I wasn’t sure where to put this because it’s feedback and not related to an actual bug. It’s not realated to individual moderator actions (those have been resolved). It’s the lack of detail presented via the forum website and email when a moderator action is taken.
It’s hard to get posters to change when a moderator action happens if there isn’t enough information for them to clearly see what they did that went against the rules. An explanation of “other” with no context gives no information at all and can leave a poster confused as to why the moderator action was taken. If there is a specific part of a post that the moderator has a problem with then it needs to be clearly identified. Highlighting the words or sentences that are a problem would help. It would also help to have 1-2 sentences typed by a moderator identifying exactly what they saw that was against the rules. Another thing that could be helpful would be to include the section of the forum rules that was broken for reference. Players need enough information on the forum website and email to identify what the problem is and how to fix it if you want them to learn from the experience and avoid the same issue in the future.