Feedback: Mythic+ Testing January 28th - February 4th

The War Within Season 2 dungeon testing begins on PTR today. The test period starts on Tuesday January 28th at 14:00 PDT (17:00 EDT, 23:00 CEST), and ends Tuesday February 4th at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST). Please note that the test period may be adjusted in the event of technical difficulties.

This week’s dungeon pool focus is on The War Within dungeons and Operation: Floodgate.

In addition to larger reward, affix, and scaling changes which you can read about here. This week includes adjustments to dungeon timers alongside graveyard checkpoints. Additionally, we’ve made further adjustments to the minecart event in Darkflame Cleft.

Cinderbrew Meadery

  • Timer increased from 33 minutes. (was 30 minutes)
  • Taste Tester’s Free Sample? can now be interrupted.
  • Bee-Wrangler’s Bee-stial Wrath can be interrupted
  • Bee-stial Wrath cast time increased to 3 seconds. (was 2 seconds)
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures
    • Worker Bee
    • Venture Co. Patron
    • Venture Co. Pyromaniac
    • Hired Muscle
    • Flavor Scientist
    • Taste Tester
    • Careless Hopgoblin
    • Venture Co. Honey Harvester
    • Royal Jelly Purveyor

The Rookery

  • Defeating Kyrioss updates the graveyard location to the Stormrider Barracks.
  • Kyrioss’ Grounding Bolt no longer leaves area denial.
  • Several Cursed Thunderers have been removed or replaced from packs in the dungeon.
  • Void-Cursed Crusher’s Void Crush no longer leaves area denial.
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    • Void Rider
    • Unruly Stormrook
    • Cursed Rooktender
    • Void-Cursed Crusher
    • Corrupted Oracle
    • Void Ascendant

Darkflame Cleft

  • Timer increased to 34 minutes. (was 30 minutes)
  • Defeating Blazikon updates the graveyard location to the Waxatory.
  • Minecart Event
    • Completing the mine cart event now updates the graveyard location to the Sprawling Trackyard.
    • Mine cart’s movement speed significantly increased while out of combat.
    • Enemies in the mine cart event have their health reduced by 10%
    • The Darkness’s health reduced by 10%.
    • The Darkness’s minimum health threshold during the mine cart event adjusted from 80% to 90%.
    • The Darkness’s encounter now ends at 55% health.
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    ○ Rank Overseer
    ○ Wandering Candle
    ○ Blazing Fiend
    ○ Sootsnout

Priory of the Sacred Flame

  • Defeating Baron Braunpyke updates the graveyard location to the Priory of the Sacred Flame.
  • Baron Braunpyke’s Hammer of Purity movement speed reduced by 40%
  • Baron Braunpyke’s Castigator’s Detonation now occurs after 5 seconds. (was 4 seconds)
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    ○ Ardent Paladin
    ○ Devout Priest
    ○ Elena Emberlanz
    ○ Fanatical Conjuror
    ○ Forge Master Damian
    ○ Lightspawn
    ○ Risen Mage
    ○ Sir Braunpyke
    ○ Taener Duelmal
    ○ Zealous Templar

Operation: Floodgate

  • Shreddinator 3000
    • Shreddation cast time increased to 3 sec (was 1.25 sec).
    • Shreddation cooldown increased.
    • Ramping damage from consecutive Shreddation Sawblade hits reduced by 50%.
  • Darkfuse Jumpstarter
    • Battery Discharge is now applied after a 2 second cast upon entering combat.
    • Battery Discharge now inflicts damage every 5 seconds. (was 4 seconds)
    • Battery Discharge damage increased by 11%.
  • Venture Co. Diver’s Harpoon can now be interrupted.
  • Venture Co. Electrician
    • Lightning Bolt cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 2 sec).
    • Overcharge cooldown increased.
  • Big M.O.M.M.A.
    • Jumpstart damage reduced by 10%.
    • Electrocrush damage over time reduced by 10%.
  • Swampface
    ○ Sludge Claws cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 1 sec).
    ○ The ally you are bound to by Razorchoke Vines is now highlighted.
  • Geezle Gigazap
    ○ Thunder Punch cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 1.5 sec).
    ○ The arrow indicator above a Leaping Spark fixated on the player is now red (was blue).
    ○ Leaping Spark contact damage increased by 100%.

During the test period you’ll be able to acquire and customize Mythic Keystones by talking to the Keystone Vendor in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and the nearby Dungeon Teleports NPC will assist you with transportation.

We look forward to hearing your feedback!


All I can say: still massively overtuned, unforgiving and frustrating experience, especially when playing with random players. Massive across the boards nerfs (30-50%, in some cases even more) need to happen before this goes live in order to be even remotely puggable…

Stop tuning the game for elitists, streamers, MDI champions and world first raiders. Use an average player as a baseline for tuning, be it M+, raids or anything else in the game.


Literally hasn’t even released the patch yet, and they’re getting harped on… READ THE BLUE TEXT!!! You still have 2 more hours before they claim it’s available. Even then, it’s not likely until tomorrow night.

Combined with the other blog post here:

I’m finally feeling excited about Season 2. It’s frustrating we had to go through this season 1, but looks like we can be setting up for a great rest of the expansion.


Fantastic changes. I actually feel like someone took the time to read and understand why we felt these dungeons were so oppressive. Looking forward to trying these out!

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Are you aware that by buffing base Mythic dungeons (M0) by 81%, that instead of making all the keys easier with the reduced scaling, they are all now significantly harder than the other day?

For example:
M0 is now equivalent to old M7
M10 is now equivalent to old M13
M14 is now equivalent to old M16.5

This appears to completely contradict this post:

I believe you intended for M+ to start scaling from a much lower base case and accidentally forgot the 81% buff to M0 would boost the base case before key scaling through the roof.

Edit: The 81% buff may be only affecting Operation: Floodgate, I’m seeing a 35% buff in Darkflame Cleft. Which still makes an M10 key 5% harder than it was last week, and every key level harder than before, again seemingly going against the blue post today.


Managed to snag some friends to do a quick Cinderbrew and I wanted to leave some additional feedback that was too long for in game report.

Dungeon: Cinderbrew Meadery
Key Level: 12
Group Composition:

  1. Tank - Templar Protection Paladin
  2. Healer - Wildstalker Restoration Druid
  3. DPS 1 - Colossus Arms Warrior
  4. DPS 2 - Packleader Beast Master Hunter
  5. DPS 3 - Scalecommander Augmentation Evoker

Overall Feedback - While this dungeon is a lot of fun, and super thematic (low stakes adventures can be fun too!), the big part of feedback is that a lot of unavoidable damage happens too frequently, and that falling behind during boss mechanics is a death sentence, making it very difficult to catch up during the encounters themselves, or the overall timer in the dungeon. Don’t kill blobs on IP’A fast enough? Boss gets a giant shield. Don’t kill Bee’s fast enough during Benk? You’ll be overwhelmed. Fail to blow the correct barrels for Goldie? Hope people have immunities because no amount of healing will save you. It feels like the whole key there’s not enough time to ever catch your breath, and slowing down means failure. Give us a bit of breathing room, as well as reduce some of the high damage events, and this is a great dungeon.

The Flaming Taps (Entrance Area): Not a ton of feedback here. Hired Muscles Volatile Keg deals a large amount of unavoidable damage that can be extremely dangerous when pulled in multiples. The double pull of this may be extremely difficult for groups to handle.

Other than that mobs felt fair, and had strong telegraphs for outgoing damage.

Brewmaster Aldryr (1st Boss):
My only piece of feedback for this encounter is the Keg Smash ability. The Hot Honey Mechanic was telegraphed on the ground away from players, but it gets placed on wherever the player is standing away from the visual que. Would like better clarity on this ability.

The Stills (2nd Area towards I’PA) -

All of the changes for this patch have been wonderful. Free Sample being kickable as well as cooldowns being spread out made this much more manageable when pulled with the Flavor Scientist.

Carless Hobgoblins however are a bit more problematic. The arrow they put over player’s heads when charging them can easily be missed. Additionally with how the enemy adjusts based on the player’s movement, they have to wait until the last second to get out of the way, or distance themselves before they charge. Getting picked as a melee DPS when this mechanic comes out sucks. Finally, the Brew Drops that spawn after charges, and on death can make it feel like an endless stream of enemies. Just how many Brew Drops can they fit in that barrel?

IP’A (Second Boss):

Honestly not a ton to say here. The boss’s mechanics felt legible and fair. My only complaint is that this room requires a decent amount of space to play, which could require clearing the whole room out in order to have a smooth boss fight. I spoke on it earlier but it makes this dungeon a lot longer, and makes the timer much harder due to its linear nature and difficulty of skipping enemies.

The Buzzbarns (3rd Area near Benk Buzzbee) -
The changes here have been fantastic. Mobs feel like you have some control over them, and short of Final Sting being a bit scary, no comments.

Benk Buzzbee -
Benk on the other hand has some feedback. Honey Marinade makes it so that there’s frequently times where melee just has to leave the boss and sit on their hands. Dropping the puddle as a tank feels hectic especially since there are timings where bees have just spawned, but you’re about to be hit by the tank buster.

Additionally the bee spawns combined with Fluttering Wing, can sometimes mean players eat a ton of unavoidable damage which can result in deaths very rapidly.

Like in my general feedback, falling behind in this encounter means its very difficult to catch up, whether that be healing or dealing with adds or Honey barrels.

Finally, sometimes the bee’s you ride to blow the Honey Barrels just points in a different direction causing you to miss important barrels.

The B.E.E.O. Suite -
No comments here.

Goldie Baronbottom -

Not much to say about Goldie. Navigating this fight as melee or as a caster that has to stand still and cast spells a lot, means this fight is frustrating. You spend a ton of time just dodging lava (Honey?) waves without really getting a second to breathe.

Let it Hail also does a ton of damage for how frequently she reaches 100 energy.

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Rookery and PotS just don’t feel… done?

If you make a mistake in PotS you just die, several of the bosses will kill you through CD’s if you get hit by one of their abilites. Prioress Murrpray; by far the hardest boss in there didn’t see any adjustments. Embrace the Light still requires commiting major cooldowns for and lust to prevent the ramping damage from quickly killing everyone the moment the healer CD runs out. The adds that come up the stairs still feel like they melee needs to be cut by 80% because of how fast they shred through whomever they fixate on.

The last boss of Rookery still feels insane, like it needs one less crystal to spawn and the time with the circles needs increased by 2-3 seconds before they detonate. This is a boss that is not difficult in an organized group, but handling the mechanic without preplanning and having a good vibe of where your other party members are going feels rough, if you miss an add they’re brutal.

The scaling also feels wrong? It’s like the adjustment decision was made yesterday and are not properly implemented on the PTR yet due to the engineering team only having a few hours to work on it kind of wrong. It specifically cites the onramp needing to be made easier and progressing to be made more simplistic, but the increase that was made at the M0 level feels it should have been halved from what we got. The random +3 I did felt way harder than it did last go around, which is obviously not what’s intended. +10 feels about the same.

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I think the changes to m0 and the new scaling is a bit off. Mobs have way more health and abilities that used to be somewhat manageable are now instantly killing players. Theres too many to list.

I shouldn’t be doing 4m hps on bosses to meet the heal requirements in a +8.

This was in Operation Floodgate by the way.

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Looks like the numbers scaling is a bit bugged/strange.

For example, now for Cinderbrew Meadery’s first boss:

Previous New %Increase
M0 171 321 88%
M2 188 229 22%
M3 206 243 18%
M4 227 263 16%
M5 249 280 12%
M6 275 299 9%
M7 302 321 6%
M8 333 344 3%
M9 365 368 1%
M10 (Tyr) 504 492 -2%
  1. For M0, boss’s health increase by around 88%.
  2. Even if it’s a bug, let’s assume we have a “true” M0 health, which is M2’s health/107% (Which is the new buff for every level in 1-10 M+) , that is around 214Million, that is a flat 25% buff to original M0 health.

I believe you can help clarify this issue, thank you very much.

Ofc they lied. They always do. That S2 M+ changes blog post is nothing but a typical Blizzard’s PR stunt aimed to trick ppl into thinking that S2 M+ will be easier and tolerable for it’s target PuG audience, but in reality it’s always completely opposite of what they advertise… Basically false marketing in action…

80+%(base M0 stealth buff)-((10%-7%)*10 key levels)=50+% net increase in difficulty on +10 key, really?

they didn’t lie tbh, they just are almost always late at putting in the right m0 scaling for m+ testing. this happened all of dragonflight and is what heavily contributes to bad m+ tuning early on because a bulk of your testing is done on irrelevant scaling

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Blessing of Sacred Flame in prioriy is currently giving so much damage to groups, meaning its almost a necessity to have a priest/paladin in the group.

Consider reducing its overall impact (currently worth 15%-30% of the DPS overall) or expanding the people that can use it, such as Lightforged Draenei and Jewelcrafters.

this, needs to have profession accessibility to be fair. having it only on 2 classes and it being so absurd can’t stay in the season

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We have discovered an issue where the expected health values of creatures in Season 2 Mythic dungeons are not properly reflected in Mythic Keystones. To address this, we are submitting a hotfix to update creature health values to align with increased player damage output, but creature damage dealt to players will not be affected by this change. We will continue to monitor Season 2 tuning and make adjustments as necessary throughout the remainder of the PTR testing cycle.

Additionally in this hotfix, players in +12 keystones will be scaled to item level 678 to better reflect the anticipated player power for later keystone levels.

Does this mean you feel that mob damage is in a good place? Because there are some enemies in +12 and +14 that do far too much group damage to be considered balanced. Some that come to mind are Bubbles in floodgate and Sir Braunpyke in Priory, where the healer is REQUIRED to hit at least 4M HPS in order to keep the group from dying – and classes that aren’t Mistweaver or Disc Priest are just flat unable to do that much healing in group content.

The additional health scaling added is a bit overkill. A boss in a +12 prior to the health scaling adjustment had approx 750m hp and a +13 had just under 800m , however after the scaling that same boss on a +10 had 865m hp… If you take that same scaling after the adjustment it would put the bosses HP at a +12 over a 1b hp…
Even with the increased ilvl these pulls after the scaling are a massive slog fest and feel like they just never die.
Please reconsider your HP scaling adjustment and revert or at minimum scale it back.

Please keep in mind, tuning for the .1% is not conducive for your overall player base. Your .1% will always find their challenge and wall with key level. Forcing a hard wall at a lower key level doesn’t feel good…


Gratz, you just turned M+ into even more frustrating, boring slog which contradicts your own intentions stated in recent S2 M+ changes blog post. Good job (not).

Creatures HP (as well as theirs damage) was already through the roof before the change and needed massive reduction across the board, not massive increase like you did for no reason at all…

So much for “we are listening to feedback”. Blizzard never changes and always does completely opposite of what game needs so badly…


This change seems to completely contravene the goals stated in this blue post:

Can you please clarify if you are trying to make keys at a given key level easier or harder?

The language in that post, especially around the change from 2850 to 3000 score for the Keystone Legend achievement indicate to me that your intention was to make keys at a given key level easier, but instead you have made them all harder, intentionally or unintentionally.