Feedback: Hunters

True, but I wish I could. Kiting was fun. You still technically can if you have the space and keep circling the thing and it’s crowd controllable and it stays alive long enough lol


it’s not a consensus there isn’t a general agreement in fact the opposite is true sure those who like to play MM with a pet are more vocal abaout then those who don’t care but honestly I think the spec will be better off without lone wolf and an active pet but hopefully Blizzard finds a way to keep both playstyles

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And this is where I’m going to agree that your compromise and my comprise are like the great wall of China, to be forever something that divides two sides. You want to eliminate pets in dungeon/raid content and call those (and myself) that want to have a CHOICE essentially short sighted and dismissed it.

Again, I stated that there are some M+ etc players that aren’t elitist jerks. My personal experience has affirmed this many times and those that say there’s no point to running a pet in M+ content is because it’s a DPS loss or a utility issue is really only affirming it again.

Again, this is not an issue of that content for me. The arguement that you want to have it available open world or delves only as a compromise is only reading as you telling me how I should be able to play my character because it’s how you want everyone to have to play it. Essentially that’s getting viewed as you’ve had your time playing the way you want and now I have to be allowed to play the way I want. I hate to break it to you, but MM already has the ability at any time to not summon a pet. If your utility or dps is so painful by this choice and you don’t want to have a spec that say is custom designed from the start to cater to that play style, then here’s a compromise that lets hunters keep the pet to when they want it. Either boost lone wolf to encourage it as being more viable, give lone wolf a talent to spec into primal rage if there is no pet out. OR, gasp… make MM pets have more a viable presence that matches DPS to not having one out.

Yes, that is close to saying that would make them more like boosting BM pet dps output… but it’s a discussion, not me telling you that it’s now the M+ hunters time to give everyone else an OUCH because you felt the class should be different.

There’s no compromise there, again, welcome to the great wall of China… please, feel free to stay on your side of the wall and stop telling us that it’s now your way, now your compromise because you want to change something now, 20 years into how it plays.


Nope. The exact opposite. You wanted compromise. I offered it. You consider that to be dismissive. That my friend is you being unfair. Good luck to you. It’s like talking to a wall. Ignored.

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Your argument used by a DF Retribution paladin
Blizz, please do not take away the option for Retribution Paladins to utilize our damage effectively. There are a lot of reasons we want to keep from having 26 pvp nerfs, from utility to class fantasy to individual expression in an mmo rpg. Taking that away and forcing this idea onto everyone is the wrong move and limits who we are allowed to be and how we are allowed to play. If you want to try implementing this weak design into another spec or by creating a 4th spec, go for it, but please DO NOT euthanize the damage of every Ret who have kept our large DPS by our side for only 3 days for obvious reasons. Doing so would be uncouth and absolutely alienate many players. Do not take our pvp damage. Make being weak, slow, and killed as soon as Forbearance is applied optional, but not required.

But on a serious note. I get wanting to have a pet to tank solo content as it sure makes things easier, if the pet can live a while while tanking. I also understand being sad about losing the pet as an option if you are emotionally attached to it. The total package of all proposed MM changes sure do appear to be an upgrade however, since most of the utility from traditional pets is not only maintained, but improved.


Yes? If we tell Blizzard “Good Job, I like the proposed 11.1 changes, excited to test on the PTR” this is certainly with no regard to any random individual we do or don’t knows feelings. I dont take a poll of the community before thanking Blizzard, and wouldn’t dream of censoring my thanks to Blizzard to spare a random persons feelings. It is a forum, it’s exactly where opinions are supposed to be, your opinions and everyone else’s.


Exactly, it’s as I have stated, my opinion.

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…and near impossible in some zones due to mob density. Try kiting in the south end of Ringing Deeps and you will get ganked.


That’s already what I have stated, you offered your view as a compromise while stating that my position was short sighted because you want to change something that I view as not needing to be changed. I offered solutions as possible start to discussion and you attacked it and dismissed them. You aren’t talking to a wall, you’re just on the other side and shouting through a megaphone so much that you haven’t stopped to consider it, you just said that they aren’t realistic and went back to shouting. Ignored.


Not quite though. You attacked those that disagree with you(aka players that like 11.1 proposed changes), claiming that they are insensitive to your feelings, that also they should be sensitive to your feelings before they make their own feelings public. That’s an erroneous and an irrelevant conversation that you started.

As I mentioned on my own thread on this exact topic…

I like the 11.1 changes. I won’t go into detail on all of them, but there are many changes, and I like them all.

I also support maintaining the current traditional pet for marksmanship, as an option. It was never my goal to take away the pet option, that’s Blizzard’s goal. I just like every single other thing about the proposed marksmanship changes because I don’t find micromanaging a pet in pvp enjoyable, but I do very much like certain versions of MM we’ve had recently, and I believe I will love playing 11.1 MM.

The misunderstanding I dont think is your fault. Many times in the past week people have read one comment on a thread of mine or otherwise where somewhere there was other comments of mine supporting MM keeping traditional pets as an option…but somehow they interpreted my excitement for 11.1 as me hating pet classes, supporting MM losing utility that blizzard never said MM was losing, and me being willing to die on a hill to prevent every hunter player from ever having a pet again.

For starters, Blizzard doesn’t care what my opinions are. Even though I will happily play 11.1 MM as proposed, I have no problem with the traditional pet option remaining.


I found this and I thought I would share:

The Lone Wolf talent was mentioned in the April Fools’ Day Legion alpha patch note preview:

“Marksmanship Hunters must once again choose the Lone Wolf talent to play without a pet. However, to select this talent, you will first have to watch as your beloved companion sadly sulks away, occasionally glancing back at you to see if you’ve changed your mind, while listening to “In the Arms of an Angel” (by Sarah McLachlan) at maximum volume. You monster.”

Even Blizzard thought this was sad…


I think blizzard thought their own joke was funny, that’s why it was part of an April fool’s joke. Can’t make a joke about a Death Knight consuming its pets to become healthier or stronger because that sounds like something a Death Knight would do in game at any opportunity.

Sad would be 11.1 changes failing to include what is now pet utility and 11.1 buffs to those class features. An individual can feel losing the pet is sad to them, but the spec isn’t being gutted like people were claiming when they first heard about 11.1 MM.


I agree entirely with this statement… About the Pack Leader. Not sure about the other stuff. Using pets that aren’t yours goes against the core theme of Beast Master and hunters in general honestly. Between this and Dark Ranger both having this kind of option, it’s kind of silly. There should be an option to call from your stables. If that feels too much like Beast Master than maybe these abilities shouldn’t be implemented at all, since the whole point of the glyphs we have to make dire animals summon OUR pets is entirely because that level of customization was something we wanted for ages. Taking it away AGAIN is ridiculous.


I don’t personally have these feelings but I can sympathize with you for having them. I think this will be solved by more themes being added as time goes on. Hero Talents seems to be the way they’ll be branching out, and rather then just giving us a BIGGER talent tree going down more, they’ll be expanding outward. Also, on a more personal note, having class skins is something a lot of people want and this is… a step in that direction.

But those are the pros for it. Personally, I’m a Beast Master 100% of the time and I love it, and I hate the new changes to Pack Leader. I have my specially curated stables for my hunters, each one having individual themes and ideas. My forsaken hunter has undead looking pets exclusively. My engineer hunter, mechanical. And now I have to choose as well. Play a dark ranger and start using kill shot way more then I ever cared to, and summoning a dark hound that doesn’t fit my themes, or play pack leader and summon a bunch of Rexar’s fricking pets. I at least wish they came from your stables or maybe they just empowered your EXISTING pet to do things more.

So, as a Beast Master who actually likes the… steps blizzard is taking to finally getting us class skins, and likes the general direction of hero talents, I can still agree with you on these specific changes.

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CHOOSE, not be forced as that for the only talent. We want the choice of not using lone wolf and keeping our pets AS MM hunters.


It will be nice, when you fight only one enemy

Its even funny when most of these things dont work with some elites or powerful enemies.


Also, the Aspect of Cheetah has a long cooldown…

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and he run away or disengage right into another pack of mobs, you see these people who only do instanced content with a dedicated tank and healer


Playing BM today with most if not all of the same enemy movement tools and mobility as I enjoy on MM in Siren Isle, enemy mobs still reached and harmed me somewhat whether they killed my army of pets first or not. I did not die, but I had to play smart. lf MM does need some tuning or design change to maintain a similar open world gameplay viability in 11.1 I would expect it to get it, but I’m not worried.


I’m sorry, but if I attacked someone, they’d know it. I’m not claiming that people are being insensitive to my feelings, I stated that these are my feelings on the issue. If there has been any insensitivity going on it’s not on my end concerning my feelings about losing the ability to have one of my pets out for MM.

To be honest, I hadn’t looked at bringing up the other changes proposed to hunters because that isn’t what my purpose or thoughts for posting here is. It’s been and I have stated this repeatedly, it’s about my feelings about having the CHOICE to summon a pet in MM. I’m not concerning my points with damage, dps, utility or any lack that people feel they have with the pet, a fact that:

So, really, since that is my only point, perhaps we can agree that you agree with the main focus of me posting in this thread. Nothing more, nothing less.

If anyone is trying to read into this that I’m claiming my feelings on the issue should be considered, please do not mis-understand this:

I made that comment to point out that this is not about damage, this is not about functionality. My position is simply that I don’t want them to take away the pet. I proposed options such as improving the MM spec for Lone Wolf or running with the pet to improve the class. I proposed that if people that want the change so much that maybe Blizzard should instead look at making a fourth spec for all these changes and improve MM for those that choose to continue to run it.

Instead, I get one person that says that I’m basically being short sighted and others that honestly missed the points I was making. I’m sorry if people are making this an issue of us vs them, dps vs feelings (and honestly, Blizzard taking the RPG out of MM). So, take this as its intended, a request to not remove hunter pets from MM. Leave the rest of the assumptions about what I say at the door.