Feedback: Launch Concerns

So what is the over-under that high pop realms like Illidan, Area-52, etc. won’t just buckle instantly?

In every xpac where we’ve had a chokepoint the servers have crashed.

Maybe consider letting us talk to the faction leader in each capital about the visions instead of Silithus. Stick a few quests/scenarios in the interim that can then throttle how quickly folks make it to Silithus and into the Chamber (which is instanced).

I’m not sure we should be banking on the 3-day early access, which frankly a lot of people will consider mandatory (whether it truly is or isn’t).

Historically the only xpac where high pop realms didn’t fallover that I can think of was Legion, since we sent along to scenarios immediately and then choose your own adventure across 4 zones.

  • DF crashed (for sure down for several hours - also gave up - even tried to cheese it with a second account to phase me into low-pop realm, no dice).
  • SL crashed (can’t remember - I wen’t to bed)
  • BFA crashed - didn’t come up until midnight EST (when folks basically gave up)
  • Legion was ok
  • WoD crashed (can’t remember how long, just before garrison)
  • MoP - can’t remember, but I think this was the age of queues still to prevent crashing.

Another alternative would be enabling temporary realm transfers to spread the load that way. Then on first maintenance, or just a planned 1-2 hour outage, everyone gets moved back. Let’s get creative.

Frankly, the “best launches in history” have all been meaningless on full pop realms.

And we’ll get over it and survive

Yep. Or they can just fix it.

Especially when you are being asked for an extra $40 and may lose at least 1 of the 3 days.

Highly doubt we will experience a crash during the 3 day early release. Usually it’s due to the sheer volume of traffic and there just aren’t that many epic edition prepurchases to consider it an issue.

on the day of official launch I expect Area 52 to be unplayable, Illidan will probably just be lagfest. A52 feels like the redheaded stepchild and just never functions right on launches, Illidan usually handles them pretty smoothly(by comparison) in my experience.

Regardless, I’ll be max level on two characters before the official launch either way and will probably wait a day or two after launch to log back in when my friends hit max level. It’s just not worth dealing with the lag and instability. And no, this won’t ever be fixed. Why would they make a substantial infrastructure investment to cure woes that only last 3-4 days TOPS, once every 18 months?

We are in the same boat. Illidan has definitely been down for the last few xpacs (until at least around midnight or so EST).

I agree, which is why I recommended not throwing us all in the same zone immediately.

I still think they can leverage low pop realms as the “temp” locations, without truly needing to stand up new infrastructure.

What they would need is some process to move you over temporarily and then move you back. Given that realm transfers already exist as a service, I’m sure they can hobble together something. That “something” could be re-used every launch.

it will certainly be interesting to see how much the early access impacts server stability in August. Hope i can remember to come back to this post.

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THis is why I xferred my main off Area 52 to Thrall.
Still a lot of people, but not the cesspool of lag and toxicity a52 is.

Heh, I moved to sargeras lol. Much the same reason.

For TWW it would be helpful, that people avoid coming back on release after a long break. It would be better to log in for the first time after a long break during pre-patch.

The reason is, that on the initial login all characters get converted to the Warbands system.

Doing this conversion on release day would put additional load onto the servers and databases. Also it includes the risk that the conversion gets interrupted, and characters end up in a corrupt state due to server issues on release day.