Bake pet utility, with different names, into Lone Wolf… Just like how they’re adding Mortal Wounds to Aimed Shot.
They could just do THAT for Lone Wolf…
No need to make Hawk abilities/animations or whatever.
No need to take away peoples ability to get whatever pets they want, if they don’t use Lone Wolf.
And No Need to force a pet, even a fake one, on people that don’t want one.
Like the only difference is purely an aesthetic one at that point… Pet or no Pet.
keep a save of the current MM , if that new thing sucks (hope not ) , just roll back
just hope the new rotation just make Ais the real star of the show , but this “proc” sounds like meh…i never liked legion MM tbh , it was annoying , hope this hawk isnt like vulnerability
i despise rng in rotation , procs are ok (LnL) , but RNG DEBUFFS? no way , its gonna suck getting a proc on 5% hp mob …and then next mob never get another until its low health again , if the proc was a buff on hunter at least u could hold it for next pack
Honestly seeing how many casual MM hunters are sad about not being able to play with their pets in solo content I do feel like Blizard might go back and bake it in a talent option to lose the Eyes in the Sky passive in order to have the pet out hopefully it doesnt cost those of us who are hapy with the change a talent point because the changes are AMAZING both in spec identity and utility and in talent tree!
Sure and thats because you are a solo player who has done 0 raids this season and only done 1 mythic plus with 39 minutes of over time. For group content - which the majority of ppl play - MM doesnt function with a pet, in fact it hindders its gameplay and damage profile. Fear not blizzard might go back and make a way for you to play with you pet by picking a talent the sad thing is it might just mess the entire talent tree that looks promising right now. Hopefully they just make a stand and keep things how it is and BM wil be the defacto pet class. We will see
Yeah, they need to find a way to make the pet completely optional. Those who want it, get to keep it. Those who don’t want it, never have to look at it again. That’s what they should be going for.
Enforcing all the mentioned hunter changes when absolutely NO ONE asked for them is insane.
There are way more positive changes that can be made for a pure DPS spec as a hunter is, who is constantly all the way at the bottom of the barrel in terms of DPS performance & survivability, its nonsense, specially compared to hybrid classes who should NOT top a pure DPS class.
1000000% agreed we finally have a better identity to MM hunters with interesting talents and ways to keep streamline buff rolling while being able to have 2 target cleave and utility WITHOUT the gimmicks or summoning and dismissing a pet or having to MD every 30 secoonds because pet cant keep proper agro for MM. ITs a better spec identity, a true ranger. Now the hunter class has 3 distinct specs for people to enjoy, a ranger sharpshooter, a master of pets, and a weird melee option for those who for some reason like melee hunter.
I understand you and the fellow hunters who like to play MM with a pet. Personally I love the changes and I can`t wait for them but if blizzard can find a way to keep the pets for those who want them without ruining the changes to the spec I am all for it. If not then I for one will be championing for the changes and play BM when I want to do solo content or hang out with my pets
A LOT of MM hunters have been praying for the days when we can actually be rangers without needing pet gimmicks to function and use utilities so yeah you`re wrong
I agree I think in the case using precise shots should apply Spotters MArk with no RNG, and then we could spend a talent point to make it apply to more targets like Ohnahran Winds talent intends but RNG on top of RNG is not a good mechanic and they should have learnt it by now
I’ve played hunter since 2004, I have nearly 900 days /played… Since the beginning, I’ve played MM with my pet. One of my favorite things in wow is finding rare pets with unique skins. For example, my grimtotem spirit guide ( a ghost wolf I can use as MM) is something I haven’t seen any other hunters with, and I love the whispers I get from people when using it as MM. Now they are going to take that away :(… This is the most bummed I’ve been about any change in the game ever. I name my pets after dogs I’ve had in real life that have passed away, but for the sake of - m+ convenience? - that’s going away. Please blizzard if the general feedback regarding this is negative, don’t do it.
speak for yourself , finally blizz takes a look into MM , it has been a spec that has been neglected for years , let them cook , and if the spec sucks afterwards , i will buy the torches , but MM needed something , hell Demo lock was in a sad state for long too until blizz decided to make Demon “different” , or Arcane mage , it was the spec that put 11 points for clearcasting or pvp silence , but it lacked identity.
I’ve read through many replies to this and the general consensus seems to be most MM hunters don’t want to lose the choice to be able to use their pets. Has blizzard acknowledged this consensus at all?
I would like to point out that WoW has many famous NPC Hunters that never relied on pets. It’ll be nice for players to engage with that missing class fantasy in a more purposeful and “fantasy-forward” way.
Exhibit A: The Windrunner sisters. Literally all of them.