Feedback: Hunters

You can only get 2 Killshots inside the Coordinated Assault window now. You 100% do not need a single macro to achieve that. They’ve objectively fixed that problem with the ability and, therefore, writing a whole thing about why it’s still a problem (when it’s already been fixed) is wasted feedback.

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I think the fact that classic wow exists at all is proof that simplicity can in fact be just as successful.
I’m not siding with or defending that other guy; you are just factually incorrect when you claim simple can’t be as successful as complex.

Edit: Also, the entire First Person Shooter genre of games are WILDLY successful and popular and they are very simple… You aim, shoot, kill and win. You can 100% retain opportunities for skill expression, while maintaining a simple premise.

I wholeheartedly agree with your feedback besides one point where I disagree wholeheartedly. Namely:

I would really not like to see SV become more like the zookeeper that BM has turned into. I understand some like the “summon a hoard of beasts to fight by my command” but I am just 100% more of a “it’s you and your trusty companion alone” kind of guy. That is one part why I prefer SV over BM despite me being a hardcore BM lover up until Legion.
I would like to see big changes to Pack leader because it’s theme is the only thing there. It’s completely passive, lack luster and visually near non-existant. Even with bug fixes I do feel it’s a completely “pick the talents and forget about them” kind of tree at the moment. Would be nice to get some more visual effects from it and also something major, like most other hero talents have.

This is just such a big W for Blizzard if they did implement it. Like you said, the framework is there and a lot of people have been asking for it since Legion. Taking the time to implement it for TWW would be major.


ehem, excuse you? Did you just assume what “every single hunter” wants?

I will join Revnà in stating (as I have before) that I dislike Animal Companion and that and the dire beast introduction killed BM for me. I am fine if Blizzard wants to make the spec into a zookeeper, I will just not play it.
But when they also make Animal Companion a forced pick, so you can’t even be vastly suboptimal and play with one pet but now you have to play with two… yeah that is just bad game design.
I would love if they brought back a BM build without AC and without Dire beast but I don’t really see that happening. But AC just feels weird as a forced talent.

Please be careful to assume you speak for the whole of a community. And calling people clowns because they have a different opinion than you is just not the way to go. You are of course free to oppose his feedback, that’s what we are here for. But to call people clowns and claim you know what “every single hunter” wants?..

Some more feedback:
Barrage feels underwhelming for bm atm, just activating beast cleave doesn’t acomplish much.
I’d suggest making multishot baseline (for mm too!) and give bm a talent below barrage like MM gets, turn it into a 1 minute cd that makes you pet lash out at all the enemys you hit with barrage, kind of like old lynx rush from MoP, where it does a ton of AoE damage, or spreads a bleed to all enemies hit.


100%. Come on Blizzard, this has been an obvious problem since you changed the talent tree, how did you miss it (and how is it not fixed yet)?

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the macros were never about achieving a certain number of kill shot casts. To get the buffs from a pets basic attack on specific abilities you will still need 3 macros. This is objectively how the ability works otherwise you will be randomly buffing either Wildfire Bomb OR Killshot and not the specific one you want in that moment.

Objectively that is not changed it still functions exactly the same as it does on live, no matter the number of Kill shots castable in the window.

I’m sure all 1000+ of your other posts were never wasted

I saw a lot of complaints about animal companions or two pet

Can’t Blizzard make it like a cosmetic function? It copies the attacks and stuff. But does no damage is untargetable and is just there for show O.o

I’m also in favor of one pet hunter. I never liked having two it looked weird to me. I’m okay with the temporary Dire Beast, Wild Call.

I draw the line at the 24/7 pet. FIDO is supposed to be one Fido.

Also. side note.

Bloodshed would be way cooler if it was like a killing spree but for your pet.

Take Shower of Blood and make it baseline in Bloodshed. Then make Bloodshed dash to multi-target. Just like a killing spree, it would be dope.

Venomous Bite should be the baseline in the Blood Shed since it doesn’t do initial damage. It also would make it more attractive. Or just make Bloodshed do initial damage…

I hate Cobra Shot Animation. Please give me a glyph to cover it. I’ve been playing Marksman to avoid the weird snake and its hissing noise coming out of my gun/bow.

Completely just makes me wanna hurl irl.


I just think they need to make AC a option, not forced. And make it better balanced than in the past. Losing 15% damage because you don’t like several pets is very bad.

I like your idea for Bloodshed, much better than what it currently is and would look amazing to sick your pet into a frenzy on a group of enemies. Could “teleport” around the same target if it was just one, same as the rogue ability does.

Oh god yes, Cobra shot has never made any sense at all! We are what? Shooting a snake? or is it magic? Beyond the theme/lore of it it just looks super bad and sounds annoying. That and the fact they made BM a zookeeper spec (warlock already have one spec for that, wish it was enough for the devs) make sure I won’t touch the spec at all, for like the fifth expansion in a row, sadge.


Also forgot an additional thing, making Serpent Sting baseline or if you take Viper’s Vemon or making Arcane Shot usable with a 2h weapon just for ranged pulling would be really nice.


That’s not how the word “successful” should be interpreted at all here IMO. It’s being used to describe two methods to the same result. We all know phone games are wildly successful, for example. But in this case, pressing 3 buttons versus pressing 8 in the same system shouldn’t have the same equivalent result, otherwise there’s literally no reason to press the other five buttons.

That’s the point.

And has been pointed out, this is debated has veered from the point of this thread, which is hunter feedback for the beta. I’m simply responding to this because you clearly didn’t understand what I was saying. But I’ll refrain from continuing the discussion further, so as to stop distracting from the topic.

Hello hunter Devs.
this is post 5/7 as I give feedback on every single Hunter Tree this week

Pack Leader:

Details about what is wrong with this tree is for others to say because I only have 1 issue with this tree and that is; it’s boring. There is no Pack to Lead.

This is my suggested change.

Swap ‘Vicious Hunt’ with - ‘Dire Beast’ from the BM Tree. (Direct swap… stay with me)

Pack Coordination (redesign) - Your most recently summoned Dire Beast now obeys you Kill Command (similar to the BM Hunter 4 set bonus from DF S3)

Howl of the Pack - no change

Wild Attacks - no change

Den Recovery - no change (i also like the name ‘Dire Straights’)

Tireless Hunter/Cornered Prey - no change

Swap ‘Frenzied Tear’ with - ‘Dire Command’ from the BM Tree (direct swap)

Scattered Prey/Cover Fire - no change

Replace ‘Cull the Heard’ with - ‘Dire Frenzy’ from the BM Tree (will reuse Cull the heard later)

Replace ‘Furious Assault’ with - ‘Strength in Numbers’; Every pet you have under your control increases your Hunter spells damage by 1%.

Beast of Opportunity - Bestial Wrath/Flanking Strike calls on the pack, summoning a pet from your stable for 6 seconds (not Coordinated Assault for SV)

Swap ‘Pack Assault’ with - ‘Huntmaster’s Call’ from the BM tree (Remove ‘Pack Coordination’ from it completely as it’s too similar to ‘Brutal Companion’)

Pack Leader Hero Talent Tree would then look like this

This brings the Dire Beast ‘Zoo’ playstyle to the Pack Leader tree to create the Pack to Lead and have a very unique Hero Talent Tree for both BM and SV to enjoy. It’s strong. It’s thematic. It’s fun. It has an awesome capstone with Hati and Fenryr popping out (although where’s Misha?)

“BUT YOU RUINED THE BM TREE!” I hear you say.

4 talents were almost a direct swapped within the BM Tree. Putting them in Completely optional locations. ‘Frenzied tear’ (In the current location of Dire Command) being getable without getting ‘Vicious Hunt’ (In the current location of Dire Beast). The other 2 are gated by ‘Vicious Hunt’ as they relate to it directly. The 2 further changes needed would be;

Furious Assault (in the current location of Dire Frenzy) - ‘When Vicious Hunt Critically strikes there is a 50% chance to reset the cooldown of Barbed Shot and deal 30% more damage’

Pack Assault (in the current location of Hunt Master’s Call) - ‘Vicious Hunt now stacks and applies twice, and is always active during Bestial Wrath’ (removing ‘Call of the Wild’ requirement)

This would ‘sure up’ the BM Tree and reuse the talents that were replaced in the Pack Leader Tree.
I wanted to reuse as many Blizzard made talents as possible to make the swaps and rework simple and realistic in the beta timeframe. Rather than write a whole bunch of new talents for myself, as I’m just a Hunter Player not a Dev.

The final changes I would like to see at this time is to put ‘Cull the Heard’ (currently a Pack Leader Talent I removed) into the BM tree in the current position of ‘Venom’s Bite’.
I find this a much better ‘kill shot’ talent than Venom’s Bite.

Then I would move ‘Venom’s Bite’ to where ‘Improved Kill Command’ is currently positioned, and rework it slightly to read - ‘Cobra Shot critical strikes apply Serpent Sting’
This is a much more logical way to add passive serpent sting application to the BM tree without kill shot and instead using Cobra Shot… a snake.
(Improved Kill Command would then be deleted, along with the old Pack Coordination design from Pack Leader)

This is a simple way to ‘fix’ pack leader and give it true theme and personality, and have the ‘zoo’ hero talent tree we all wanted.
It does not ruin BM as it just makes the talents completely optional, and then makes ‘zoo’ Pack Leader an opt in to that play style.
Fenryr and Hati have a pack for you to lead with them.

Then we can avoid the awkward situation of being a Dark Ranger who is casting Black Arrow and then randomly sounding the Horn of Valor to summon Hati and Fenryr.
This seems horribly unthematic when it happens.
Why does my Dark Ranger have Fenryr fighting with it?

I hope you enjoyed this cook and I’m sure many people will hate it

If you’d like to watch a video explaining it in more detail with visual trees then please find it on youtube @Slothfaceyoutube

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So boldly and confidently wrong. I do NOT want Animal Companion. I want an alternative talent in a choice node that buffs my one pet. I don’t mind CotW since it’s just a cooldown that doesn’t overstay its welcome.


Yes, they were. The macros were specifically to ensure you’d get 4 Empowered Kill Shots inside the window since KS was a 5s CD.; that was the whole point.

Yes and that specific ability was Kill Shot which you wanted and needed 4 casts of. You ran the macros to ensure you could press Kill Shot on CD every 5s~ during CA.

See above.

Objectively it is changed. Kill Shot not having a reduced CD during CA means you’ll only ever get 2 empowered KS at most. Pressing a buffed KS at the start of CA or 6 seconds in doesn’t matter towards that end goal; you’ll still only have 1 more buffed KS available.

Which directly means that the macros to turn on/off autos so you’ll specifically have the empowerment buff every 5s for the next Kill Shot are worthless.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with what we’re discussing and more or less proves that even you know you’re wrong on this.


I also do NOT want Animal Companion.

Before Dragon Flight talent trees, I always used to run Killer Instinct(that’s the Kill Command execute dmg), since it was on the same row as Animal Companion.


Same here. I don’t even want AC removed since a lot of players like it. I just don’t want to be forced into it.


I like how you moved harpoon to baseline, good call.
I dont like how you chose to move eagle baseline. Its a niche talent and an empty flair attempt to call old range surv to the spec, which didnt work.
I would suggest you move raptor strike baseline and then put mongoose bite in raptor strike’s place. That make much more sense.

eagle is a utility tool that helps mitigate the effects of being unable to stick to a target due to mechanics (in pve) or slows/roots (in pvp). i don’t think it’s intended to replicate ranged survival since auto attacks are still melee. you can choose not to use it if you don’t like it, but imo having it baseline is a good QOL change.

making raptor strike baseline as well would be good. not sure moving mongoose bite to its current position would be, though. mongoose changes the playstyle in a way that some people don’t like, and moving it to raptor strike’s spot would make it unavoidable

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True, mongoose bite being moved there would be unavoidable. However, numbers wise, raptor stike doesnt keep up with mongoose bite. Plus the new talents basically force you into mongoose.

Dont get me wrong, i hate mongoose with a passion. The whole “you only get this long” mechanic was dead 2 xpacs ago. However, new talents make u take it.

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it’s utility to maintain uptime when you otherwise couldn’t
grenade juggler, especially in the last build, was a much more direct callback to rsv

anyways, after probably around 2ish hours of testing alongside some people in Trueshot Lodge, we’ve discovered that Territorial Instincts is insanely buggy.
It gives intimidate a 100yd range, has some sort of faulty logic, causes intim not to break camo, and will sometimes stun a fourth target
I’m not even sure if it’s worth giving feedback on since it’s apparently changing how it works in the future, unless they’ve walked back the decision
I’d be fine with it stunning a fourth, personally
100yd range is a bit insane tho

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