We want them to go back to the drawing board, because what they drew is bad. You’re acting like these changes are set in stone when the overwhelming feedback is telling them no.
If it’s core to the function of the spec, then the eagle should be prominent and explained from the get-go to MM hunters. It isn’t either.
If it’s not important to be prominent or explained to new players, then it shouldn’t be core to the gameplay.
The eagle is a core part of how the spec plays or works, and we don’t like it. It’s the feedback we’re giving because to us, MM is more than just ‘numbers and buttons pressed’, which is the view you’ve held.
of the bm spec not the class as a whole. go play bm if you want a pet oreintated spec.
they have a pet orientated spec.
i do lmao i also play hunter.
Class comes before spec. It’s the unifying theme of all three specs. Thats why you have to specifically opt out of having one. You choose to be a petless hunter. You don’t choose to be a marksman with a pet
MM is still a pet spec.
The second quote you quoted does not mean what you think it means
lol thats fair but not the pet spec. there is an enitre spec based around collecting and using cool pets. so this excuse of but muh pets is going to fall flat in my eyes
So it doesn’t mean that they’re putting pets back into the forefront of MM? Praytell, what does it mean to reembrace pets as a part of Marksmanship’s identity in a unique and fantasy-forward way?
There is no such thing as the pet spec for hunters. All hunters use pets by default, and MM hunters could still collect and use cool pets.
yes there is its called BEAST MASTER almost like it is completely themed around the pets saying anything else is just asinine. it is the theme of the spec completely so this idea with them acting like marksman needs a pet as part of its rp is just dumb.
Is there a the hamburger at a local hamburger joint? No? There’s a variety of types based on the preference and desires of the customer?
That’s the same for hunter. All hunters use pets by default. Each spec gives them more customization regarding the extent to which you do, or do not, use a pet.
my buger joint literally only has one kind of burger the only thing that changes is the option of cheese or not.
go ahead and tell me the rp logic behind Marksman relying on pets.
If all they offer is a hamburger or cheeseburger, then they aren’t really a hamburger joint.
Just one example: Because they are your trusted companion, able to keep your target at a distance to allow you the freedom to fully leverage your bow/gun/crossbow proficiency without the worry of them being all up in your face.
you just described beast mastery. A markman is someone who excels at using ranged weapons to their upmost proficiency not rely on a pet just them and their ranged weapon
no it literally makes them a hamburger joint the others are just regular restaurants acting like a hamburger joint. considering they have been open since the 60s and to this day make the best hamburger ive ever had its seems to be working for them
I also described SV, only swap the ranged weapon for a melee one. It’s almost like my initial point is valid: All hunters use pets.
This is one of the core problems with MM in regards to spec fantasy.
Someone who wants the fantasy of Alleria pre-void, a forest ranger, Explosive Shot is the actual complete opposite of what they want.
It makes zero thematic sense.
When they put Explosive Shot on the class tree, I went out of my way to avoid taking it.
At the end of the day, Blizz needs to figure out what the fantasy of MM is, it’s either a Sniper with a Ghillie Suit on, or a mobile forest Ranger.
Tossing in elements of both is some of the most immersion ruining, degenerate game design I’ve ever seen.
Look at other games/MMO’s, none of them do this nonsense.
The devs choose a fantasy and stick to it, leaning super hard into it.
And they wonder why WoW can’t gain new players and grow it’s playerbase anymore.
Boring Class/Spec themes, Boring Class design, 2004 skin tight “armor” in 2025, sub cost in 2025, Flying/Sharding making the world feel void of players.
The list goes on and on.
survival pets actually make sense considering its about surviving using what tools are at hand. but mm it doesn’t make sense. it should be all about bow and gun skills not pets. its literally in the name marksman.
Ah yes the true Marksman fantasy of shooting at something with your carefully aimed shot from point blank range after it runs over to your face.
This is because Blizz doesn’t know how to make a Bow class.
If they did, MM would be entirely 100% mobile, and outrun mobs while blasting arrows at them.
They would never get touched by mobs unless they played wrong.
yes that takes real skill lmao. have you ever been rushed by a pissed of wild boar?
You know how before level 10 you can have a pet but get no commands? Perhaps they can do that for those that want to play MM and have their pet, too. I think give the hunter a growl in place of misdirect and let the players that want to use a pet control the growl. Nerf their damage. Let them put the pet on assist or passive.