All of this will be from the perspective of an Unholy Death Knight, and won’t apply exactly to all specializations that can use these trinkets.
Eye of Kezan
The tooltip is clear and concise, feels generally good to use, and is powerful once stacked up fully. Ramp time is a bit faster than usual, with many trinkets like this taking 5 minutes to ramp, while Kezan takes ~4 (though likely closer to 3.5m on average when factoring in bad luck protection on its 5rppm.) Overall, it might be a bit overtuned? Or the on-use trinkets are undertuned, it’s hard to say for sure at the moment. But, I can say this is the best trinket for Unholy right now, a specialization that generally loves on-use trinkets, which is a tad concerning.
Mechano-core Amplifier
Bit of an interesting twist on the “highest stat” proc trinkets that have been so common recently. Throwing in a larger buff to the lowest secondary stat makes a lot of sense, as often that stat is the lowest because it gives the lowest overall power increase, so giving more stat makes that proc often more valuable than the highest stat. Great way to turn the general stat proc preferences on trinkets on its head.
Reverb Radio
Procs quite often, but even then seems woefully undertuned for what it’s meant to be. Unholy LOVES haste, and this trinket gives haste, but, it’s not even in its top 5 trinkets currently, even losing out to delve trinkets like Funhouse Lens and Suspicious Energy Drinket at significantly lower item levels.
House of Cards
Interesting in concept for this trinket to give a random amount of stat, but, I do fear the RNG range here is a bit too large (±15% from the median value), leading to pulls where people just get unlucky and do worse than a worse geared player who just rolled better on their trinket uses. Bringing the range down to ±10%, or even ±7.5% might be ideal to tighten up the range while keeping the concept intact. Power though, this trinket is quite good and is Unholy’s best on-use trinket despite its 2-minute cooldown.
Sigil of Algari Concordance
Earthen Dwarf friend slaps hard and scales with Unholy’s pet damage modifiers. Good trinket. Does feel like its proc rate is a bit too low though. Would like to see many more earthen friends.
Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker
Incredibly interesting concept for a trinket, and gives me a bit of a callback to the old Void Elf racial pre 11.0.7. For 1/2 minute specializations that often really like critical strike, this trinket seems like it will be incredible. Sadly Unholy’s critical strike scaling is by far its worst stat (worse than versatility), making this trinket just incredibly bad for us, no matter how interesting, and that’s just a bit sad to me.
Geargrinder’s Spare Keys
A pretty generic on-use damage trinket, thematically it fits, and mechanically it’s fine, makes you think about angles a bit. Otherwise, nothing much to talk about here.
Garbagemancer’s Last Resort
Impossible to give solid feedback on this atm as it’s currently missing a cooldown making it kinda spamable. So, ignoring power, the 10s time for this to come crashing down feels way too long. Chances of your targets being within its radius 10s after use seem incredibly low, and the long timeframe makes planning ahead near impossible. bringing this down to 5 seconds seems way more reasonable to achieve the same effect but lessen the punishment for predicting wrong.
Suspicious Energy Drink
Pretty run-of-the-mill mastery proc trinket, with a bonus of more mastery if you’re low health when using it. Generally not super exciting, but, being a delve trinket (at least I believe so anyway) means it can’t break the mold too much. Power-wise, seems incredibly overtuned for its item level, often competing with trinkets ~13ilvl higher than it. Seems like the 11.1 equivalent of Ritual Binding Knife in that regard.
Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe
On-use trinket that summons a pet, which in general is really interesting, and the summon does a LOT of damage, honestly probably way too much for its item level. It is a bit awkward though being a pet summon trinket with a targeting reticule. The first few times I used it I entirely missed the reticule expecting it to just summon a pet like most other trinkets like this.
Turbo-Drain 5000
Pretty run-of-the-mill damage proc trinket, though the move speed increase is an interesting benefit for world content, m+, delves, and the likes. Basically any scenario where you’re frequently killing enemies and need to move to another group quickly. Makes for an interesting choice in that regard, though honestly feels incredibly weak currently.
Ratfang Toxin
Bugged, and the debuff currently doesn’t apply to anything, so no feedback for this currently.
Papa’s Prized Putter
Very similar to Turbo-Drain 5000, a passive damage trinket with a move speed benefit. Interesting in concept, and generally just fine all around.
Amorphous Relic
Very interesting concept in this trinket, with a 50% uptime benefit. Doesnt seem all too powerful, but, still just a fun trinket to use and see how it affects your character every time it triggers. Get small, zoom around, or get big and start slapping enemies harder (and become more of a damage sponge yourself). Overall, I quite like this trinket, though I didn’t feel like this trinket contributed enough power.
Funhouse Lens
Ah Unholy’s precious, a 1.5m on use stat trinket. The only one at all in this patch, and it’s stuck at a lower item level than other trinkets due to either being delve or world content. With that limitation, great trinket for Unholy if you manage to snag one from a vault, but, otherwise, better to just use a passive trinket, which is saying something for the burst-heavy, stat-loving Unholy.
Torq’s Big Red Button
On the other side of the on-use arena, we have a big ol 3 minute stat on-use trinket which can be at the maximum item level available in this patch, Unholy should absolutely love this! but, it doesn’t. It gives less primary stat than a 639 Treacherous Transmitter, on twice the cooldown, making it a worse choice than sticking with your 639 Transmitter. Also worse than passive trinkets like Zee’s Thug Hotline, and Eye of Kezan. Hell, its even worse than a 2-minute trinket that doesn’t synchronize with our cooldowns in House of Cards. This trinket currently is abysmally undertuned if a specialization that should love it doesn’t.
Zee’s Thug Hotline
Alright boys, time to call the goon squad, and teach this guy a lesson!
I love this silly little trinket. Procs pets, which unholy loves since they scale with our pet modifiers. The pets are both goofy and thugs at the same time. Thwack Jack only being able to cast Thwack! and Thwack Thwack Thwack! is just top-tier comedy. Wish Snake Eyes had a bit more personality in his abilities, only being called Snipe feels out of character compared to the other two. In any case, I love this thing, it is perfect.
Mister Lock-N-Stalk
Passive proc trinket that procs a LOT. I notice this guy just popping up every few seconds, and it is kinda awesome. The on-use changing it between single target and AoE modes gives a lot of freedom of customization to the player to pick what they want this trinket to do at any time. My only concern is it seemed a bit undertuned, though it’s also a lower item-level trinket, so that might not matter much in the long run.
Capital Punisher (Vile Contamination)
Overall a pretty nice design, with a ramping damage effect that will do incredibly well in long encounters (raids probably), but ends up lackluster in short term encounters. Seems like a nice balance for a cantrip weapon to focus on a niche like this so its not overbearing and always the best choice in all content.
An interesting concept for a cantrip weapon effect, giving a random stat at a random value within a range. Overall maths out to slightly over budget compared to an equal item level weapon, but, does come at the downside of not always giving you the stats you want, and those stats not always being active when you want them. For Unholy, this makes this weapon just flat-out worse than Capital Punisher, which is a bit sad since I wanted to meme about with my Best-in-Slots being best in slot. On use effect sharing a cooldown with trinkets as well is a bit odd. While I get preventing the overlap of other on-use effects at the same time, that conflict puts this use effect in an awkward spot. It is always going to be worse per use than an on-use trinket, and not even by a little bit, it’s a LOT worse. So, when do you even use the use effect? well, it won’t be with your cooldowns, that’s for sure since you’ll have an on-use trinket for those instead. Bringing this use effects value down to just WAY worse than an on-use trinket with a similar use effect.
Machine Gob’s Iron Grin
Pretty basic cantrip proc damage weapon. Though its damage and radius of effect changing based on what your proc is quite interesting, it does make the RNG multi-layered and potentially frustrating when you include the lack of secondary passive stats on this weapon. Putting so much power into a double layer of RNG will just lead to wild swings in damage.