Feedback: Paladin Tuning Changes 4/23/2024

This is exactly what we needed to see following Aggrend’s recent Discord statement on the Paladin kit.

While my recent post reducing his statements there to implying that he was essentially saying we should stop playing and skip phases was removed by staff from the forum following this announcement, I am glad to see that is not at all what they meant to imply and these tuning adjustments for tomorrow do give me hope. I’ve never been happier to be proven wrong.

SoR Bravo.
Tank Paladins will no longer regen mana to the raid, but now they can use the Aegis rune instead of Seal of Martyrdom for a significant boost to their durability without feeling like they are giving up too much damage and threat. It’s also a great alternative for those who want to use Divine Storm and don’t like Seal of Command’s low proc chance, as it will scale with Spell Power (it also makes the Fanaticism head rune more useful to Ret—whose phase 3 runes in general are bad).

SS Bravo.
I love Sacred Shield personally, it’s a very good ability, but the mana cost is quite high so I didn’t use it. Holy paladins using it is a given, but I still don’t see Retribution or Protection using it since Ret requires Art of War and Protection spams Consecration and thus needs the mana regen instead, but 2h Reckoning builds just got a LOT more fun in PvP!

CS Bravo.
This allows one of the Paladins (especially the Ret) to assist their fellow paladins with micro-managing valuable utility to the raid. Wisdom and Light provide massive benefits to the group and now Crusader isn’t selfishly having a higher uptime due to forgetfulness and consequences of wanting to deal the most damage possible.

Seal Twisting Meh.
I personally won’t even bother because of the mana intensity and the extremely fast swing speed for Art of War. I don’t think the community understood what it was asking for when it pleaded with Blizzard for Seal Twisting as a solution. Blizzard is correct when they say it will likely need a larger redesign and changes, and I look forward to those before I consider changing my mind.


Unimpressed, still nothing really for holy, I mean, they can’t even make some of the “holy shock” runes effect it when its used as a heal.


Holy is what needed help not RET or PROT kekw. Spriest buff is super weird too. who is in charge of balance again?

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Holy changes are coming, they have said as much. They want Holy to get some new abilities similar to the other healing classes.

Oh boy…

SoR deals more dmg overall because it crit, great.
Still, it has worse scaling because the talent doesnt calculate with the total dmg, only the base dmg.
Aegis is useless… those block enjoyers need to be stopped, its a trash stat.
I like the idea of block too, i would love if they make block 1-1 str or 2-1 but we will lack block rating and we need a rune to do what the talent is supposed to, but its bad because we need to be crit.

And martyr gives a lot of mana to the raid, there is NO POINT in using SoR.


THIS is what paladins needs for pvp anyway

Adjudicator of Justice- hammer of justice now has 2 charges. Casting judgement on a target effected by hammer of justice causes your next holy light spell to be instant. If cast on an orc shaman immediately deletes their character and recreates it on an rppve realm

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the reality of holy paladin is this. No paladin actually wants to be a healer, we did that enough for 20 years in classic. If you want to heal as a holy paladin, go play classic vanilla. Here we pump and tank.

Its either that, or raid leaders are crying for more healers in their raid rosters.

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false. there is a point for SoR, keep in mind using Martyrdom is still taking a rune slot. there can be times where using Divine storm can be useful leaving the paladin to seal twist SoR + SoC

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Aoe heal spell when

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Completely disagree with this, I personally have zero desire to ever play ret or prot, and also know there are plenty of other people who would like to heal on a holy paladin. However with the state of holy especially in PvP, and to a lesser extent PvE, its not even worth playing SOD right now, especially with how they managed to fail holy on practically every rune slot.


Phase 3 runes did absolutely NOTHING for Ret either, which is why it just tanked off a cliff and depends on 2 bugs not being fixed along with the game client being designed for melee meta at endgame propping up the performance on logs.

But yeah, Holy got it worse with runes multiple phases instead of just one.

I posted on Esfand’s video about Twisting that they should implement a QoL Book, called something like: “Lingering Light”. Which would allow the previous Seal to ‘linger’ for 1 second; part of the issue is it’s 400ms, but you can’t really see it because the game only supports whole number durations and it’s gone before you really notice it. Then there’s your reaction time, so 400ms - your reaction time. Next up is your ping; super low pings actually negatively impact your ability to Twist since the Seal change is relayed faster to the server so the 400ms timer starts sooner; 400ms - your reaction time - your ping (if low; sub-50ms).

…all in all, you have about 200ms to swap seals. And that’s just on the initial setup where you control when the rotation starts. Once you toss in Auto Attacking plus ‘dealing with the encounter’ only the upper echelon are going to be able to reliably pull it off. – But everyone will be judged by those top players’ abilities.

Alternatively they could add a QoL Book (or maybe a weapon Rune??) that allows for two seals to be active, with the “follow-up Seal” refreshing the first one. Judgement would judge both Seals. – Seal of Justice would probably need to have some kind of PPM alteration so Paladins aren’t stunlocking people (that’s a rogue’s job!).

All I want is to not be forced to seal twist. Already invested months into my character and I don’t want to be forced into a playstyle I don’t enjoy. Other changes are good though.


Good assessment
From what I understand a lot of paladin feedback amounted to “I don’t have stuff to press… I get bored”

You folks love those fidget spinners don’t ya. :wink:

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Prot needs help too, as it stands it doesn’t need to exist.

I’m really bummed that SOR doesn’t proc aow.

Edit: It would also be nice to have the Mana Regen tied to judgement, not som.

Improved blessing of sanctuary rune should apply blessing of kings stats and also increase block chance/value.

Blocks should reduce or reset the cool down of avengers shield.

Holy shield should get a rune to block spells/dots.

Shield of righteousness should be in the game.

Seal Twisting


People stopped seal twisting in WOTLK for good reason: it is pointless jank and not needed with all the buttons we have to press. Suprised Blizz went with this.

just did 30 minutes of testing seal twisting vs regular 2.0 weapon speed rotation and it is an absolute dps loss to seal twist. I’m getting ~330 dps with seal twisting and ~520 dps just exo spamming (regular rotation).

This would definitely be different using a slower speed weapon but you get way less exo procs…

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seal twist is not like it used to be, soc was able to proc sob but in sod soc doesn’t proc som. it’s a massive dps loss over the current meta.