? Perhaps I was just too conservative with the armaments?

Ive been playing lightsmith holy pally with armament as use on CD, Glimmer and holyshock for maintenance healing. Actively using damage mitigation, LOH (Which recovers very quickly with lightsmith). using Beacon of virtue with Holy light + infusion procs. I was using beacon of virtue as save people button. I was mostly only using word of glory as my healing spender. I really never casted flash of light or Light of dawn. they felt not worth it. i tried to play very actively so that i wasnt playing off my backfoot.

LOH felt like my save people button. I just played actively around martyr the entire time. AOE mostly felt like 1-3 people were taking large damage so it felt like just doing things to slow damage down or burst them up was fine.

Crusading Strikes vs. Templar Strikes

I appreciate the willingness to experiment with something different, and I have hope for this new version of Templar Strikes.

After doing some playtesting with both Crusading Strikes and the new Templar Strikes, I’ve found a few things:

Templar Strikes and Templar Slash are doing next to nothing. They are doing similar or less damage than your auto attack.

After a 3:30 fight:

  • Auto Attack: 2.24M (1.4%)
  • Templar Strikes: 1.49M (0.9%)
  • Templar Slash: 555k (0.3%)
  • Templar Slash (DoT): 277k (0.2%)

After switching builds to Crusading Strikes and Zealot’s Fervor, and another 3:30 fight:

  • Crusading Strikes: 4.76M (2.5%)

On both retail and beta, taking Crusading Strikes doesn’t feel good to take. You often you wind up just looking at your character because everything is on cooldown and you have to wait for something to come off of cooldown.

Having Templar Strikes feels great to press, but the damage from it doesn’t feel great to have.

Something off the top of my head would be make Templar Strikes increase your damage done by x% for n seconds.

Ret right now is about a 3 button rotation. 3 buttons for single target, and 3 for aoe, with only a one button difference between the two (Final Verdict/Divine Storm).
I think it would be really healthy for ret to get another button or two to help make the gameplay a bit more lively.

Looking forward to see how the Ret tree will change!

It depends what threshhold you’re using to determine whether something is a cd or not. I use 30 seconds as the line of being rotational so…

Templar Strikes (if taken)
Hammer of Wrath
Final Verdict
Blade of Justice
Divine Storm (if AOE, FV will still be used because of JJE)
Execution Sentence (if taken)
Wake of Ashes
Consecration (for AOE)

So we’re looking at 6-7 for ST, 8-9 for AOE.

I mean if you wanna play with 3 buttons, you do you. I don’t pay your sub.

Hammer of Wrath is only for enemies at 20% health or lower, so I guess I don’t really count that as part of the main rotation. Consecration we unfortunately don’t cast anymore.
I also think that Wake of Ashes is a cd, but that’s just me haha. Same with Execution Sentence. 30 sec and up is roughly a cooldown for me

The three main ones are Judgment, Blade of Justice, and Final Verdict/Divine Storm. Everything else is a cd or situational, not really part of the main rotation.

Which, speaking of Consecration, I do hope they buff Sanctify again, that was really great to play with. And with the new Divine Hammers, I think it has a chance at being pretty good! Though the 2 min cd is a bit long imo