Feedback: Hunters

Thats what you get when you say people have skill issue when that is what we were talking about, no one is truly crying over random crap mobs not being insta killed by one aimed shot


It is interesting how much resistance to change exists without actually trying the changes.
I am an SV Hunter through and through, but because of all the talk, I went and actually looked at some of the talent changes in the tree. Have people read these yet?

The Eagle will give the MM Hunter buffs the same as a pet would. The split talent in the 5th row is actually Tenacious/Cunning. This talent will provide you with the abilities that the Tenacious or Cunning pet grants you, from your soaring Eagle of course. So no you would not have a pet tanking, but you do gain damage reduction and HP. Also for the longest time people who were MM would brag about kiting abilities…have MM Hunters forgotten how to do that?

I am in favour of the changes. I say let’s see how it pans out. Change is good. It’s what keeps things going. Blizzard sees and understands that. If nothing else, the changes will encourage people to try a new approach and do something fresh. That in itself is worth it. If the changes are bad, well it would not be the first time Blizzard reversed itself.


You realize most people, regardless of topic, express negativity rather than positivity when providing feedback right? I can link you to a youtube video where all the comments are positive. Doesn’t mean that a difference of 60 something likes is reflective of how everyone feels. Ya silly goose.

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And there are mobs in the open world that will kill your pet and you’ll have to revive it over and over unless you turn off growl.

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And the ilvls of all the hunters were? Rhetorical question of course. Funny how you omit the most important piece of info.

why does their ilevel matter?

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And? If this is an issue you CAN just turn off growl so…?

Also what exactly does ilvl have to do with anything?

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The point is that your pet that is suppose to be this amazing thing in solo content can still die and using it as MM in those cases is silly.

Because he’s making a claim that the MM hunter using a pet is in the top 4 damage to show that it’s good when it could have simply been an ilvl difference. Very simple. Ignoring both of you because of silliness. Good luck to you.

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You are making meaningless points because once again:

You. Can. Have. Pets. Without. Changing. Anything. Else.

There is no reason to lose pets. There is no valid argument for removing them because you can keep them and it changes nothing for people who dont want them.

The only argument is you get enjoyment from other people being upset.

Present to me one single tangible example of how keeping pets changes anything. There isnt one.


Rather the pet getting killed than me :smiley:

And why that matters?

Everything and everyone die now and then, pepep

The point is rly people use the pet regardless


the main point i got from that post was that yes, pet MM does see use in less minmax-y parts of the game, and the one person being top damage suggests they’re not just an alt or something. “pets are super powerful and that’s why the option should be kept” seems like a strange conclusion to get from it, to me

you act like others are frivolously wasting your time when they try to either get clarification on what you mean, or clarify something for you. it’s a discussion. other people are going to respond to you


He’s making a claim that MM hunter with a pet out is good/better since the point was such a player was top 4 dmg. Of course players are using a pet in Chromie’s Codex. It doesn’t matter for an event where you can be AFK to complete. Ignored for silliness. Good luck.

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I think you read too much into it and assumed something that wasnt rly claimed, he made an observation, that one of then was top 3 dmg.

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The way in which many of the players here respond, yes it’s a waste of time to continue engaging with them. I responded to a statement with a counter argument. The responses I get are obtuse and called strange rather than discussed. You can’t possibly see how a different conclusion than yours was reached? Ok, then the value of discussing it with you further is gone. I can’t be any more charitable when responses devolve into “nah you’re strange”. Discourse is good. Ignored and Good luck.

i didn’t say you’re strange. i said i feel it’s a strange conclusion to reach. is that any different from you saying you’re going to ignore wrathlon and i for the “silliness” of… asking a question? how many people in this thread have you ignored at this point for disagreeing in a way you think is “silly”?

anyway. this is getting off-topic so i’ll leave the rhetorical questions there and not get into it anymore after this


Elites and Rares are not intended to be soloable. They are intended to require a group, ask a balance druid if they are out there soloing.

Luckily, Balance druids have the option of going bear to avoid having to find a group if they want, and we have the option of going BM.


I’ll give one last response. Most people in this thread seem to want to keep pets around. I disagree but have repeatedly stated a compromise that is dismissed and not discussed further. When I receive dismissive responses or insulting ones, why continue having a discourse with those people? And yes, when I get a silly response I call it silly because that’s how it comes off when it seems to me that the response in question is intentionally obtuse. Just having to type this out is giving me silly vibes. So, for the last time to you and the other 2 who I’ve ignored. Good luck.

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then you should tell that to blizzard, and ask then to implement what they intent, because they are 100% soloable

clearly not all of then, the ones that actually require a group, and otherwise you would not be able to do, are world bosses

You can go BM in the mid of the fight like your balance druid can go bear?

Thats truly a cheating code!


i think that particular statement was meant to say “balance druids can respec to guardian before they fight a tough enemy, and MM hunters can do the same to BM”

not that i’d personally want to do that if it was me. just pointing out what i assume is the intended meaning


Yes, that was the intended meaning, just going into bear form as a balance druid doesn’t give them the survivability to solo big rares/elites. They would have to change specs.

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