Feedback: Oracle in The War Within

Yeah, I think ultimately the problem is this talent tree is trying to solder on a completely different class with a different playstyle onto our primary spec.

I’d compare this to Flash Concentration for Holy Priest. It may not be everyone’s favorite playstyle, but casting more Flash Heals ultimately sockets cleanly in our gameplay loop because that’s feeding into the Holy Word resets with the bonus of having potent Heals.

But this? This is complexity and a bunch of extra button pushes that exist completely outside of our core gameplay. Compare this to the three talent trees that got introduced alongside this. Their keystones are all about interacting with and benefiting from their actual class abilities. Whereas this is just… nonsense slathered on top of our class that isn’t at all related to it.


If the idea is “what you are, but more” then it’s fairly revealing that we’re a PI bot who can maybe give mana to the resto shaman.

Fairly plainly this won’t make it live as it is, but it does seem strange that the well-tested, very-popular and very recently used Fae Guardians is right there dying for a thematic and graphical update and some new extensions but instead they thought a 5-buff slot machine would be appealing?


Yeah, most of the tree feels completely unrelated to either Holy or Disc. Premonition has essentially zero interaction with the rest of the spec’s toolkits, and it’s not fun even as a support ability because all of its buffs are boring compared to PI’s huge haste steroid.

Thematically the tree has potential, but mechanically it needs a complete rework.


Im so for this. The current version seems very convoluted when they are trying to keep disc dumbed down


Honestly, it seems that aug and pi didn’t teach anything to blizzard looking at oracle.

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i liked angelic feather when it was 60% speed buff for 6 seconds, but gosh, how long has it been since they changed that? i have lost track.

yeah, i don’t like it anymore. its “better than nothing” in that, in my view, the only worse move speed ability is the evoker dash ability, but its still among the worst mobility on a class that gets no good cc or interrupt. and by “no good cc” i mean cc for free, like many other specs get, where spending the talent point doesn’t interfere with throughput talents. imo, there is a clear prejudice from devs against priest

Used to be 80% in MoP… in 5.4 they changed it from 60% to 80%. I remember flying through dungeons back then lol. Then back to 60% going into WoD and then 40% near the beginning of Legion. Fun detected apparently lol.

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So after some tweaking around with my own idea and others I came across, I have redesigned the Oracle Priest tree as detailed below…

Tier 0

  • Divine Prophesy (Keystone)
    [Holy: Replace Prayer of Mending]
    [Discipline: Replace Power Word Shield]
    • Holy: Places a ward of Divine Prophesy on an ally that heals them the next time they take damage, and then jumps to another ally within 30 yrds, leaving behind a shield that absorbs 200% more damage than was healed.
    • Discipline: Places a Shield of Divine Prophesy on an ally that when consumed by damage, leaves behind a Renew that heals for 100% of the damage that was absorbed.

Tier 1

  • Preemptive Care
    Increases the duration of all active Atonements by 1 sec and increases the duration of all active Renews by 3 sec when Divine Prophesy is applied.
  • Premonition
    Each time Divine Prophesy is triggered, you gain a charge of Premonition. When you reach 15 charges of Premonition, one of the next following spells foretell the future.
    • Casting [Holy: Holy Word: Sanctify][Discipline: Power Word: Radiance] grants allies with Burning Adrenaline.
      • Burning Adrenaline: Your spells and abilities cost 25% less resources for 10 seconds.
    • Casting [Holy: Divine Hymm][Discipline: Power Word: Barrier/Luminous Barrier] grants allies with Euphoric Power.
      • Euphoric Power: Your spells and abilities cooldown 25% faster for 10 seconds.
    • Casting Mass Dispel grants allies with Divine Ingenuity.
      • Divine Ingenuity: Your spells and abilities receive 25% more power from your secondary stats for 10 seconds.
  • Waste no Time
    Divine Prophesy has a 10% chance to causes your next Power Word: Radiance, Heal, or Prayer of Healing to be instant cast and cost 15% less mana.
  • Miraculous Recovery
    Reduces the cooldown of Power Word: Life by 3 sec and allows it to be usable on targets below 50% health.

Tier 2

  • Preventative Measures
    Your next Divine Prophesy healing and damage absorbed is increased by 5% for each active Divine Prophesy.
  • Divine Feathers
    Each target imbued with Divine Prophesy grants an additional 5% speed bonus, up to 100% when Angelic Feather is consumed.
  • Pythian Sight
    Each time Divine Prophesy is trigged, reduce the remaining cooldown of Purify by 1 second.
  • Purity of Soul
    Your Purify now heals the target for 10% of the total damaged prevented and reduces the cooldown of Mass Dispel by 15 seconds.
  • Foreseen Circumstances
    Damage is reduced by 10% on all targets imbued with Divine Prophesy when you use Pain Suppression.
    Increase max health by 20% on all targets imbued with Divine Prophesy when you use Guardian Spirit.

Tier 3

  • Precognition
    Each time your Divine Prophesy absorbs damage or heals, it has a 10% chance to restore the absorb amount and not consume a charge.
  • Mass Divination
    Reduce the cast time of Mass Dispel by 1.0 seconds and grant Divine Prophesy on up to 5 targets.
  • Divine Providence
    Increases the duration of Premonitions spell effects by 50%.
  • Fatebender
    Premonition’s effect is increased by 50% if the divined spell is different than the previous Premonition.

Tier 4

  • Clairvoyance (Capstone)
    Each time Divine Prophesy is applied, it has a 5% chance to cause your next Premonition to grant all the effects.

Brief overview…

  • I added a more interesting version of Premonition and made it so each type of Premonition is activated by key cooldown spells instead of Power Infusion. Power Infusion has no impact on this version of Oracle Priest.
  • The main Keystone being what I am calling Divine Prophesy is basically just Prayer of Mending and Power Word: Shield merged into the same button for both Holy and Disc. They just behave slightly differently. But this is the key talent that the majority of other talents would synergize with.
  • The rest are pretty simple to understand.
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Good attempt, good ideas, however, still a hard no for me about any external buffs and whatnot. They need a class designed around these things for these to work without leaving a bad taste and bad feeling for those involved.

I reiterate; being PI target means getting nerfed for it, and feels bad.

Giving PI means the rest of your own kit will be lacking elsewhere.

This goes for any externals they try to force into a class that wasn’t designed as a support class to begin with.

PI just has to go and return to being a self only CD. I didn’t mention it in this thread yet but I do heal on my priest, I’d rather have a brez than PI or any variations. I’d rather have actual defensive ability for myself.

If they want to do support style stuff; they have to redesign a spec from the ground up for it, or make a new class / spec for it.


Yea I get it lol.

I have been a long time advocate to get rid of the PI sharing controversy and imo it should be Discipline only and give Holy and Shadow equivalent spells in its place that fit with their theme. Holy given Ascension (They can fly) and Shadow given Spectral Guise.

So I am taking what they got and at least trying to improve it somewhat if an outright entire redesign is not in the cards so to speak lol.


I agree.

The whole buffing others spiel obviously taxes the class. Since its not throughput, it obviously is a huge part of the utility.

I’d rather lose PI and have shining force back and a real interrupt.

If this tree was literally that I would be happy.
Buffing others is fun and very potent if you optimise the buffs. It therefore will be balanced around that.

Look at augvoker. Its dog until you are a coordinated group.
I mainly pug or fill slots with randoms.
Therefore this tree does not exists for me. It will always be bad on average.


To be clear, I love you, and your ideas if we are forced to swallow that tripling down on PI pill.

I don’t think I conveyed that properly in my previous reply, so here <3

Praying for priests to be allowed to priest again (and bring back cascade while we’re at it, it looked so cool!)


This is a great point – A big part of the reason that Bloodlust/Heroism is so much fun is not just because the extra haste provides more damage, but because (for almost all specs) it feels so good to have the extra haste and to have things sped up/to have the rotation be that much faster/smoother. Having Bloodlust/Heroism be a flat 20% damage buff just wouldn’t be as exciting, and, as Shadowo points out, turning Power Infusion’s haste buff into just a flat damage or healing buff would make it feel worse for whoever receives it. Instead of being this fun exciting moment, it would just be numbers going onto a DPS meter and why might not even notice that they received the buff.

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Likewise with primary stat and versa or mastery, for some specs crit could be fun though.

They did suggest some flashy animations but I am not sure any animation can compensate for my cast bar flashes across the screen so much faster.

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Well, there is also another reason why so many complain about pi, and no one does about lust.

Because lust affects everyone.

Pi instead can get your class nerfed because you specifically benefit from it due to being a good pi target.


The problem isn’t having support spells as part of the baseline kit, it’s that it feels like by using a hero tree to expand upon something that is almost entirely for the benefit of other players, holy and disc priests are giving up their hero tree in order to provide it.

It’s a similar feeling to the twins of the sun priestess legendary in Shadowlands. It may have been objectively powerful but using it felt like not having a legendary.

I worry about this not only for holy and disc, but if the goal of this tree is to appeal to support minded players then the other two trees need to be full of thematic and powerful healing throughput. This leaves me a little worried for shadow as, sharing with both healers, it’s going to struggle to carve much of an identity in those trees with how much they’ll have to make up for the existence of oracle.


If the oracle was inspired by spells you use to prevent damage or apply before dmg happens (as the devs stated) like prayer of mending, power word shield and renew etc, then they should have focused on ways to make those more interesting rather than yet another talent that increases the healing done by POM.

  • Renew overhealing puts an absorb shield on a target up to X% of their max health

  • if power world shield expires without being fully consumed, a % of its shield remains on the target

  • when prayer of mending bounces to a target affected by renew, it consumes renew to heal that target for the remaining amount

Just some random ideas


Sadly I fully expect that they’ll spend the next few months trying to make this work and launch it half baked.


I hope they don’t. I don’t have a lot of confidence in that tbh.


Here is Max from Liquid on this

Hot Garbage