Feedback: Initial Naxxramas Testing

We’ve now opened a very early version of Naxxramas on the Season of Discovery PTR.

While this version of Naxxramas is still in development and is not fully complete, we want to give this a few rounds of PTR testing and get it into your hands as early as possible before the holidays. The only difficulties available in Naxx are the default, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Difficulties above 5 are not available on PTR. Tuning is largely placeholder. Confirming the difficulty via a ritual currently only requires one player. This will require more on release. Expect trash and bosses to have inconsistent health and damage values. These are not indicative of final numbers, coming later. Loot drops are not yet implemented.

We’ll close the raid for testing on Monday, December 23.

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Please remove the final tier set bonus restriction to only undeads. It restricts creativity and mixing and matching set bonuses. And it makes you carry more gear in your bags, that’s awful.


Originally, since there was only one version of the sets for each class, a quest was enough, bringing the mats + tokens for the piece of loot that you wanted.
The devs decided to change that on AQ40 since we have multiple sets per class now and i frankly do not know why.
In any other raid, you could get your offspec gear by simply turning a token into the vendor and getting your desired tier piece, now on AQ and Naxx, you need to bring other materials as well, making basically any offspec piece cost too much for the effort (imo)
I would like to see them implement the quests back, with the first turn in allowing us to choose which spec gets the gear, much like the enchants in ZG, but after that, the npc no longer offers the quest, but becomes a vendor that turns JUST THE TOKEN into an offspec or secondary piece of your choosing, i dont think its a good idea to have to pay hundreds of gold or wait months for prices to drop(which might never happen since people will stop running those raids at some point and prices go back up).

I presume this is the right spot for the second round of Naxx PTR feedback as well :man_shrugging:

The hard mode spider eggs that don’t blow up remain after a fight and keep you in combat via proximity. Leaving people to have to run back wasting time and finding a safe spot somewhere, if forces to re-enter combat again walking by them it’s really annoying.

Loatheb is completely trivialized by shadow priest passive healing and mage healer beacon healing to the point where the main mechanic may as well not exist.
If this is an ‘intended’ reward for bringing new flashy SoD style specs to a raid I understand if that was the vision for Loatheb as a boss. Otherwise the debuff on those classes needs to either nullify those types of healing or reduce them significantly to present a challenge. Presume it’s the same for however the retribution passive healing works as well.

but then how do they give us new gear in the scarlet raid