Feedback: I don't like timed content

Just forget it exists.

You don’t actually need it to 5 star

Okay, but once people realize that the timer means nothing they should be able to get over that sense of urgency.

There is barely any consequences for not timing it

I like timers, but I don’t like what they do to player psychology. This thread is pretty much case-in-point.

Timed content can be an absolute hoot in a singleplayer game, but the moment you have to start playing around other people’s expectations, it gets messy.

Thankfully, Torghast is playable singleplayer - though unfortunately it’s a heck of a lot easier to just find a group.

It’s funny, one of my favorite games of all time - Majora’s Mask - has a very lenient timer. You’re given 3-6 hours per ‘loop’, which is not only longer than most people’s average play session, but more than enough time to complete any activity you might need to. Heck, some people have nailed it to such a degree that they can complete the entire game within one time loop.

But one thing I hear, time and time again, from people who just could not get into it? The timer ticking, constantly, just stressed them out way too much, no matter how lenient. It didn’t matter that they had three hours, the constant need to keep up with the timer just ruined the fun.

So while I may have had an absolute hoot with it … I can see why it’d stress people out, as well.


The issue is the entire star rating. 9.0 Torghast was simple, beat the floor equals beat the floor. Challenge complete, good job!

Now it is Challenge complete! But you did a bad job of it. 3/5

I don’t personally care, just speculating as to why others may not like the new system.

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People didn’t like that that you could die and fail, so they changed its win condition.

they’re not just going to give people BiS gear for 0 effort.

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Or be bad like me, overpull, die.

I find that first torghast death to player badness to be quite liberating.

Cool…now I officially don’t care about this run. Now its just an ash run. Skip time assuming you can nuke floor bosses seen well.

The Torghast timer is incredibly forgiving. And if done right, you can ignore it entirely.

Don’t forget that (if you have it) venari rep can give you a free death.

just get your legendaries and get out ditch the place never do it again tell blizz it sucks as you have and tell them they failed again implementing legendaries into the game and hopefully ion will quit lying and they will be gone forever like torghast. and keys is not mandatory unlike torghast there’s stilll regular old mythics and raiding. keys are not mandatory people get everything else done without running a single key unlike raiding with special gear now yay i love blizz’s intake on endgame lol keys didn’t ruin dungeons for you before keys there was nothing to be had from them anyway junk loot.

I got a flat hundo. Guess I can’t do raids or tazavesh anymore :frowning:

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I work in EMS. Every day is Monday, additionally you’re on fire, you’re rig is on fire, and 6 people lost their battle with gravity and fell into fire and it’s hour 32 on a 48, and the Circle K is out of Bang.

This is exactly it. Rather than making Torghast more challenging with enemy mechanics or floor design, it was less costly development-wise to simply add on a timer and increase the health and damage of the mobs.

And now most of the hardcore elitists (WoW’s only players that matter as of this expac) are suddenly satisfied with Torghast because those 5 stars really stroke their ego.


What are you talking about? Gear doesn’t drop in Torghast.

Timers and underwater levels worst things in gaming industry

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I am inclined to agree.

Timed content made torghast which was average to a below average experience now.

The only time I liked underwater content a lot was back in the Sonic the Hedgehog days.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I hate timers as a general rule, its what turned me off mytic+
However for torghast its not a huge deal. You dont need to get 5 stars or anything and ive got 4 stars without rushing. Im sure you can get 5 stars while ignoring the timer completley and just sitting afk for an hour in the middle of it.

So in this instance, the timer doesnt bother me at all.

If you work the completion, empowered and bonus objectives you can largely ignore the timer and still do just fine in Torghast. The only impact the timer really has in mythic+ is the downgrading of a key. You get basically the same rewards for finishing an untimed key as you do a timed one.

It’s the direct line to legendaries

Yep, I have not did mythic+ since early legion and I will not do torghast+ either. It’s not fun and never will be, I don’t do content I hate.

This has yet to be my experience. I usually end up at four diamonds and the missing score seems to be in the timer category. I feel I am moving at a reasonable pace for someone doing full clears, and I am geared or over-geared for the torghast level according to the ilvl guidelines they added.

My point is not that it’s unachievable. If it’s generally doable I am sure I can learn whatever the trick is. My point is I’m not sure why the WoW team is so determined to make every activity in their formerly relaxing, enjoyable happy past-time into a stressful, timed, unenjoyable activity to me that insists on “rating” my playtime for me. Who asked for this?

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