Feedback: Paladin Tuning Changes 4/23/2024

Completely agree.

Purifying Power, Art of War and Exorcist should have all been one rune. Sheath of Light should have been a spellbook OR make Enlightened Judgements increase healing power by a percent of the paladin’s intellect to make it more attractive to Holy Paladins.

A rune buffing Seal of Command/giving it some sort of Blessing to be cast on others etc would have even been something interesting to allow others to get use out of Sancity Aura. Hell even a passive rune that applied your current seal when cast to those with your aura up.

There was so much that can be done to fulfil that supportive melee arch type without just making them a melee caster.

I love ret, as many do but a lot of the ret paladins I’ve spoken with about the current fast 2H exo spam meta just don’t like it.


None of the Devs play Ret. Aggrend apparently tried it in phase 1 and parsed blue in the 60 percentile LOL

They don’t understand the class, they’re listening to the wrong people (noob casuals that begged for Seal Twisting) and need to listen to their top players—and I don’t mean try hard min/maxers because that is how we got Retail Mythic shenanigans no one wants to play, I mean listen to their good players.

The devs play Shaman/Warlock/Priests.

Aggrend switched over to Balance druid in phase 2, if you go back in his timeline you’ll see that he talks about it. None of the Devs main Paladins, I think the most populated class with devs is Shadow priests and Warlocks. With shamans trailing. Gotta go look at their twitters to figure it out though. Happy hunting.

You’re not listening. Do you even know how the game works? Describe crushing blows and name the double-hit mechanic Vanilla used to have that was a straight up gear check on tanks and raid progression.

Defense and block reduce this happening, because if it isn’t a 1 shot on your tank, it’s pretty close and 2 in a row will kill your tank even if he is topped at 100% HP.

My point was Paladins only having block with no active damage mitigation or avoidance like other tanks have is a problem.

What active avoidance or mitigation do Paladins lack that say, Prot Warriors have?

That isnt what youre missing. Protadins were missing 3 things: a taunt, a small OSHI- cooldown (Last Stand) and a Wall. The taunt is there now. I wouldnt call LoH a “small” cooldown by any means but its definitely an oh :poop: cooldown. Theyre missing a Wall but i guess im not seeing what your complaint is.

Are you wanting an absorb shield? Flat damage absorption? Like get specific here what are you wanting that you dont have but other tanks do?

Paladin tanks honestly just lack damage at this point. Hand of Reckoning grants 20% reduced damage below 35(?)% health which essentially means they can take a bit more punishment. If your tank is getting one shot from 31% then there are some other problems there.

The Prot tree provides no damage outside of a 10% boost when using 1H weapons. Ret even so has very minimal damage boosts in its tree but often is the favoured tank tree right now.

Why would you take tank A that does 300 dps when you could take tank B that does 600?

Alliance side there are so many paladins you often have 3 or 4 in your raid now so buffs are covered, but honestly I’d take a feral/warlock over Paladin tank in the current state any day.

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I like exo. I just don’t like how it mandates so many rune spots for both ret and tanks.

As a tank I’m still just an exo ret. We’re very pigeonholed into one playstyle that everyone may not enjoy.

For me, I really hope they do something to make holy shield/deep prot worthwhile enough that I can get away from just being an exo bot lol

HoR is cool though. And I love the big ol’ slightly annoying bonk sound it makes.

All Devs paly Shaman probably, cuz when there is sth not going well with Shamans, it is addressed swiftly, but when Shamans are OP, the class got a slap on the wrist after a long outcry on the forum and still remain the all-around most powerful class now.

This Shaman favoritism has got to go.

The fact that deep proc for Paladin Tank does not work well is proof that Blizz Devs design on Paladin rune is a complete failure that do no synergize well with talents at all.

And ironically, Paladin Tank is probably the spec that felt the best at the moment.


I think paladins should be given guns. Mages can’t kite a glock-19

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many have tried, few have succeeded

if u want to play as a gimped healer that they have zero interest in supporting, then i guess thats your cross to bear!

I think there’s two things at play here why Holy paladins feel bad -Firstly they aren’t sure the direction they want to take holy and secondly Holy Paladins scaled very well.

We’re already at Naxx levels of crit on holy paladins, meaning we essentially play the same as we did for that. Holy Paladins aren’t asking for buffs they do their job and they do it very well. Paladins make those intense tank healing fights a joke and often come out with 75%+ mana and top healing done.

What would be nice is more than 3 buttons to press during an encounter.

That’s the issue though. They gave us an ability that, in effect, passively doubles our throughput. There’s no way you have a 100% transfer rate on Beacon while giving us anything that rivals the other healers’ abilities.

Beacon was a bandaid when it was introduced in WotLK which had to be continually peeled back and adjusted over the years without totally removing it to allow for more interesting additions to the toolkit. All to maintain this facade of paladins being the “tank healer”, as if that were an impossible task for the other healers.

It is quite possibly the laziest ability they could have ever given the class. From both a player and design standpoint. And proves that they never cared when we complained about spamming 1-2 buttons for 6 years.

And they did it again in SoD. Like they assumed everyone wanted to play ret anyway.

But they did the same thing with ret bro.

I mean… yeah? If you’re asking me if I agree that the class as a whole is treated as an afterthought, then sure.

But they gave Holy Beacon and Sacred Shield, and designed our runes to turn us into shockadins with 0 healing synergy. You could leave the chest, wrist, legs, and maybe waist (if you don’t wanna run in to melee for Sheath of Light) slots empty and your healing would barely be affected as Holy.

They may have failed at creating a coherent toolkit for ret, since using the abilities they gave you is a dps loss if you’re not simply spamming Exorcism, but you can’t seriously think they gave the healing and dps specs equal consideration.