Feedback: Monks

Purify you never blackout combo but CB you definitely do in m+ especially on higher tyran keys or early on in packs when you have low stacks. A lot of bosses have extremely slow autos or very weak autos so you can’t build up purified chi how you want (vexamus, last boss azure vault, emberon, and chronolord deios). All of those bosses have very low auto damage or extremely slow autos and with our live stats we dodge most of them which makes our purified chi gen extremely low. This combo was also really strong on mythic fyrakk prog

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The talent Rushing Reflexes in the general tree will attack neutral enemies, making it very annoying to use. Would like if it were replaced with Skyreach, but just the tiger palm dash part of it, not the crit part.


After bit more testing and looking at live vs beta, BrM self healing is definitely feeling bit low when it comes to generating orbs as well as how much the orbs heal. Something to look into. Cant say perfect play here but looking though logs getting 300k hps seems miniscule for new patch especially compared to other tanks on beta. Shado pan feels way more stout than. Obviously testing is early stages and nothing hard to simulate M+ or Higher raiding. But gift orbs seem miniscule as well as celestial brew feels weak. Feels like brew’s playstyle is stuck in MoP/WoD/Legion era of tanking

Have you tried taking Rushing Reflexes?

Chi wave- Chi wave being an instant cast range spell gave it a small utility that allowed us to hit at range while moving. Would it be possible to give us a talent that would allow us to cast crackling jade lighting while on the move to replace it?

r1 WW pvp feedback:

I did a few shuffles / skirmishes etc tested every hero talent tree and different builds and I cant put it in words how clunky and weird WW feels.

Like the start of an arena game already feels like you’re just a mindless machine.
There is absolutely no setup you go in and press tigerpalm into rising sun kick and that is what you are going to do for the entire game. The only impactful damage is Whirling dragon punch into 8x Blackout Kicks and everything else is literally tickling.

I am just absolutely unsatisifed how windwalker has no options to press anything else other than tigerpalm or blackout kick to refresh hitcombo or mastery, it makes the rotation feel way waaaay too dull and telegraphed to the point it becomes really clunky in pvp. Also the amount of CC and micro CC hasnt changed so that you’re at a point of permanently chasing someone or being peeled away, which means WW spends a LOT of time to use mobility and try to get back to target.

Skyreach Dash has to return asap. This class will not see competitve gameplay if this is the truth of how it is going to look like in terms of mobility.
And I dont even like Skyreach that much, in fact I love WoD/MoP WW. Unfortunately though it became a necessary evil for WW as long as the universal micro cc design and the “give every class everything” attitude stays in pvp.
Like do you guys even understand that WW is one of the only melees in the game which have to be in melee range at ALL times with 0 dots or lockdown potential.
If you’re not within melee range windwalker literally does 0 damage. On top of all of that Windwalker is also the easiest class to shutdown and has zero ways of fighting back against Crowd Control.

Iv’e played the beta ever since BFA and this is the first time I am absolutely not interested into logging on and doing more than the few games I did on my WW. Also the fact, the honor talents havent been updated or drastically changed / reworked is absolutely embarassing.

I left here some ideas and more indepth explainations in terms of Honor Talents and certain PvP annoyances, if interested.


No it isn’t. HotJS triggers off of Celestial Conduit at 150% rate.
But, in PvE, you should have it regardless of build since it’s just a strong button.

But, I wouldn’t be opposed to it triggering off of a different ability.
“After consuming 30 stacks of Teachings of the Monastery…” would be lit for Fistweavers.
For Casters, though, I’m not sure.

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Of course, but as usual your rolls are just flying on cd in no time if you are fighting especially mages or evoker in a large arena. The options they have to keep you on distance are insane. And that, while they hit you with a truck when trying to reach them!

Just don’t forget that you are doing nothing outside of melee range, while you get permanently slowed, since a lot of classes do that passively with their damage rotation from a lot more range than you can hit!

Nothing more to add. The melee with the highest melee range dependency that barely has any cc to keep targets in place and no dots to bridge the gap, should at least have the most uptime potential of all melees.

That is unfortunately not given with the current class designs!!

I don’t mean to disparage your post and feedback, but a lot of melees are pure melee. Ret Paladin and Survival Hunter are more of an exception than the rule.
Warriors can’t do anything outside melee range, same as WW.


Please please merge Improved Invoke Niuzao into the base Invoke Niuzao AND reduce Invoke Niuzao’s cooldown from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.
BrM’s major cooldown is just so weak and worthless as it is right now.

It’s pretty much identical to live healing but our hp is double, gift of the ox crits are a little more than what i get on live. Celestial Brew at 7 stacks was a 1.5 mill shield (over 5 mill hp vs 2 mill on live). Also our stagger is 16% (around 39% in shuffle) which is a little bit more than half of what it should be


Shado-pan is tuned abysmally for both Brew and WW. Hitting a single target dummy for 2 minutes netted me 2 procs for Brew, and 14 procs for WW.

This makes the related hero talents like Against All Odds or the Wisdom of the Wall capstone nearly useless as you’ll have abysmal uptime on the former and might not even see a proc on the latter during a dungeon boss or raid fight.

The rest of the Shado-Pan tree itself is really passive and just, kind of there. The alternative for WW (Conduit of the Celestials) just feels better, both from a gameplay perspective (channeling Celestial Conduit gives you a chance at your energy regen to work if you’re low, especially if you press Unity Within early) and from a flavor perspective where all of the celestials occasionally come out and help you out. The alternative for Brew (Master of Harmony) is better offensively and defensively on-demand since you get two charges of Celestial Brew and Fort Brew giving a Chi Cocoon.


For example max crit ive got on beta was 960k gift of the ox, random key i logged on live 823k and again on beta we have more than double the HP we do on live so it’s not matching up whatsoever. Celestial Brew on live was also 1.6 mill so it’s quite similar

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All the celestials proc off of conduit from unity within, so I guess you can argue none of the other abilities are needed to proc any of them, but that’s a separate cooldown so you’d still be giving up a significant 1 minute additional cooldown from using Sheilun clouds that you can’t get in any other way.

Having it passively proc stacks off of something else is one option, though they seem to be trying to control the timing of it via clouds since the cloud number changes if you spec into Veil of Pride. If they basically just want it to be a one minute cooldown, maybe the choice talent should just be an active one minute cooldown you can control on its own. They wanted to get rid of button bloat, but this way it’d be a choice between an extra button or having to link it to Sheilun.

Or to avoid having an additional hotkey maybe they could make a choice talent where if you cast SooM on your Jade Serpent Statue you activate Heart of the jade Serpent and it can only occur once per minute. You’d probably still just make a macro for it and track the cooldown in a weakaura but at least you’d have another choice to use it without Sheilun.

I do think most people just spec into it anyway which is also kind of annoying since the tree is already bloated with options you feel like you can’t take over better ones. Sheilun was added in DF to make up for how weak the MW’s cooldown options were in M+, so there’s already a bunch of talents you’ll probably never take because of talents that feel mandatory, like Sheilun. If Sheilun is meant to always be taken it should be baseline or higher in the tree. If not, other talents should probably be made more competitive with it and hero talents shouldn’t depend on it.

You misunderstood that part. It doesn’t mean that they don’t need melee range to do maximum damage. It is about that most other melees have either

  • insane mobility (DH, Rogue)
  • a lot of dots to bypass downtimes
  • range abilities that helps them as a gap closer (throw glaves, chains of ice, desintegrate, poisoned knife, the hunt, …), some even in their normal dmg rotation
  • stun lock to keep targets in range
  • direct gap closer to the target from up to 30 yards (charge, shadow step, …)
  • immunities to knocks/roots/snares (glimpse, bladestorm, Death advanced, …)
  • don’t need melee range for a lot of dmg abilities (dk, ret, sv)
  • and so on

A monk on the other hand can’t press any real button outside of melee range. With TWW you can get your snare to 10 yards range with 2 talent points, thats it. Still no dots, still no stun lock, still no direct gap closer, still no insane mobility. In fact, they even nerfed mobility for ww in total.

WW feels like a low budget DH. It has nothing left that made the spec so great and fun in MoP when it was released!


I’d argue that Monks have better mobility in TWW than Rogues and DH or at least as good.
Chi Torpedo, Tiger’s Lust, Lighter than Air, Rushing Reflexes, Escape from Reality/Linked Spirits etc plus Speed amps.

Leg Sweep, Disable, Ring of Peace

Without wanting to be too mean, but then you have no clue what you are talking about!

50 sec cd on 8 yards range, if you skill 3 points into it. Disable is another 2 points and how many classes can remove snares, get immune to it or simply outrange you by better slows? Ring of peace is another 45 sec cd that doesn’t keep targets in range, not to mention the part about

  • immunities to knocks/roots/snares

in my previous post.

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OK Bro whatever you say. If you could only function in PVP with Skyreach I’d say that’s a L2P issue.

The new talent rushing reflexes is bad. Skyreach is funcionally way better.


I preferred Skyreach as well but it’s still mobility.