Feedback: Hunters

This Is My Survival Hunter Feedback.

  • Survival
    • New Talent: Cull the Herd – Kill Shot increases the damage units receive from your Bleed effects by 30% for 6 seconds.
    • New Talent: Born to Kill – Your chance to gain Deathblow is increased by 5% and the duration of Cull the Herd is increased by 2 seconds. Cull the Herd now additionally increases the damage taken from your Kill Shot by 25%.
    • Flanking Strike and Butchery are now on a choice node.
    • Merciless Blow’s Butchery bleed damage reduced by 50%.](Undermine(d) Development Notes)

This feels aweful to play now.
I have lots of reasons why, I just don’t have the energy to go through them all. It is Blizzards game and they are going to do what they are going to do and I decide if I’m going to pay to play it or not.
I just ask Please change it back.

You know when the changes came in on live with the 20th Anniversary Celebration update the devlopers hit a homerun on Survival. Not a grandslam but definitely a Solo homerun.
It smoothed out the global cooldown bloat it was having.
I never saw much of anyone saying anything about button bloat.
This is the best and smoothest and most fun Survival Hunter has played since I started playing the Specialization at the start of Shadowlands.
You know if it ain’t broke don’t fix it comes to mind on these changes.


  • Lunar Storm now triggers once every 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).

This change on the Sentinel Hero talents i’m thinking the damage will still be the same overall but the on use of it all makes it all just feel more awkward even more so then it doe’s now even though its not that bad right now really.
The biggest thing Survival will be missing out on is this talent Don’t look back defensive.
Having it proc less even when you get a good throw on Wildfire Bombs to get Lunar storm going for the entirety.

What I find curious is we will get 3 months of this awesome Survival Hunter gameplay and then these changes
While in Dragonflight we hardly saw any changes to Survival for the entire Expansion save a few teeks to exsisting talents like adding Auto-attacks with a two-handed weapon reduce the cooldown of Wildfire Bombs by 1.0 sec to the lunge talent.
Even in Season 4 of Dragonflight when Survival was outright broken BAD.
These changes on the PTR for 11.1 for Survival doesn’t feel like they are adding to the Spec but taking away.

As far as the Hunter Class Tree goe’s I got just one suggestion I can think of at this time.
To the talent Bursting Shot Being in 8 yards to hit targets with this just seems its missing the point of the knockback and snare effect it has.
I’d like to suggest extending the hit range by 15-20 yards instead of 8 yards.
I know Marksmenship Hunters will like something like this with the “No Pet” thing thats happening.