Feedback: Oracle in The War Within



I can’t imagine this thread will SERIOUSLY get looked at by the dev team, but HERO TALENTS should be…HEROIC. Baby buffs on a rotation is kind of lame, especially when you compare it to DKs summoning the four horsemen…

Every one of these “hero talents” should be thematic, and EPIC to see happen, even if it means a long cooldown. I would rather summon valkyr or spirit guardians from the heavens to aid my group or raid once every 5 or 10 minutes, than cast a “meh” buff every minute…


Doing Ashran grants Priests the ability to fly with Ascension for like 15 seconds.

I think for at least Holy Priest if not all priests, having the ability to fly should be a core utility.

Would be interesting that if Priest or holy did have Ascension, that you can have a Hero Talent that summoned a Valkyr to carry (fly) each of your party members (4) when you fly yourself with Ascension.

Would grant a niche and unique and fun utility to Priests or Holy Priest only.

I just think at the very least, having the ability to fly in PvP in Ashran or with Holy PvP talent, it should actually find its way into the core spec to use outside of PvP.

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I don’t see how that would be an issue alone, but idk about carrying a party LOL. Could be problematic in a pvp setting at least, but I DO like the flavor! We can already defy gravity with levitate and sprout wings of light…or shadow…

Haha, yeah, that is what “Leap of Faith” should be honestly. Make it a 3/4 min CD, and set it party wide. Just have it work off of jumping(to reduce button bloat).

Example: ‘Prepare your party to make a leap of faith. The next time you jump, instead leap to a targeted ally in 25m or if not targeting 20m in the direction you are facing.’

It would make your raid not dread the ability so much :}.

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If I had any single big ask, I would like Circle of Healing to not be tied to Prayer of Healing.

With regards to changes, this is probably becoming a battle of semantics over terms like “major”. My point is that I’d be surprised if holy got a rework of the level of deleting chakras in the past, especially after just getting all the changes it got last patch, but anything is certainly possible. Just look at how Druid keeps getting reworked, it’s almost silly. I think Holy’s core designs are pretty solid now, but certain talents and pieces still need fixing (many you mentioned). By the way, I’m all for as many improvements as possible, I was just guessing Holy might not see as many, unfortunately, because it just got a big chunk recently, but it’s just a guess in the end. Fortunately, we should soon get Archon released and a better idea of where things stand on what changes are coming.

How so?
You got Death Knights and casters to still be able to attack or bring someone back down to the ground.

Holy has Ascension as a PvP talent already. So now they could just extend that to their party in both PvP and PvE.

Having PvE flying capability would allow short cuts in M+ imo and interesting vertical mechanics to deal with in Raiding.

tbh, they can try for once for this class and do something new instead of giving us paladin’s blessing of seasons. Low effort hero talent build IMO…

They need to properly invest time in this class for all the years wasted.

I don’t know if that’d be balanced but I definitely love that idea. I don’t even spec Lifegrip since it mostly just makes people mad when you use it. Empowering them (and myself) with utility agency would be a lot of fun.

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Warlock has lockgate which has a range of 40. So just slap a 4 minute blocker on this and it would be balanced.

The part of your quote I bolded is the most critical though. Priest SHOULD empower their party, anything that makes your party members angry when used on them is NOT UTILITY. It is instead trash-tier design and the sort of mistake not even an intern should make. Yet here we are 10+ years later with no real mobility options.

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i mean they already scrapped it once so someone was looking at the crapstorm when they first dropped oracle

They wouldn’t make a topic asking for feedback if they weren’t going to read it.

At the end of the day you have to remember its the developers who design the game not the players.

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Apparently what they got from the feedback on oracle was “players hate support” not that the implementation was a classic case of game context free white room design that everyone thought was clunky and terribly implemented in the context of WoW gameplay.

Michael Bybee:
I don’t think you all want more support classes. I think that would be fantastic. But when we posted the the Priest Hero Spec we got a lot of feedback that it was not what people were looking for. So we made some adjustments there; really, we listened to feedback. That’s the whole reason we’re doing the blog posts about the Hero Talents.

As someone who feels that support does not work on a fundamental level in the holy trinity, DPS uber alles, game model of warcraft I feel this is the right decision. But them having this take also explains why we are still stuck with a dysfunctional rotating buff in premonition.

The problem with current premonition is one where the player is required to be the oracle and foresee when they will need one of the specific buffs and be in the right part of the rotation rather than designing the ability to create the feel of the character being the oracle.


Premonition just makes me tired to read it. Thinking on how to maximize that talent is going to be so micro-management. As if I didn’t have enough going on, now holy has… rotations? Ramps? Timing the correct prem buff at the right time. It’s going to conflict with the general playstyle of holy which is reactive healer. If I wanted to play ramp/rotation style, I’d play disc. /shrug. Just generally unhappy with the hero talents. I’m hoping Archon saves the day.

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I really wish they’d make Oracle work like old Power Word from Cata.

You cast Premonition you next healing is enhance in a certain way and to get a passive related to it. Then you tired of it or the fight changed well you cast again for a different passive. No rotation nothing. It would be similar to Unleash Life but with a passive afterward

Oh that would be really cool, and would fit the oracle fantasy well.

Like your actions are literally weaving your fate in your own way, instead of having your fate be behind a slot machine

As long as its not the same type. The old cata thing had a CD and if you happened to be in the wrong form, such as single target healing when you need AoE, then you where screwed and lets just say not all mechanics where designed with that CD in mind.

The old CD was annoying but it would need like a 15sec cooldown at least otherwise it buffed effect on your heal would be too powerfull. 1min for 3 spells was a pain. I was mostly using solo one for reset on renew

Premonition wasn’t a true “support” role. It was literally PI got changed to a 1 minute cd with a more annoying min-max mechanic of having to cast it on separate targets to make it more powerful.

It’s nothing like Aug Evokers with Ebon Might, extra crit bonus, the mana return, AOE absorb shield, etc.

I don’t mind support classes being added to the game… just the way Aug Evokers came into Season 2 was a legitimate war crime. They dropped the keys -2 levels in difficulty, gave an insane damage boost to the group, and became mandatory in high keys overnight. Guilds stacked them as much as they could…

After they nerfed Aug 3-4 times they fell off a lot. In S3 they were more of a liability in some dungeons because you had things like totems and roots to break and an Aug was half a dps on focusing single target damage.


It is like they are deaf sometimes: because the following is most certainly NOT “listened to feedback”.

Old buff Premonition: Annoying single target buff that has DPS whining at you to feed them + Dysfunctional application/control mechanic + talents make it worse or make no sense at all.

New Premonition: Extremely weak self buffs(even the absolute best of the 3 is much worse than Velen’s Future Sight) + Same or worse dysfunctional application/control mechanic + talents make it worse or make no sense at all.

At best so far it is just a straight side grade that kept all the things we hated about the original. Very sad.

The fact the a dev actually looked at Oracle, then looked over at Voidweaver, then looked back at Oracle and said “this looks ok” is mind boggling.