why make BL baseline if they’re keeping the pet? it’s part of the whole gimmick
Making BL baseline will satisfy the people who complain about needing to summon their pet just to use the ability. That erases a lot of the friction that they’re trying to smooth out.
But it’s thematic to the trusty animal companion everyone loves so much. It should stay on the pet so there’s a reason to use it. Without BL then the pet really is just a glorified DoT
But not all pets have BL anyway. It forced people to use specific pets, so moving it to baseline increases our options.
We should make all pet effects baseline then so people aren’t forced to use anything. Plus since you can change pet specs in 11.1 it doesn’t matter anyway. Give BL, 5% leech, 5% movement speed, master’s call, fortitude, and endurance training all baseline imo.
plus the mortal wounds, and root, etc
So keep the lone wolf talent and keep playing without your pet. You have that option. The rest of us find a ton of utility in having our pet but we aren’t allowed that option? I’ve been playing since BC. Misdirect is button 2 on my macro. It’s instinctual muscle memory. My pet distracts mobs so I don’t have to deal with them. It rounds up spread out mobs so I can aoethem efficiently. It keeps them away from me so I don’t have to kite all over the map. This is an atrocious mandate for how to play my class, that is entirely unnecessary. Put lust as a bonus spell if people pick lone wolf, or maybe not having lust is the trade off you pay for your leet 5% extra constant throughput. I don’t mythic raid and don’t care. That is such a niche part of the game. I do delves and quest and farm mounts and achievement hunt and solo things that are hard for other classes. Screw your top down “I don’t do it so no one else should” attitude.
the irony here is almost too much
I don’t know how you play MM or what you define as a gameplay hook, but this is frankly an absurd take.
My MM use his pet constantly. I switch to tenacity for elite rates, ferocity for heroic raids and cunning for open world whatever for the speed boost. My pet keeps mobs off of me so I don’t have to kite bosses in delves. It rounds up spread out mobs for me to AOE quickly. It distracts mobs while I loot a chest or snag some interactable. I don’t want to face tank rare elites I find on the wild, or spend GCDs on traps and concussive shots and disengages. I don’t give a damn about 5% extra theoretical DPS if my utility for 90% of the content I enjoy every day is gone or more cumbersome to employ.
I tamed and named and did quests and achievements and farmed content for special and rare pets. I paid gold and farmed for drops to tame elites and special pet families. Just this week I went to old hillsBrad to get Rudolph so I could have a reindeer out during Christmas.
My pet is integral to my gameplay and keeps me hooked, and I don’t give a single flying intimate act that you don’t see the point because that isn’t how you play. Go be lone wolf in your mythic raid prog and make friends with a warrior for lust and leave the rest of us out of it
nothing in your post has anything to do with MM. your post could be about BM or SV and nobody would know what spec you’re talking about.
That’s my point. Nothing about Markmanship has anything to do with your pet. i.e. no talents, no gameplay hooks, nothing
People who want to play Marksmanship are being excluded from the spec if they want to keep their pets. There is no justification for it. “But some people hate using pets” is not a valid reply, as Hunter is a pet class.
I didn’t say you shouldn’t be allowed to lone wolf it. The entire point is that no one made you play with a pet. You could enjoy the game like you wanted, and so could I. We both had tradeoffs. You didn’t get lust and got extra deeps. I had all the utility I enjoy but no meta deeps. We didn’t have to care about how the other played. Now, I am not allowed and you still are.
There’s nothing ironic at all about what I said, you just lack reading comprehension.
I don’t think you understand irony then. Irony is picking a pet class and then fixating on a talent that removes the pet to the exclusion of mountains and mountains of support within that class for pets, including taming mechanics, Eagle Eye, pet movement commands, fleshed out stables, the ability to rename pets, etc. that don’t map in to “shot mob get phat lewt” but are still valid pieces of the design.
Irony is not saying “I don’t like mythic raiding and it is a niche part of the game,” while also pointing out that the raid-centric proponents of this change are saying “I don’t use pets so no one should.” There’s no equation there, and thus no irony.
Words mean things man.
because it’s MM, not BM. It’s meant to focus more on the Hunter with the pet as a helper. Meanwhile BM has the pet doing more of the heavy lifting while the Hunter takes more of a back seat. They’re different specs so of course they’re going to handle things differently.
I don’t want to play BM. Or SV. BM is pet dependent for damage. SV is gimmicky and way too melee focused. MM allows me to shoot enemies from a distance while avoiding direct damage, but I’m still the one in control and doing the damage. That is the MM gameplay hook. My pet allows me to play a ranged character that uses a pet as a true companion, for tasks and utility. Not possible with BM or SV.
And again, you don’t need to play it that way. What exactly is.total benefit you gain from this change, and compare that to the total loss I suffer from it. It’s ridiculously asymmetric.
I’ll say it over and over, the idea of having an eagle scout for you is cool af. I want that MM Hunter.
It’s a fantasy I got when I played Sharpshooter in Lost Ark, and the change helps me have it in WoW.
My very first character from 2006 TBC is a marksmanship hunter who is still using the very same cat he tamed his first time in the Ghostlands. I don’t want to use the eagle.
Rad, I play MM currently and this change will make it more fun!
Because it’s magic and you’re magic. Because you’re a squishy clothie and need to do more deeps faster so you don’t die and instead of hitting the gym you read some magic books to learn to compensate.
Pets don’t need to interact with the kit, they are their own part of the kit. I’ve got an ice trap, how does that interact with kill shot? I’ve got.disengage, how does that interact with multi shot? Scatter shot doesn’t interact with feign death. How does a water elemental interact with a mages kit? How does a void walker interact with a lock’s kit? This is such a dumb and arbitrary requirement that you’re adding for no reason
Good example of the selfish attitude of people who don’t care that it’s taking away from everyone else and giving back nothing.
Make it optional. Hell, go tame an eagle now if you want a bird. Why make it mandatory?