lmao blizzard literally is forcing mm to lose their pets
then dont play pack leader…?
it’s not a real eagle pet
Not sure if mentioned but I play a hunter as a casual alt. I enjoy Marksman Hunter and I enjoy having my pet for both using Lust buff and in soloing old raid content or world content, I like to Misdirect my threat to my pet.
But from what I am reading and if I understand correctly, I will not have access to that pet anymore? I wont be able to Misdirect it while playing Marksman?
Its not a big deal since its not really a high priority character of mine, but I have concerns of how it will affect my gameplay.
I mean on one hand I’m glad they’re actually doing a shred of work for hunters, on the other hand…what the actual hell are you thinking Blizzard? Which idiot thought that this was a good idea and again, which idiot green lit this? Do you not have a single person at your HQ that has more than two brain cells to rub together? Someone, ANYONE who can look at a bad idea, bring it to the person who made the bad idea and say “Yeah, no this sucks. Take it back to the drawing board and try again”
wow what great an actionable feedback, well done! i’m sure the devs will be able to extract a lot of helpful suggestions from this
The feedback is “Don’t”. There’s your tldr.
I don’t know why we have to completely destroy existing play styles to create new ones, all of this eagle stuff feels like it could just be a revamped part of a talent tree. And from a class fantasy standpoint I have no interest in it, that after years of waiting we finally get shadow(dark rangers) hunters and I have skeleton raptors and purple glowing snakes and spiders and to go from that to this just feels like such a downgrade regardless of how it plays
Dont what?
Dont rework pack leader? Dont revamp MM? Dont remove collar from BM? Dont add single pet to BM? Your “feedback” is just a directionless tantrum without even specifying what it’s about lol
That’s neat, piss off now.
“why doesnt blizzard listen to player feedback!”
the feedback in question
Maybe if they actually came up with some good ideas, but again they can’t. You can keep licking their boot, I’m sure you enjoy it.
It’s very obvious what they’re referring to, and if you need them to spell it out for you then you’re not worth their time.
/s in case it wasn’t clear.
I’m sure crying on the forums and being super rude about nothing will definitely give them to push to fix that super specific thing you’re upset about.
Nah. I’d rather stick with the spec I currently enjoy. How about you ask Blizzard to add a new pet-less ranged class instead of ruining the fun of others.
If you really want to embrace pet fantasy, figure out how to make your pets mountable and your beast mounts to become your pets when you enter/leave battle.
Hunters should have a specific mount button that mounts your current primary pet and you should be able to move your beast mounts over to act as your pet when you are dismounted.
Fantasy wise, be cool to enter combat and instead of your mount disappearing when you dismount, it simply continues running in to attack your enemy while you are dismounted and begin to attack.
How about we keep the choice of “Do I want a pet” as a Marksman Hunter up to the player huh?
Maybe the better move would be to, Oh I dunno, Remove the Lone Wolf Talent altogether if its causing that much of a strife that the go to for you is to “Lets just remove their options of having their own pet.”
Sheesh, talk about Knee jerk reaction in the wrong direction.
They tried getting rid of MM pets before and the feedback of “don’t do it” worked then.
their post included absolutely 0 information about what change they were upset about.
and if it’s about MM pets, that’s funny because for 10 years tons of MM players asked for pets to be just removed entirely.
Again, they’ve tried that before and player feeback made them go back to pets.
so if there’s tons of feedback when pets exist to remove pets and when pets dont exist to bring pets back, realistically what should they do?