Feedback: Mythic+ Testing January 21st - January 28th

The War Within Season 2 dungeon continues on PTR today. The test period starts on Tuesday January 21st at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST), and ends Tuesday January 28th at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST). Please note that the test period may be adjusted in the event of technical difficulties.

This week testing is focused on the Season 2 Legacy dungeons:

  • Mechagon: Workshop
  • Theater of Pain

We are continuing to review combat pacing and tank busters in our legacy dungeons, as well as looking to modernize these dungeons where appropriate.

Operation Mechagon: Workshop
• The Tussle Tonks encounter has been updated.
• Waste Processing Unit no longer casts Process Waste.
• Junkyard D.0.G. no longer uses Metallic Jaws.
• Workshop Defender no longer uses Chainblade.

Theater of Pain
• The Affront of Challengers encounter has been updated.
• The Kul’tharok encounter has been updated.
• Putrid Butcher no longer uses Chop.
• Ossified Conscript no longer uses Cruel Slash.
• Maniacal Soulbinder no longer uses Soul Corruption.

• The Azerokk encounter has been updated.
• Azerite Extractor no longer uses Power Through.
• Weapon Tester no longer casts Force Cannon.
• Shale Biter no longer uses Shale Spit.
• Venture Co. Earthshaper no longer uses Earth Shield.
• Addled Thug no longer uses Clothesline and Knuckle Duster.
• Venture Co. Skyscorcher removed in the V.M.Z.

During the test period you’ll be able to acquire and customize Mythic Keystones by talking to the Keystone Vendor in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and the nearby Dungeon Teleports NPC will assist you with transportation.

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

Curious as to why dungeon bosses that, mind you, have been mythic+ bosses before, in some cases multiple times, have to be “updated”? Especially considering the track record for doing these updates is overwhelmingly not in your favor.


this isnt true at all there are alot of boss changes that they have made that were great. as for this testing the removal of some of the tank busters is also a nice change lol

Great changes, now PLEASE remove Challenger’s Peril and rollback the stun re-cast changes you guys did for this expansion and s2 is going to be saved.


Easy, they were notorious pain points or trivial during that M+ era, and are being updated to reflect the results of such experiences

why don’t you mention the new mechs you added as well? All the new AOE abilities? Why only mention 30% of the changes in PTR that you think those may attract more players coming back to WoW? Any one in PTR can tell you really really hate healers. Too much healers in LFG? Okay let’s add more AOE mechs, superrrrrrrrrrrr cooooooooool.


Are we getting these new dungeons anytime soon or what’s happening?

It will likely be either tomorrow or thursday with the patch changes

any update

Because they are fully aware that people in the PTR know these dungeon reworks are terrible. They are updated for the worse not the better and the remaining 70% of changes they won’t talk about here are changes that will have people quitting M+ like they did in Season 1.

ToP rework is pretty good with one major issue, timer feels a bit on the generous side.

Couple notes

-The affix can spawn during Xav the Unfallen’s duel phase. With the add affix, this creates an issue where either the boss is being buffed from the banner or is going to be at high risk of the dark prayer going off. This might be a bit cruel during the dispel affix as well if these can combo.
-The new ground swirl effects are great, but are clipping in the floor a lot (expecially bad during the last boss).
-The furious tantrum AoE during the second pull is dealing way to much damage. This needs cut in the realm of like 30-45%.

Kul’tharok, I’m not even sure what you’re supposed to do for this rework.

-The orbs feel like they should despawn and he should recast them 10 seconds after all players summon their adds.
-The adds have to much HP, but they can be rooted, knocked, gripped, stunned, and slowed.
-The AoE damage circles come out fairly fast preventing you from stacking after the adds are spawned (unnecessarily melee unfriendly)
-The adds come out rather late into the fight, and it seem like the boss will cast a second set of adds for another minute meaning you have around 2 minutes to kill the boss from the pull

It is not clear if you’re supposed to spread out the adds and kill them, stack them and kill them while trying to dodge the orbs, or stack them and root them in place while you ignore them for the rest of the fight.

Stacking them, and staying on them is very difficult while dodging the orbs and getting positioned for the next AoE damage circles that require a spread.

It is not clear if what the intended strat is for this, if we’re supposed to kill the adds the mechanic needs changed and they should probably ignore CC outright while having less health.

If you’re supposed to ignore them, it’s a pretty big ‘gotcha’ moment for the dungeon because that turns the dungeon into

-Lust first pull or first boss
-Kill Gorchop, get lust off CD
-Pop second lust and everything on Kul’Tharok
-Deplete the key if you wipe

This has pretty big S1 SL Hakkar vibes where the entire key is dependent on a single boss and a wipe will equate to an automatic bricked key due to how the boss appears to work.

My proposed fix would be either of the following

-Despawn the orbs and have the boss “transition” to add phase twice per fight at 60% and 30%. Give him a 99% DR while the adds are up and channel a wipe ability that goes off after 10-15 seconds. Have killing the adds remove the shield and allow the boss to be kicked.
-After the ability is kicked, have him restart the initial phase

Or just remove the adds, because they don’t really bring anything to the fight anyway. As they are right now, they’re just a thing that you may or may not deal with depending on the key level and if you’re popping lust. Bosses having awkward phases where they get exponentially longer because you’re killing or dealing with more adds the longer the fight goes on is something that has been removed from dungeons previously - see changes made to Seige in S1 for the last boss.


Came here to give my thoughts and someone already captured them quite succintly.

Only other thing to add is that you go super over % just playing the key normally. I do disagree that the timer is too generous, though. The other times so far in the S2 pool have just been too unforgiving.

So motherlode was basically unplayable at 8. We were playing the key on fortified, so I’m not sure why one of the half dozen bombs you have on the first boss now would wipe the whole group. I’m pretty sure there used to be fewer bombs, and I’m actually certain they didn’t do anywhere even remotely close to that much DMG before. It was more about the DMG loss than dying before.

The second boss was absolutely ridiculous, we couldn’t even get close. The incoming DMG was out of control with bleed stacks on top of it.

This is going to be another pass for me it’s looking like. You guys keep doubling down on pushing survivability instead of DPS and timers like you used to.


Theater of Pain: No notes, very well balanced.

Operation Mechagon: Again, pretty well balanced, nothing to note here

The Motherlode: What the actual flip did you do to the last boss? His gattling gun cone is way wider than the visual, one shots people, and overlaps with the bombs going off in horrendous ways. Plus, he moves so damn slow its impossible for a tank to move him into a safe spot.

Speed up boss’s movement speed and increase the helicopter movement speed.

I’ve been in about 10+ pugs for Motherlode now and every single one of them has disbanded at last boss.


Lich boss in TOP seems to have been nerfed down to actual reasonable levels, so well done there. Overall, I feel the key is in a perfectly fine spot besides the forces required.

Motherlode: I think overall this key is fine as of now. The changes to the big mech mobs (Peacekeeprs I think) make it so you just hard avoid them as much as possible. I think that’s pretty boring. However, there is a bigger problem with the forces required. I don’t have enough passion for that aspect that I want to do big critique of it, but suffice to say that the current force requirement is not in a good state. Dangerous pulls are disincentivized because they do not grant enough forces relative to the easier pulls.

Azerokk is not a fun fight still, and incredibly melee unfriendly, but I doubt it gets changed at this stage as it is a functional encounter.

The 3rd area is much easier than it previously was, at least on a +10, so you can actually play more packs in here, which is nice. The Mastermind’s Brainstorm is incredibly annoying, however.

3rd boss changes I don’t like, as it doubles down on the aspects of the encounter I found unenjoyable, but it works fine.

Just as before, you avoid literally as much trash in this final area as possible, and the mines are incredibly annoying. Were they made faster? They feel faster, but perhaps that’s just memory and the very real threat they possess.

The 4th boss has very poor Gatling Gun timings for how little/inconsistently he moves. It is a bit of a memory game, but basically if your tank messes up the positioning someone is dead in a way that feels pretty cheap. I think having ONE of these sketch Gatling guns happen is fine, but not every single one past the first. The adds in the intermission not moving is really quite annoying. I don’t remember them being so stubborn, but it was ages ago.

Overall, still better than any War Within key save Floodgate.

Operation Mechagon: Workshop: In generall, I’m a fan of most of the changes. The first boss does seem to be incredibly annoying to play, mostly because of the bombs/foe flipper/saws making the rather open area feel extremely restrictive.

I’m a big fan of the changes to the oozes, and the trash to the second boss in general besides the dogs. The Fiery Jaws is just way too overtuned and being able to get double leaped without any counterplay is pretty cheesy. You should be able to stun the cast and not have it recast, imo, or make it not so common to get double leaped, otherwise it’s just a very obvious way to slow down the pulls for no other reason than because you want us to be slower.

Second boss is fine, but there needs to be way better communication to the healer what they need to do what the debuff here. It feels very similar to E.D.N.A in Stonevault, where the tank is just completely out of control of their fate if the healer is clueless about managing it properly, but in a different way.

The improvement to the Capacitor Discharge on the miniboss is nice, but why does the Sonic Pulse, which is a straight up one-shot, not have any signaling beside the mob turning that direction? A visual for this would be appreciated as I have done several Workshops and have seen people eat dirt to Sonic Pulse every time without fail.

3rd boss still holds up. At first I felt it a bit unreasonable but after playing it a few times I think it’s fine, just need lust. I think it would be nice if the Flame Cannon only had one overlap with the plant every minute-ish instead of every time to be a bit more reasonable, but that’s about it as the whole gimmick is to dodge stuff.

The final trash pack will still never be played. Idk why that is hard to understand. High damage DoTs into AoE is of course a staple at this point when the devs are out of ideas on how to make a pack hard, but let’s try something new, eh?

Final boss felt fine.


hard agree on this, having packs that aren’t reasonable to be played and are pmuch force skipped is very silly. should try something diff with it


Motherlode Feedback

First boss area

Peacekeepers are overtuned straight up, charged shield being 15 seconds and the melees are undodgable during so guaranteed insane group damage or perma kite it (unfun and bad design imo). Other trash mobs seem completely fine, but yea the peacekeepers need either a way lower duration on the charged shield or be able to dodge/reduce group damage via mitigation (make the dam they take based on what you take)

Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler

Fight seems fine, there is a couple spawn points for the bombs where you cannot kick them in because of an invisible wall but overall the outcome is fully controllable and the coin magnet visual is a fantastic change.

2nd boss trash
Extractors are slightly too strong imo and a few too many of them, would like to see a couple removed and replaced by other mobs so you can choose to do bigger pulls with 1 extractor.

Stonefury mobs are same story as the extractors, too many of them would like to see some mob variety in this area to make pulling more fun and less stressful feels like you have to do some really weird mob separation to form efficient pulls atm.

First major change is just make the adds not able to pick the healer, everyone else is fine but having it pick the healer and adding a lot of unavoidable dam isn’t good imo. Add a clear circle visual when he does resonant quake so people know especially beginning of the season there’s a zone spawning under his feet.

Fight other than the 2 things pointed out seem fine.

3rd boss trash
Only real issue I have in this area is just the Masterminds spawning Brainstorm under mobs feet and the circle not being visible because of this, this mob also requires a lot of forced movement in a mostly cramped area so maybe remove the patting of the masterminds or push the initial death zone back a bit (the one that you take the cart to avoid)

Rixxa Fluxflame
Only real issue I have with this fight is Azerite Catalyst should come down slower to allow for more skillful space conservation.

4th Boss Trash
Same issue w/ the extractors is there’s too much war machine mobs and nothing you can really pull them with without excess grouping time, once again this whole area is incentivized to be skipped from not being worth the time spent.

Mogul Razdunk
You need to add a visual to where the heads are going to shoot out Micro Missiles especially since moving the boss is hard, do to spell sequencing being too fast and Mogul having buggy ranged autos similar to Jaina in BoD which makes it very awkward to move. Slow down the spell sequencing or make his autos melee range only so you can actually move him without it being clunky and slow. Phase 2 make the shoots from Skyscorchers do more damage but give it a 5 sec CD or so so you can actually group them up and hit them.