Feedback: Hunters

Either make a new spec or a different class for the people who hate the idea of playing with pets. It’s silly to come into a pet class and then start complaining about having to have a pet.


I use a pet identical to my mount and dismiss it whenever I summon the mount, it feels really nice to have the “mount” running around with you instead of appearing out of nowhere.
Would love for this to become an actual feature, I think that the artifact wolf had a temporary buff that let you ride it.


I said realistically, they aren’t going to make an entire class/spec just for the subset of the subset that want a an archer with 1 pet (but refuse to play BM)

Then make a new hero talent track for pet-less players.

Also, this would be about leaving MM alone and designing a new pet-less spec or pet-less ranged class.


So then just give MM Hunter those abilities while keeping Lone Wolf. Does it make a difference if it’s done from a pet or the Hunter? Why should I be forced to have this eagle at all times?

You know what sucks about Outlaw rogue? That I’m forced into having this pistol that may or may not align with the race and theme I’m going for on a character. Here’s this Gnome MM Hunter who is all technology, oh and they have an eagle for reasons.


I feel like the least important parts of these changes are consuming the most feedback space on this thread.


Blizz in general needs to get off this “Hunters = Elves” mindset. The very first Hunter we saw in World of Warcraft was the Dwarven Hunter with a gun and a bear in the original cinematic.


Joining the chorus to say that just having an eagle as MM’s only pet is not an acceptable fantasy. I see nothing in the mechanics of the eagle that require it to be just that when you have a ready built customization system for a pet ability in the hunter stable that has access to hundreds of appearances.

You’re literally creating a problem you don’t need to make. So Lone Wolf is gone, great, about damn time, but pigeonholing MM into a single bird we don’t interact with feels like the worst of both worlds. It’s a pet so you make the lone wolf people mad, but it’s not customizable like hunter pets have been since 2004.


This change is fine for raiding and dungeons I’m sure and don’t really care.

That being said taking away the pet from MM completely is nonsense, I have been using my faithful Gorilla pet for solo/world content even when I’m specced into Lone Wolf because using the pet to tank is a large part of solo content on a hunter. The leech bonus from Ferocity was also nice and we will be losing access to that it seems.

This change also completely ignores that most people use a mortal wounds pet with movement speed bonus and freedom skill. Having a pet against stealthies was also pretty useful.

Please just leave it as is and make Lone Wolf activate this eagle/utility access.

I don’t mind playing Survival but this change will force me to play Beast Mastery if I want a traditional ranged solo spec and as a long term MM player that really sucks.

I also don’t really see how it’s preferable to have the pet utility in the talent tree instead of just having access to whatever you wanted at all times, like some people thought summoning a pet was annoying so now we get less utility unless specced into it? What?

I’ve seen many people saying they are fine with this change as it will save some keybinds, Hunter has always had a “random bs” kind of kit and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you want a class with hardly any keybinds go roll a Pally.


Take away my pets as MM, I play a different spec or class. Simple. :man_shrugging:t2:


Y’all removed our ability to spec our pets how we wanted, a boneheaded move we all hated (not that you care), and now you want to ‘fix’ the problem YOU created with lone wolf being the default (people use meta talents because they’re better?! Whaaaaaat?!) you want to remove even MORE player agency?

I’m literally in awe of how blind y’all are to what players actually want. Are their any hunter players on the design team for hunters? Cause it doesn’t sound like it.


Honestly as a 20 year old game, this isn’t a solution to the problem if it’s part of their intention. FFXIV has given players the options to turn off most to all effects from other players for over 10 years. Blizzard is lazy and they’ll do anything except fix the problem.


That’s a solid point. That dungeon is gonna be awful.

It was already in the game until they changed it.

Can you all just go one expansion, no, one patch without the need to reinvent the wheel for classes? Change for the sake of change is a bad thing, actually.


People have been asking for changes for Pack Leader all expansion and for MM since 2018

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This is not change for the sake of change. Pack leader has been nearly unanimously considered the worst hero talent that needed a complete redesign since day 1 and marksmanship has been been a mishmash of conflicting ideas and fantasies for the past decade.

You don’t have to like the changes being proposed here but to act like these reworks are just changes for no reason is willful blindness and ignoring a ton of hunter feedback.


Fun fact: 2018 is when they last tried (and failed) to eliminate the pet from MM spec.


You can chose to play a spec that isn’t MM if you want to keep it around.

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okay? it’s been a mess of a spec since bfa and people asked for huge changes. here is the huge change. hopefully MM stops being a frankenstein spec

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