Feedback: Lack of new and diverse tameable creatures in TWW Beta

Hello Hunters,

I wanted to bring this up to the hunter community, and see how you all feel about it as well. After looking at all of the (currently) tameable beasts in the TWW section on Petopia, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of new and diverse options given to us compared to when Dragonflight launched.

Firstly, for the first time since World of Warcraft came out, no new family has been introduced. I know a lot of hunters would’ve been happy to see a new “Deepflayer” family considering they’ve been asking for them since Zaralek Cavern became available.

Secondly, from what I’ve noticed, most of the tameable beasts in the new zones are recycled beasts from Nazjatar, and Dragonflight. Hermit Crabs, Crabs, Wolves, Salamanthers, Tidal Worms, and Goats are the main ones I saw throughout Isle of Dorn, the Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall.

Thirdly, this is what’s currently been discovered on the Beta.

Beast Family Amount of Colour/Model Variations Is it an existing model from a previous expansion?
Dustmoths Moths 4 Yes
Candleflies Moths 6 No
Spiked Crabs Crabs 1 Yes
Hermit Crabs Crabs 1 Yes
Rock Snails Snails 1 Yes
Sea Slug Worms 2 No
Jawcrawlers Worms 14 No
Cinderbees Wasps 6 No
Shalehorns Stags 5 No
Threadlings Spiders 5 No
Undercrawlers Spiders 5 No
Moles Rodents 19 No
Skippers Toads 5 No
Ramoliths Gruffhorns 53 No
Lynxes Cats 2 No
Swarmites Blood Beasts 16 No
Stagshells Beetles 14 No

For a total of 159 new tameable creatures compared to Dragonflight’s well over 200 new tameable creatures. Let’s not skip over the fact that 53 (33%) of these new creatures come from a VARIATION of a single sheep: the Ramolith.

I don’t want to say it’s “too early” to complain about it, 'cause the expansion launches in 2-3 months. I really am concerned about the lack of diversity offered to hunters when it comes to choosing a pet.

What are your thoughts?


So I know absolutely nothing about hunters or pets, but the fact that you went in there and charted all this gets a like from me.



Thank you! I really wanted to show actual numbers so people can analyze it better. Hopefully this post reaches more hunters!


Need moar pets


I just dont feel like Blizz understands how much some hunters like pets. I think this is also why Blizz refuses to add back spec changing. In their minds its just ‘well use a different pet’ but I dont want to. I want to use my favorite pet and not be punished if its cunning.


They really don’t, 'cause if they did, they wouldn’t give us 53 of the same sheep and call it a day.

Yeah, my favourite pets are the Ottusks, and I can only use them as my “animal companion” pet while in raid or M+. I could technically still use them as my main pet, but I’d lose precious buffs/CDs.


One of my absolute fav parts of being a hunter is discovering new pets, and of course, making new friends with some of them.

I knew going in since it was going to be ‘underground’ chances were high it’d mostly be bugs, spiders, worms, maybe bats.

and it is. Not my thing but glad for folks who do enjoy it.

But that there’s so little else? it’s really a huge bummer. Especially when the storm gryphons are there. Beautiful models and really awesome! …and only one MIGHT be tamable, and it seems to be a spirit beast that’s a secret tame.

I love secrets, I do, but I want more than just the blue one. Please blizz make the other storm gryphons tameable. They don’t need to be elementals!

So often you guys do this. Introduce absolutely awesome models and then you don’t let us have them during that expansion. ( like the unicorns, the cloud serpents ) Please for the love of Azeroth! give us the awesome pets NOW. Don’t make us wait years. Let us have something to really enjoy.

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I totally agree with you. I’m very happy some hunters get to tame their dream pets!

It’s honestly the main problem… :frowning: I sighed when I took a look at all of the unused appearance for the new Lynxes. Out of all of those colours and models…2? Only 2? Really?

The cloudrooks were the ones I was looking for the most out of the bunch. Nope. Elementals. Go figure.

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I’ve had this discussion else where. A LOT of hunters love pets… It’s why they play the class at all!

So why don’t they show up here? Because when they have they get shouted at by other hunters.

Because some folks believe if you ask for three things, the easiest thing to ‘fix’ will get fixed and blizz will ignore everything else. So daring to bring up pets outside of ‘let us change their specs’ gets drowned out by that crowd.

So yes this matters to a lot of folks! thanks for bringing it up :slight_smile:

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Currently been cleaning up my own stable roster, and I was wondering about stable size. I stabilized at 175/205 for the time being, waiting for more info


You ain’t gonna fill those stables up with all of the new TWW looks, I’m telling ya. Unless you’re going after all of the Ramolith’s appearances. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I feel like Blizzard has different opinions of hunters vs players. To them they’re the range shootie class that has a pet I GUESS. To most players its “I want to be with my animal bond”. So there no effort on their part to make the pet part meaningful. Back when you had to keep your pet happy and other things a lot of hunters gushed about how much fun it was. Some players that wanted the shootie class hated it because… well they didn’t want the pets to begin with.

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Nah I know but, standing by to know more. I feel like we’re missing info

This is also the first expansion without a new family, unless I’m mistaken.

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It is, and that’s why it was also my very first point in the thread 'cause it feels so weird to not have a new family. :frowning:

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I think like Cataclysm and other expansions Hunters should get special taming challenges with unique and awesome looking pets! But hey that’s just me man idk.


Yes! I honestly miss those more challenging tames. I also enjoy secret tames like Bloodgullet.

What I dislike the most is the new trend of having a 100 variations of the same creature. The Somnowls look great, but, like someone mentioned on Petopia, it is a tedious treasure hunt if you want to find the variation you’re looking for. You pretty much have to rely on luck.

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We are potentially getting a taming challenge. There is a blue storm gryphon that is marked tamable and a riddle like clue associated with him in a dungeon. The secret just hasn’t been worked out yet.

Aradan (Mourning Stormrook) is on wowhead.


Yeah, been keeping an eye out for this on the secret finding discord in case someone discovers something about it!

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Until we actual can use whatever pet we want without gimping ourselves I couldn’t care less to be honest. I have not blinked once about what new pets we get in a expansions since WoD or something, back when we could actually pick the pet and then choose the benefit.

Until they revamp how pets work and lets us bring the pet not the pet buffs then I find it hard to care. Don’t get me wrong, I want to care but… we all know it’s more or less the same small amount of old pets we’ll use anyway.

Please Blizzard rework how pets work. We got a updated stable, which was by far less needed but still appreciated. Thank you!