Feedback: Liberation of Undermine (Normal)

Testing for Normal difficulty, Liberation of Undermine (excluding Gallywix) begins today at 14:00 PT (17:00 ET, 23:00 CET) and ends Monday, January 20th at 09:00 PT (12:00 ET, 18:00 CET).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

First boss bugged out and didn’t re-enter P1 after we finished P2.

  • Boss 2 (Cauldron of Carnage), The giant bomb soak did less damage if nobody soaked it than if we all stood in it on normal. Literally 8 people with 36 mill almost killed people. if no one stood in it it did like 2 mill a person.

Lockensprocket doesn’t have any mechanics that can wipe the raid on normal mode (I don’t think this is a bad thing) but not having the bombs from heroic really makes the fight a noticeable step easier than the other normal mode bosses which have a simple mechanic that if messed up can wipe you.

Stix Bunkjunker felt amazingly correct for a normal mode boss. Right difficulty, and no bugs. No notes.

In direct contract to this Stix Bunkjunker was amazingly bugged.

Scrap that cant be rolled over (from the first cycle).

If your ball is full size you can’t roll into bombs (inconsistent).

Intermission is only happening once?

1st boss and Stix Bunkjunker are incredibly bugged currently, with the former afking after P2 ends and the latter dropping un-removable bombs and junk piles constantly.

Y’all also seriously need to cut down on the amount of trash in this raid, because oh my goodness is this excessive.

Test was so incomplete. Do three 1~7 run, one day one run.

Stix Bunkjunker has many issues. In 3rd run, the machine totally malfunctioned: rolling the ball couldn’t collect trash to gain energy, or after the energy was full, it couldn’t defuse the bomb, making it completely impossible to defeat.

Cauldron of Carnage and Rik Reverb have unreasonable health value. We spent over 10 minutes and activated two Blood Lusts to defeat Cauldron of Carnage, whereas Rik Reverb only took 90 seconds. Because of this, we specifically paused to wait before entering phase 2 in 2nd run.

MugZee’s difficulty is unreasonable, with an overly tight timeline. This level of tightness shouldn’t appear on normal difficulty.