Feedback: Hunters

Feedback was already given, people dont want the OPTION, to summon a pet to be removed.

We wait until they say something, if they say at all

And nobody was able to explain why they don’t work, only talk on slippery slop fallacies

No, can you stop caring about the subject, like you mentioned you dont?

Because we know your feedback is not genuine, your problem is that you posted before talking crap about pets and fantasy, then suddenly, you care about it and care about RP?

You dont fool no one here

Because the war isnt over, and you know it they can revert this and put back, you are scared it will happen


They say it’s “too difficult” as if that’s an excuse for Blizzard to get away with a half-baked class revamp that should have happened months ago during the TWW beta so they could have had more time to come up with better solutions.


This group of changes doesn’t make sense to happen together != too difficult

Utility is currently on pet

Rewrite spends a lot of effort replacing the same utility on the hunter

If you were going to keep the same pet that already does those things for the other specs, there is no point is rewriting all of the utility onto the hunter.

Doing the work of both rewriting the utility onto the hunter and then recoding the pet to not do the same things you just recoded somewhere else is also not difficult, but is pointless. Three left turns around a block instead of a right turn to get next door.

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We’re talking about making the pet optional so people who don’t want a pet never have to interact with the pet, while still providing the pet for those who do want it. That makes perfect sense given their reasoning behind removing the pet due to “friction” it causes for those who don’t want pets. It makes everybody happy, but causes Blizzard some extra work. I am absolutely baffled as to why anybody would be legitimately against this.


There is no universe where it is ever optional. Lone wolf doesn’t work. That has also been explained way too many times. It is in the blue post.

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So why could some of that utility not be placed on the hunter for all specs so that BM and Survival not feel forced to use a particular pet and could always use their favorite one,? I was once in a group with a guildmate BM hunter, the one that is the best option for lust, yet I was the one that had to do the lust because they did not want to give up their self heal in orde rto provide lust.

Situations like this should say that the ONLY way to really balance utility is to tie key abilities to the hunter, some, like Mortal wounds, might be flexible but ones like lust should be base line to the hunter anywa.


But they should be moving that utility to the hunters baseline, not just MM. Otherwise BM and Surv are still restricted to using ferocity pets, despite finally getting the ability to change their pets specs again. They can just figure out something new to put on the pets to replace the utility now on hunters. Or not. Doesn’t matter that much.


Worst case, they can have the stronger on the pet or somethink, like a mortal wounds on the hunter could reduce healing by 10% but the one on the pet reduces it by 20 or something. Non-stacking of course.

All specs ms effects should come from active abilities instead of passives like pet. Not currently how it works though.

Fair deal, but that is more an argument for placing the utility on the hunter and not the pet.


Once again I recommend making Howl of the pack leader a standalone spell to avoid potential overflow on resources.
Imagine you are running Relentless Primal Ferocity and bombardier for aoe, and as you press coordinated assault you gain 2 bombs, and normally you would want to press kill command because RPF is all about huge tip stacks you want your bomb to be tipped. BUT YOU CANT because the kc you are about to press is summoning you a BEAST and REDUCE bomb cd by 18s. In another word, the automatic beast summon is to some extend contradicting against some original survival playstyle and design.

Make it a separate spell, there’s absolutely no need to reduce buttons for hunter, this is not even a class having like 7 8 constantly pressed buttons in their rotation

Also, look at warlock design, specifically destruction, their one button triggers thousands of passive damage and effect which doesn’t influence rotation just do damage or stuff on their own, their one button press does 3 buttons thing. while survival has to press one button at a time to do one button damage and the numbers are not tuned enough. On survival talent tree, there are so many “refund”, “gain charge”, but you only have limited number of gcds, having a huge number of bomb doesn’t necessary equal to high dps.

Oh, you are hopeless if you think they’ll revert this work.

This is not a pre-alpha announcement 8 to 6 months before release. These changes are going live next month, or early march at most. What you can hope for is a return of Call Pet with some MM-specific limitations. And don’t be surprised if they decide to answer your plea with a Monkey Paw and end up giving tanking functionality with the Spotting Eagle, which would essentially kill any reason to bring back traditional pets for MM.

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It’s not even an argument

If they do that and add cosmetics. like a stabled pet for the eagle, ones like me would be, if not happy, satisfied.


It absolutely could be optional. You just refuse to believe that it is possible so you can keep arguing.


Hey this has been explained too.

%based buffs will always scale better than regular pet damage for marks

If there is no penalty for using pet, you are using pet

Hence why it isn’t and hasn’t ever worked out as an option. This is also explained in the initial blue post.

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You just cited two of my favorite hunter pets as a fellow night elf I agree with you in that aspect but I also really like the new MM design so I guess we disagree on that part haha

That’s why we’ve said there should be a percentage damage debuff for using a pet. You have apparently paid absolutely zero attention to what we’ve been saying.


omg, so much effort to give bloodlust to the hunter :weary:

the point is giving the hunter the ability to use it without the pet

You are, on purpose, making dense afirmations

And your source is: “i feel its like that”

There is no need to “recode” the pet, the pet already exist, they just disable your ability to summon it

They can easily make the pet abilities to not work, if they wish so.

“the pet was useless, nobody used”


“the pet was never optional”

By your logic, they should just remove lone wolf and force everyone to use pet

Not revert the work you dingus, revert the pet removal.

slippery sloopy fallacy isnt explanation.

You see, its because he “doesnt” care


The entire rest of the post you left out explains it