Feedback: Hunters

the moment i could be i was and have been since cept when im forced to bl

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How are you forced to pull out a pet and BL? Do you not run with mages, warriors, and/or shaman in your group? Why is that burden placed upon you, the hunter running LW, if any of those 3 other classes are present? (Accidentally deleted 1st comment :unamused:)


I don’t play BM or SV. So yes I am, in fact, losing access to them.

This is like if they removed Elemental’s ability to use shields and you told them “Well you can always still use them on Resto” except you know, unlike shields, people grow attachment to pets, even virtual ones.

Also, while we’re on the topic of Marksman/BM changes - for the love of god blizzard, fix Lunar Storm for Sentinel.

Either make it follow the target it was cast on, or let the tanks see it. I’m so tired of tanks pulling things out of my Lunar Storm (which is a significant part of Sentinel’s dps, for instance in the LFR I just did, with 924k overall, it did 12.4% of my dps on the boss, and that doesn’t even take into account the damage bonus you get to targets inside the storm) because they can’t even see it.


My group comp with my friends is typically Hunter, DK, Lock, Monk, Warrior. So yes, I am the one with a bloodlust. It’s not that wild or a stretch to be the only bloodlust character. Acting like it’s some niche thing is just disingenuous or ignorant. Which isn’t entirely your fault, but if you don’t play that content then don’t try to discount others’ experience of said content.

Also, Warriors don’t have bloodlust.

This is in the development notes in the other thread.

Always the M+ players trying to ruin the game for the rest of the people


So just gonna gloss over the factual inaccuracies with the argument?

What inaccuracies, that this is an change entirely tailored to M+ that screw over players who do anything else? that, by your own word discount other experiences in the content outside M+ small scenario

Its almost like the RPG is a game of choices, so you have to chose between BL and more damage due to LW.

Besides, we can have the changes and the pet, so this is again, a issue about removing one playstyle for no reason other than screw over the players.


These inaccuracies which I was replying to.

You again, are acting as if these issues with pet utility haven’t existed for years now. And I am requesting that you acknowledge that it’s valid to have issues with how pets work for MM, and not pretend that this is a dagger aimed straight at you. It’s FINE to ask for a compromise. It’s not fine to present inaccurate information about how M+ groups work as “evidence” that you’re being targeted.

He is right, you are not forced to, you are doing because you want to, because you want BL effect and because you dont want to pick another class who have it

In other hand, im being forced to lose my pet entirely on the spec, because people like you, when they can simple make the changes and keep the pet as it is.


My bad on the warrior thing, I misread the tooltip for heroism. However, regarding being forced to BL as a hunter by pulling out your pet, could this not be resolved by simply adding the BL ability to Lone Wolf?


Yes. You’re right there. Like I’ve been saying, compromise here is the answer so players can have their pets. But I just want us to come from a place of mutual respect and understanding, and not attack each other as if we’re vermin for enjoying content either in M+, raid, or open world.


I want to play a Hunter. Just like you. In M+ at certain levels, you NEED Bloodlust to get through certain damage phases and beat the timer. It’s not really optional. I get how it can seem that way if you don’t play it, but it’s true.

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so you are telling me the hunter and MM are dependant of the PET like it is suppose to be? a pet class needing a pet? thats like, the whole point of it.

funny, numerous people saying MM don’t need pet at all, but you are telling me its so important its not optional(besides being optional), so who i right, they or you?

Mind you, you can still have this changes, AND have the pet, so you would be losing anything.

This is not a “me or you” thing, it can be both just fine.

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I feel like you’re arguing with me on semantics despite me agreeing with you that there should be a compromise because you feel hurt in some way.

Bloodlust is required. The pet currently provides Bloodlust. It shouldn’t be that way for MM. This rework fixes that, therefore I’m in favor of it. I’m not asking for YOUR pets to be taken away, and agree you should still have the option. I’m asking for the team to find a compromise that works for both camps. You’re either wilfully misunderstanding me, or just want to be mad. And I’m gonna let you do that. Have a nice night.

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You should probably move on from this guy. He wants to argue just to argue, he doesn’t want any meaningful engagement.


But the semantics in this case are important, because you make a statement that needs to be truthful to be taking into account, you said you are forced like its mandatory, it isnt, its optimal, not mandatory

And again, i already said we can have an compromise, which isnt even a compromise, cause people get all the changes anyway and people keep their option to summon the pet


But the semantics in this case are important, because you make a statement that needs to be truthful to be taking into account, you said you are forced like its mandatory, it isnt, its optimal , not mandatory

Really well said.


If you’re not going to bother to read the quote, don’t bother responding. You clearly didn’t read it, your response proves that.

But here, Maizou, I’ll throw you a bone:

I don’t only play Shaman. I play all classes and all specs at some level.

I’m speaking from experience when I say Marksman doesn’t need and should have never had pets. That was a failing of the original dev team to properly diversify the Hunter specs from each other.

Blizzard is finally getting around to correcting that mistake.

Marksman is my go-to spec. I’m actually completely ok with this. I loved the idea of Lone Wolf, and I’ve been disappointed that they didn’t go completely petless long ago.

I’m fine play BM or Survival. They are decent specs and if I REALLY get an itch to use pets, they are there and my pets will be there too.

You’ll do well to remember, HUNTER is a class, MARKSMAN is a single spec within that class. You have options. If you choose not to use them that is on you.

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You’ll do well to remember, HUNTER is a class, MARKSMAN is a single spec within that class. You have options. If you choose not to use them that is on you .

Hunter is a pet class, and Marksmanship without the pet is a different class getting grafted on as a spec.