Feedback: Oracle in The War Within

The way I read it is that your premonition effect will rotate still… but instead of it rotating based on a timer, it rotates based on your spell use.

So each time you cast a spell (specific spell perhaps?) it will rotate out your next premonition effect.

I don’t like Oracle concept sry. I just can’t feel it.
I’d rather have something like chakra system instead of “premoniton” stuff

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I was just looking and the choice node choice fatebender looks insanely lackluster right now.

30% more impact if you cast different premonitions back to back and mathematically makes no sense as many of the new premonition effects like reduce 3 cool-downs is not functionally multiplicative by 30% and even when they the impact is not worth the hassle.

Especially when paired against Narrowed visions which gives you an extra charge of premonition and makes the whole effect rotation much more predictable.

yes but only one of the effects is actually good. If it were to go live as is (It wont) then you’d take fatebender and ignore it completely, selecting velens every time.

I don’t even know how to interpret 'Reduces the cooldown of your next 3 spell casts by 5 seconds" means.

Does this mean that your next 3 spells with cooldowns will cool down 5 seconds faster once cast? For Holy this is either big 1 min+ cooldowns or PWS/Holy fire/Chastise

or does it mean your next 3 spells reduce the cooldown of all cooldown spells by 5 seconds?

Next 3 spells will cool off 5 seconds faster, biggest use case would be purify honestly.

Pair that with prompt deliverance and you would be the undisputed kind of dispelling with 3 back to back no cooldown dispells.

My first impressions on Oracle v2.0.

Premonition - I’m assuming w/e spell you cast makes Premonition choose which type or it works like Blessing of Summer. Either way I think this is a better system and hopefully its off the GCD.

Premonition of Piety - This one seems a bit of a meme. We already overheal 40%+ so replicating more overhealing just creates more overhealing. IMHO, this needs to be changed to making your direct heals splash AOE heals or have overhealing creates absorbs.

Premonition of Insight - I guess you could use this to min-max Prayer of Mending (i.e. bomb out 3 short CD PoMs in a row). I don’t know how else this would work with Holy Words?)

Premonition of Solace - Seems to be fine, but I think damage reduction would be better. -25% DR…

I think what’s missing for Premonition though is something that boosts your damage because there can be a lot of circumstances where there’s nothing to heal and you don’t need to cast anything.

Waste no Time - This is pretty bad. Miraculous Recovery is way better.

Other than these changes the tree looks exactly the same as the original version except for a few talent changes. Also, please nerf under construction… it is game breking and will ruin everything.

Grand Reveal seems WAY too steep to trigger for Disc (150 PWS casts?!) and 150 PoM bounces (that’s one proc every 3-5 minutes for Holy). It’s not exactly interesting, but I am assuming this is a placeholder.

Overall the tree looks fine.




First, I’m glad Blizz moved away from PI buff system for Oracle. Thank you, Blizzard. Of course, a few talents are still under construction, so feedback is limited. These talents mostly offer little throughput increases with a bit of extra manual interactivity from the player, which sounds about right for the scope of hero talents. I suppose my biggest concern here is that the Disc hero talents seem generally more impactful than the Holy ones.


I appreciate that this talent adds some flexibility. It seems especially helpful in a raid setting where we can use it to redistribute overhealing. I remember the Velen’s trinket from Legion was extremely powerful for Disc in a raid setting because it redistributed so much atonement overhealing during burst windows.

I’m trying to figure out where we can use the 5s CD reduction. It would probably work best with spells that have a 15s CD or less. I think it could be useful if we wanted a quick application of three PW: Shields, like a mini-Rapture, since with enough haste it would reduce the CD of PW: Shield to around the global cooldown. It could also work well for using more SW: Deaths for Inescapable Torment. For Holy, I’m not really sure where I would use it except for maybe in raids to weave in more Prayers of Mending and Circles of Healing.

The 25% ST healing increase seems good for Disc in particular in arena, and in M+ during certain mechanics that target a single player with high sustained damage. Holy already has two Serenity charges and Guardian Spirit on a 1 min CD (effectively) to deal with that, but its ST healing in-between isn’t the best, so perhaps it could help in-between those other CDs.

Since Premonition seems to be aimed at getting in more use of short-CD spells, it seems necessary for Premonition to be off the GCD. Otherwise, it would probably jam up the rotation too much.

I appreciate the increase to atonement duration via Pre-Emptive Care. This is a great quality of life increase for M+/PVP and a great benefit for raids.

I really, really like Miraculous Recovery. It will make priests an excellent triage healer, especially when focused in PVP when it is difficult to hard-cast things.

I also appreciate the option for a lower-CD Purify. I’ve seen Priest class fantasy as being sort of the “dispel kings,” and the nerfs to Mass Dispel really got me down. So I’m glad to see more buffs in the dispel department.

Assured Safety seems ok. It’s a nice little throughput increase, I suppose. I guess it’s just…kinda boring? Still, a boring minor throughput increase is better than a frustrating talent. Gotta have some rice in the burrito, I guess?

Stronger absorbs and DR are always welcome, so I like Foreseen Circumstances and Preventive Measures. But like quite a few of the hero talents, the Disc version seems quite a bit stronger than the Holy version.

Perfect Vision (6 seconds off Premonition) seems a bit underwhelming in particular and not particularly useful. Maybe replace it.

I echo the other comment that it’s good that Grand Renewal grants another charge of Premonition, and I wish Answered Prayers was like this as well.

So generally, a good step forward, IMO. Interested in seeing the talents that are under construction.

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3 seconds renew is fine depending on whether Healing Chorus is still optimal versus Prayer Circle once we lose our season 3 tier set.

Right now Healing Chorus is optimal because of the current tier set, but we have to see if we get new ways to apply Renew or incentives to hardcast Renew as filler, because if we do, and Healing Chorus continues to be the optimal choice, then this 3 seconds Renew is very helpful to maintain stacks in between CoH casts.

Holy next expansion could very likely play completely differently if they overhaul it.

The way Holy plays in DF is miles different then how it was in Shadowlands.

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Oracle is still the same bad concept people didnt liked before why keep the same rotational buff its bad.

The best way to make Premonition would be to keep the 1min cooldown but make it affect your next spell cast.

Similar to Divine word from Cata.

You cast premotion you get a direct effect on your next spell used + a passive related to it. The passive stay until another spell is chosen from premonition


I still don’t understand the concept. Can someone explain it to me?

Like besides the spell being called “Premonition” does the whole talent tree feel like you are an Oracle?

Like what of the effects from all the talents makes you feel an Oracle?

Literally you could name the Hero Talent “Light caller” or “Holy molly” and it would still feel like ok, because the talents doesn’t really feel “Oracle” at all.

I’m pretty sure most of these nodes are just unchanged from the previewed version. This datamined version is obviously unfinished, given that it literally has two “No Talent Here Yet” nodes, but it bodes pretty badly that it’s been months since they announced they were taking Oracle back to the drawing board, and swapping Power Infusion Roulette into a wimpier version of Divine Word is the only noteworthy change they appear to have made.

Mending creates a PWS and vice versa, holy might be hard casting shield and disc hard casting mending if it now applies atonement. The instants might trigger quick.

Its cause you have to guess which dumb passive you’ll get next. And hope for the one you want

With the new premonition changes shown below…

  • Premonition (Instant, 1 min cooldown) – Gain access to a spell that gives you an advantage against your fate. Using your abilities rotates through the available spells.
    • Premonition of Piety
      Increases your healing done by 5% and causes 50% of overhealing on players to be redistributed to up to 3 nearby allies for 10 sec.
    • Premonition of Insight
      Reduces the cooldown of your next 3 spell casts by 5 sec.
    • Premonition of Solace
      Your next single target healing spell increases your target’s healing received by 25% for 10 sec.

I think its a bit lackluster for the capstone talent to just grant you an additional charge when you can get one baseline from another talent…

Choice talent

  • Narrowed Vision (Passive) – Premonition gains an additional charge and now only rotates to the next spell when you cast Premonition.


  • Grand Reveal (Passive) – When your Power Word: Shield is fully absorbed or your Prayer of Mending heals, gain a stack of Grand Reveal. At 150 stacks, gain an additional charge of Premonition.

Instead, I think the capstone talent should improve the effects of Premonition.

Taking some inspiration from Caithyra…

Move Grand Reveal up and slightly change it to grant Clairvoyance and remake capstone using Clairvoyance

  • Grand Reveal (Passive) – When your Power Word: Shield is fully absorbed or your Prayer of Mending heals, gain a stack of Grand Reveal. At 150 stacks, gain Clairvoyance

New Capstone Idea

  • Clairvoyance (Passive) – When your next premonition is triggered, the effect is enhanced.
    • Premonition of Piety
      Overhealing coverts into an absorption shield for up to 15% of the targets maximum health for 10 sec.
    • Premonition of Insight
      Every spell cast reduces the cooldown of all spells with a cooldown of 30 sec or more by 5 sec for 5 sec.
    • Premonition of Solace
      Increase your targets maximum life by 25% for 10 sec.

It’s a work in progress regarding the placement of talents and the trigger. But the idea is to make the Premonitions more powerful/potent in adding an extra mechanic/feature instead of just granting another charge that you get already with Narrowed Vision.

hey caith. do you think we will get a more complicated play style? so far i like the new oracle being a self buff and i hate pi a s a spell so even if its not great i may run it just to avoid using pi anymore. granted we will have to see how archon is but i think overall new oracle is better than original.

also i know theres no real way to tell but if you jus had to wager a guess how confidant do you think holy will be changed in TWW?

From a holy priest perspective:

Premonition is confusing. I admit, 25% DR would be amazing instead of healing gained, but I don’t think we’ll get it. Premonition of piety is awesome if it works like a smart heal the way I assume it does - that is, overhealing is distributed to allies who need it, not just t any ally for more overhealing (which would then redistribute which would then overheal which would the redistribute…?). I have no idea how insight is supposed to work.

Feedback I’d still like to see addressed:

  • Miraculous recovery - I wish this gave a choice between “allows it to be used on targets below 50%” or “heals for 50% more”. I really like PW:Life as that clutch, almost lay on hands, “use it only when right but when you do by god it feels good” type heal. Making it so we can use it more often will come with tuning to dilute the ability to use it at key life saving moments. Not a fan.
  • Forseen circumstances - incredibly lame. How about we swap effects? “Extends the duration of Pain Suppression by two seconds and gives guardian spirit 10% DR?”
  • Divine Feathers - why are you not only ignoring all the desperate begging from priests to give us better mobility, but adding insult to injury by instead giving us a talent to improve the mobility of other classes - whose mobility is already better than ours - still further? Everyone macros feathers to self. Feathers are 100% too clunky in placement to be used to sprint other people in actual combat situations- that’s what I use Body and Soul for.

Not sure I understand how Narrow Visions is supposed to work. The other talents are fairly boring HPS spell improvements but not objectionable. I still think Blizzard got over-ambitious with adding 11 new talents - they’d have done better to cut it down to like five but make them feel good.

I’m still hoping for some rework to our base class tree, as the problems there are numerous, although individually none is terrible of its own.

I get that this is in an iterative state, but I admit I’m bothered that we’re still looking at exhaustively underwhelming nodes like ‘two seconds more of Guardian Spirit’ and Divine Feathers when I look at Resto Druids getting a node that just straight up gives them 8% damage reduction for having Regrowth on themselves.