Feedback: Oracle in The War Within

I just want to add this:

While watching the dev interview, one of the devs mentioned a scenario where the 5% mana could be used in a clutch moment where the boss was low and the shaman was oom. Placing that on the shammy for a saving spirit link could be the difference between a win and a loss.

All I could think of while hearing this was envisioning a panicking priest pushing premonition and possibly waiting 4 seconds for that particular buff to pop up and everyone dying all around lol.

Again, I donā€™t mind buffing my friends. I actually really like it. But this cycling through monstrosity just sounds like a nightmare in practice.


Well I must have glazed over that bit, but if they did say that then all I have to say about that is simplyā€¦

So itā€™s the priests role to support a healerā€¦ as a healer specā€¦ THE healer spec considering the only class with 2 healing specs and it is the Oracle Hero Path that should be the penultimate healing spec as it should be suited/catered towards 2 healing specsā€¦ the only Hero Path that will exist with that in mind.

I dunno, it just seems odd to me that when looking at Priest in general, itā€™s always about how to make others have more fun and more gameplay options at the cost and detriment of the Priest.

I just would rather that entire way of thinking when it comes to class and spec and now Hero Path design gets dropped and abandoned and instead focus on what we have to make the Priest more powerful.

Itā€™s just frustrating, disappointing and disheartening really that this is the state of the matter.

I guess Iā€™m just now curious what they will come out for the Shaman healer centric Hero Path talent tree and see if they are also a support bot to help others at their detrimentā€¦ somehow I donā€™t think that will be the case.


As is right now Iā€™m not looking forward to oracle. Holy is my favorite healing spec and it feels like it was an afterthought. Hopefully the devs will rework some of the talents.


Iā€™m just reposting this for emphasis. Just. Yeah.

I believe it was an answer to the question of when would we ever use the 5% mana buff and that was the reply.

Honestly this version of Premonition is absolutely horribleā€¦ seriously we have so much already to do.

Suggestion, just insanely simplify it, have it still modify PI, but just change how it works.

Premonition - 2 min cd, your Target and 3 others nearby ( you get it through twins) peer into the future buffing healing received by 25%, all Damage Done by 10% for 10 seconds.

Rework Clairvoyance to small chance to increase the duration by 50%. Clairvoyance as is missing an Ally in M+ is going to be frustrating especially for the player it misses especially if it happens consecutively.

This way, 1 button, send it and itā€™s done, no mini games, simple, buff yourself and 4 players.

Weā€™ve extended the cd by a whole minute to balance it, merged effects to simplify it, insanely easier to use. Use Premonition defensively (for 25% healing) or offensively (healing is fine letā€™s pump dps if everyoneā€™s cds are up) is the only choice.

I donā€™t know, Iā€™m just spit balling here but to me Oracle is a hard pass as is.

In what world do they see Premonition being available for ā€œclutch momentsā€ in the first place? Theyā€™re setting it up to be an external DPS cooldown. Optimal play will be to always have it on cooldown for the DPS; it will never be up for a ā€œclutch momentā€ except by pure coincidence.


To anyone who will listen. PLEASE DO NOT GO FORWARD WITH THIS. Cycling buffs sounds awful. We wanted to reduce complexity and button bloat but weā€™re going to put in a new RNG system with cycling buffs. It just sounds painful. Shadowlands nailed the full support Priest role.

Replace Premonition with Fae Guardians from Shadowlands (can change name to Premonition though).

Tier 1

  • Preventative Measures is fine
  • Preemptive Care is fine
  • Waste No Time should be changed for Holy to cost 50% less mana, keep Disc at 15%.
  • Miraculous Recovery is fine.

Tier 2

  • Assured Safety change to give % over heal (can be 10% or lower) remains as shield for 5 seconds. (taken from Night Fae Chrysalis)
  • Prompt Deliverance should give a second charge of Purify or reduce cooldown by 4 seconds.
  • Divine Feathers replaces Angelic Feather and now gives the same effect to up to 5 allies within 20 yds of player that hits feather.
  • Foreseen Circumstances pain sup 10% is fine, but increase Guardian Spirit by 8 seconds and increase healing received by 10%.

Tier 3

  • Grand Reveal is redundant for holy since we can proc Apotheosis from mending. I think this would just encourage only taking that side of the talent tree. It also feels pointless for Disc who donā€™t use PoM. This talent should be completely deleted and replaced. My suggestion is that there is a very low chance Premonition will cast a beneficial version of its self on a random ally when you cast any heal or damage ability.
  • Perfect Vision is fine.
  • Versatile Divinations should be deleted. This would make it so thereā€™s only two options in 1 portion of each tier. It doesnā€™t really fit w/ the Night Fae style buffing support role.
  • Divine Providence is fine.
  • Fatebender should be adjusted to grant 100% effects (10% damage reduction turns into 20%, 2% mana back turns into 4%, 100% ability cooldown reduction turns into 200%)

Tier 4
Clarvoyance can just copy the Bwomsamdi Legendary effect where you copy effect to another player.

In terms of gameplay during Shadowlands, the Night Fae was a HUGE success and very well received by the community as a full support style Priest Role. There was a lot of fun gameplay with guardians and itā€™s a shame to put all of that work to waste. I do agree that the whole Night Fae theme needs to be converted to a more Holy based Priest style for holy and disc specs to use so we arenā€™t looking like blue sparkle casters.



And having 3 little light spawns or mini Valkyries go out would be amazing!

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OMG i forgot about that. That would be a perfect Oracle theme skill.



If a wheel or something is out of the question Iā€™m wondering if the ability starting with the ability thatā€™s most ā€œcontext-sensitiveā€ (e.g. healer(s) are low mana so it starts with the mana card if itā€™s available) or always in a predictable sequence (where, right now, itā€™s almost always going to be a ~1 - 2 second wait because +25% healing is rarely going to be something Holy needs [at current*]). would be more ā€œdesirable.ā€

Definitely would prefer Clairvoyance being tied to something predictable: every X Premonitions or something (please do not tie it to Prayer of Mending bounces).

I can ā€œforeseeā€ the YouTube compilation videos racking up on this scenario already :joy:


Forgot the name of the trinket. Premonitionā€™s starting card could use some of the logic of the Inscrutable Quantum Device. This could reduce the amount of time between activating the ability to getting to the buff one wants to useā€”potentially reducing some cognitive complexity. If it then continues in the ordered sequence, then in other situations the Priest can the remaining X seconds to get to the buff theyā€™re intending to use.

Just get rid of it and move on. Letā€™s stop trying to make the ability work as it will not only suck to play with, but will also be a balancing nightmare.

If you want to make disc a support spec (which I supportā€¦get it), just full send it with the next expansion. None of this half baked stuff.


Having seen a bunch of these hero talents I feel that the core mistake blizzard made is trying to make them work for 2 specs, they are failing to make them equally attractive or thematic to both specs in the majority of cases and in some such as oracle they are failing with both. I would not be surprised if by the end of the war within they end up realigning them to specific specs and building a second set so each spec has 2 designed specifically for that spec, the more I see of these multispec hero trees the less faith I have that they can deliver on the fantasy under the current model.


One thing I am hopeful is to see if they are indeed listening, they said to post feedback here and so far its overwhelmingly in favor of doing something completely different, with a bunch of people again and again asking for PI to be finally reverted to a personal priest CD.

I donā€™t think the problem is hero talents fitting 2 specs, the issue is the worst revealed hero trees so far create unwanted playstyle or triple down on unfun playstyles.

What will it take for PI to stop monopolizing Priests balance, discussions and more? At what point can we finally be done with this and have priest be priest, and not PI and its variations bots


Yes, and itā€™d play into the oracle forsight aspect by giving absorbs as the oracle foresees damage incoming lol

Iā€™m starting to see this as well and it reminds me of covenant abilities. Trying to make one button that works for all specs just isnā€™t possible. Maybe they can make it work for just two specs within the same class.

Hereā€™s hoping at least.

The design of this makes me hope that whatever the other hero talent set up holy can choose is better. As a lot of others have already said the amount of micro managing needed to play this is absurd. Although I have to put my personal biggest problem here. Im sure in the minority here but i dont and have never liked Angelic feather. Whenever im able for talent set up i go out of my way to not get that and take body and soul.
I will say that i enjoy the POM stuff. Words of Mending from MoP was one of my favorite talents.
If you want to make a hero talent system for an Oracle feel to it you should instead add in more holy light stuff since an Oracle is ā€œa person (such as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speakā€. Add in spells that give buffs to other such as Inspiration reduces physical damage taken. Blessing from the light type of talents that the priest can give through spells already in the tool box. Examples that i have thought of (all ideas coming from a pure holy priest mind set). Desperate prayer raising the maximum health of all party / raid members, instead of just the priests. CoH placing renews or PoM charges on people. GS getting a 2nd function as a battle rez. Or stick to just buffs being put out along with healing. Maybe CoH can give a small short duration damage reduction blessing. Serenity leaving behind a blessing of increased health or even a shield. Sanctify blessing people with increased movement speed. Maybe chastise can finally be an interrupt instead of just a stun. Personally i feel the idea of our spells giving out blessings from the light works more with the idea of an Oracle.
Ive seen alot of mentions about rewriting all of this to a rework of the night fae shadowlands stuff and i hope this does not go down that path. As itā€™s still a form of having to micromanage since the buffs go where the heals go. And while it was interesting in its time i can say iā€™m happy that it went away and wasnā€™t brought into Dragon flight and hope it doesnā€™t come back. And while Iā€™m sure there will people that wont like the idea of a more passive ā€œblessingā€ style buff system at least it reduces a lot of micromanaging and doesnā€™t add button bloat.
Over healing becoming absores, heals giving blessings, instant damage reversals on alis and maybe even a blessing that damages enemies that are dealing damage to allies. I feel that could be fun gameplay with some great visuals to go along with it. Allies wreathed in holy fire from the priest damaging everything around them


i agree, they need to just remove it and try again.

This class has gotten the short end of the stick so many times.

please, lets do it right for once this expansion.


Just make the class fun.

if this ends up going live, then ill be extremely scared for shadow spec.