Feedback: Mug’Zee, Heads of Security (Heroic)

Testing for Mug’Zee, Heads of Security (Heroic) begins today at 13:00 PT (16:00 ET, 22:00 CET).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

Boss feels immensely overcooked in its current state.

The boss throws out too many mechanics too quickly, and I feel like something about the crawler mines isn’t working as intended because sometimes they’re exploding out of the blue.

Like, the boss feels overcooked but I also feels like the boss just doesn’t function properly and it desperately needs at least one more round of testing.


Felt like a bit much for heroic. It might help if the cluster bombs from blowing up a bomb spread over less distance, or if there were fewer bombs (or cluster bombs per bomb). The ice spikes were also a little tricky to coordinate, since if two people stood behind the same wall, one would die. I’m sure there’s a clever way to manage it by assigning walls or using immunities but we usually lost one or two to that each set.

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Weird and unintuitive

Also we were scaled ~10ilvl below current live characters?

Bomb side
Lightning turrets are dealing damage beyond reason
Crawling Bombs are damage immune, they are seemingly immune to slows but break on damage CC works such as frost nova, making it an unbreakable CC since add is damage immune. We were playing 20man, we got 5? adds. Every kind of bomb triggering felt bad. Fragments impact too fast to react soak it with anything except blinking directly on top of it.

Elemental side
It was a great idea to remove the ice pool with the sliding after the 20th anniversary event, glacial spike slippery ground could use the same treatment of being removed a week ago.

Boss being out of LOS of ranged attacks because of the earthen walls doesnt really make sense. This illustration may describe the concern:
gyazo. com/c7120f29487f6c1e08911e7c7e95206d

Seems like also people trapped inside the earthen walls can be also targeted by glacial spike, didn’t have enough time to check if it is because too many were trapped or its bugged/intended

Lightning turrets were consistently 1 shotting the 10th person in the chain. Every pull. Unless it hit someone with cheat death.

Chiming in with the rest. It seems like something is wrong with this fight.