Feedback: Hunters

I will add that, aside from using Bloodlust, the ony time I have ever had to call a pet in a dungeon was when the tank went down during a fight with a trash mob and they had to run back. This was only for a couple of very rare occasions.

Separate builds for different content. There shouldn’t be one build to rule them all.


No, the issue is pets having the utility. MM is still about the player having control. Pets should be an optional utility for soloing, but not a requirement if the player doesn’t want them out.


I’m glad the people who wanted to keep their pet finally got the response they wanted. With that out of the way, can we please focus on feedback about the talents? Like why it costs do many points to make Trueshot a good cd and ohn’aran winds being a proc off a proc?


Headshot actually feels bad to play with due to the RNG nature of Kill Shot procs. It’s terrible to use your precise shots only for Kill Shot to proc a quarter second later.

I feel this is unlikely to change before the patch goes live. This is the 1st iteration of this new MM, they’ll probably first see how the spec performs and wait for more ideas for improvement before condensing Trueshot into less talents and adding more talents.

Now, that’s really insane.

Good job Blizz.

Choice is good.

Some players choose their talents for RP reasons…how they see their story, not numbers or through put, and this allows for many more options (all the pets in a stable of options) for MM Hunter.

Very nice.


I’m actually so excited. I never thought we’d actually get an officially supported tank pet choice node out of this.

“Lone wolf no more” for sure!

Now just make sure you don’t let us double up on pet family passives and absolutely make improved spotter’s mark a damage gain over a pet in single target and AoE.


With all respect, when’s the last time you’ve done a leveling instance? As in, 69 and below.

You’d struggle getting an Aimed Shot off because people blow up the mobs so fast!

I really don’t think pets matter much there.

For the TWW 70-80 instances, eh. It doesn’t matter to me, and I don’t think it’s something worthwhile kicking over. But it’s just my opinion.


Bro, all leveling dungeons need is 2 people to not be AFK, and it’s an easy clear.

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I feel like I’m the only one who cares about this, but I was very happy to see a choice between 2 pets and 1 pet for BM because I’d vastly prefer 1 pet. But the amount of damage lost makes it a non-choice for anything but trivial content. I would even spend another talent point to have ONE pet be as strong as having 2. Blah.


This dude continue be a downer and a doomer, trying to make some sort of scenario this change is bad, my god.

Its fine to spend talent points, when you were going to spend then anyway, there is no problem in what they did


I think it would go a long way if Solitary Companion included the following:

Your pet damage is increased by 35% and your pet is 10% larger. [Kill Command damage is increased by 50% or Your pet obeys your Kill Command twice.]

Or something like that.

somehow, I knew you people would cave lol just goes to show if there are enough whiners on the forum, they will always get what they want. Next step mythic plus turned into follower dungeons. :rofl::rofl: Gags devs. you never disappoint.

Great news. But it fills me with no small amount of concern that the devs didn’t know this before causing all this upset. Are they really that disconnected?


This is great but if possible can we have the eagle replaced by our pet instead? I’d really like to just pretend the eagle never existed and have the ability to use my pet to appear, do the ability involved, and then retreat back to my stable…


THANK YOU!!! I am resubbing now. Appreciate y’all listening <3


With pets requiring a talent point will make it more clear that they are an optional choice that you make. Even if pets are a dps lost them being a choice again is better than taking them away.

Barrage was a troll move by Blizzard to show who has no idea how to play Hunters. Only use is when farming to pull a room.


While I do believe its important to acknowledge the player base that would have been upset if this change went live is not insignificant, I think its equally important to acknowledge “all this upset” was actually just enough people to count on your hands and drowned out everything else that was being said. Equally the people that were very pro were the same group of people pushing back. Almost 3000 posts and only 334 different people, many of which only said one thing.


Is your character aware that he is in a video game and the developers were planning to take away his pet? That’s some fourth wall breaking RP, I like it.


Now Blizzard needs to focus on what really matters… Goblin customization in the goblin patch.