Feedback: Hunters

Windrunner seems to also be affecting the rate at which you apply marks with two stacks of precise, it’s very hard to test but it seems to be the case. You’re getting 2x benefit from focused aim. Put these things together and all of the stuff that grants cdr or stacking buffs on things that proc off of precise (and your marks) add up to more than the sum of their parts if that makes sense.

Whats left to be seen for PvP is if you actually need all of the cdr given that you’re probably not going to be allowed to just plant and cast aimed shot all match anyway.

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What worries me is that it’s not good design for a single talent to give so many benefits, to the point the whole spec flow changes with it. It ends up being nerfed because this huge impact wasn’t intended, or, in the best scenario, it eventually becomes baseline in later patches.

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IMO it’s more a function of the right side of the tree sucking. I think by design, they want you to make up the extra precise and streamline charges via the explosive shot mechanics and cdr from bullet hell. Maybe if they tune the bottom right side up a little bit, it will be more of an equal choice where one’s better for ST and the other cleave. Until then, I think you’re right - it feels really bad to try and play marks without windrunner.

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I’ve been experimenting with this one:

I gave up on Lock and Load and instead doubled down on Explosive Shots. Consuming Precise Shots x2 reduces Explosive Shot CD by 4s, and Volley also gives Explosive Shots, which in turn increase Arcane/Multishot damage by 30% (on top of Precise Shots). Explosive Shots + Deadeye (double Black Arrow + reduced Black Arrow CD) end up making me spend more Focus and using more GCDs to give AiS time to build up charges, I feel less dead time in the rotation by keeping myself busy with other stuff instead of reducing AiS CD.

No idea if it’s good DPS, and training in dummies is not ideal since they give Black Normal abnormal uptime as they are often above 80% or below 20% health. Also, we will sure get more balance passes over the next 4 weeks, so it’s hard to say how it will perform when the season begins. But I think it works as an “all-purpose” build balancing Single Target and AoE, and may work better in PvP than relying mostly on AiS.

The opening video in the original wow was the hunter and the bear. No matter how they change the game we should also be able to live that picture in our play. MM and a pet should stay forever as an option.


It seems like the devs gave up, they caved to the crybaby RP crowd, and their created juices dried up killing this class for season 2. But at least the Moonguard furies can rp with their pet in Goldshire now, right?

The rotation is clunky and boring, the damage is lacking, and the new talents provide less benefit than currently on live. Think I’ll unsub and see what season 3 entails change-wise.

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I don’t think catering to the minority who wanted to retain the pet option magically killed any desire to change the spec.

They basically built a way to grandfather the pet back into the spec in exchange for (seemingly) some utility being lost if that is chosen by the player. The rest of MM’s changes (or lack thereof) fall squarely on them either being happy with where MM is or just not knowing where to go from here- don’t look for somebody to blame other than Blizzard here.


Blaming the spec’s DPS or rotation on the pet returning is either done in bad faith or ignorance. The revamped class design hasn’t changed at all except for adding a talent choice node for the pet.

While the design is unlikely to change, there’s still 3-4 weeks of tuning ahead. It’s probable some numbers will only be adjusted on patch day, or then further tuned when the season starts, and if things are still too bad they will make further adjustments when Mythic raid is available.


Wow yea the new Windrunner Quiver paired with Focused Aim feels absolutely insane. Lets keep this lol

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Certainly, the tuning will never stop, and I’m hoping it will closer to adequate throughout the remaining PTR. It’s unreasonable to expect tuning to be done a week or two(probably more) into PTR, but players have expectations. As the PTR nears it’s end i don’t blame people for getting a bit anxious about the state of things. Bug fixes still need to be handled, then more tuning is more than welcome.

No please. BM needs to stay ranged. Let’s not add more nuclear reactor waste to this dumpster fire of ’ such and such spec needs to be melee’. There are too many other melee classes that do melee just fine.


This might have been one of the worst PTR cycles for Hunter in a while

-MM Design is a mess, buggy, and half baked
-BM has been all but forgotten since the initial PTR start
-Surv exists. That’s about all you can say for that spec now.

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Today’s updates:

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No Mercy and Shell Cover on Pack Leader are both very, very weak and need some dire attention before release. Otherwise, (at least for SV) pack leader won’t compete at all against sentinel :confused:

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Still nothing for Trueshot and the MM buffs are minimal in addressing the issues.

MM Might just be DOA

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It be just a optional playing style. Some talent swaping and Barbed Shot is now Lacerate, and Cobra Shot becomes Raptor Strike.

You still have normal BM to fall on, which would be the choice most would choose on.

Just don’t find all the focus on explosions as interesting that SV falls on.


Hello! Updated list with some comments about the new changes

  • Dark Ranger Issues:

    • Shadow Hounds was not updated to reflect the new tooltip. It still does a physical Beast Cleave.
    • Damage from your Shadow Hounds do not heal you via Embrace the Shadows.
    • Whenever Withering Fire is Active, the buff on your character still says that it fires automatic Black Arrows.
  • Pack Leader Issues:

    • In the original 11.1 Notes, it was noted that Alpha Predator would scale multiplicatively rather than additively. This does not seem to be the case as the 50% increase from Pack Mentality does not gain this benefit, making it effectively only increase damage by 43.5% rather than 50% if talented into Alpha Predator.
    • Lead From the front is supposed to increase the damage of your Howl of the Pack pets by 25% and your pets by 30% according to the tooltip. This currently only buffs the bleed from your Bear by 25% and your normal pets by 15%.
    • The Boar secondary target effect hits the main target.
  • The Season 2 Tier Set issues:

    • The 200% increased Barbed Shot can be overwritten by a normal Barbed Shot, which isn’t a bug but feels bad.
    • (NEW) The 2-set fires TWO Barbed shots instead of one when using Bestial Wrath if talented into Animal Companion.
  • Misc Issues

    • The Bloodshed spell tooltip makes no mention of the 20% increased Kill Command damage when specced into Venomous Bite.
    • Dire Frenzy does not buff Hati/Frenzy by 60% for the additional two seconds of uptime it gives.
    • Venomous Bite does not affect Animal Companion.
    • Pets will both have their own seperate buff for the Tauren racial “Brawn” and the Dwarf racial “Might of the Mountain”, and inherit the Crit Damage / Healing from the player, making them benefit twice from the effect.

Comments on tuning:

  • Dark Ranger most likely needs a MASSIVE buff to catch up.
  • Our Tier has seemingly gotten a lot of interactions and is now being applied to the Animal Companion as well. The tuning on this seems very high at the moment (especially on AoE), probably needs to reach a sweet spot in accordance with the new nerfs.
  • The interaction fix for Huntsmasters Call does significantly nerf it, and might leave it in a position where it’s a bit of a pointless talent
  • Nerfing Call of the Wild in terms of resource gains might be ok but might make our cooldown options overall lackluster given how close no-cooldown builds have been.

Thank you for reading!


Also Dark Ranger issues: Soul Drinker and Embrace the Shadows are still useless.

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I’m worried about the reliance on Rapid/Explosive to open combat- MM feels like it’s going to be constrained any time you’re having consecutive uptime/downtime, like open world farms, trash in M+, Delves. At some point you fall back onto non-Streamline Aimed Shots, and that 3.0 base cast is going to be excruciating. Would rather go back to 2.5s and nerf streamline, for net neutral cast speed w/ streamline compared to current ptr, which ought to rectify the issue without affecting competitive content too much.

I don’t know if Blizz could manage to balance that properly. But props to them if they could, I am also not a fan of the bombs.

Bombs just don’t say ‘ranger or archer’ to me.