Feedback: Hunters

Except Flanking Strike is not KC.

Making it passively active on Kill Command does not increase Kill Command’s damage. It is still Flanking Strike.

Logic isn’t hard.

It very much is. VERY VERY much.

Also, Blizz.

Don’t acknowledge Flanking Strike doesn’t work then make us sit with the current Flanking Strike for 6+ months while you figure out an alternative.

As I said, making it a choice node keeps it intact for those who like the active skill, while also appeasing those like me and the others here who enjoyed having it passive.

And as a last resort - remove it completely before live, rather than just launching WW with Flanking Strike as it acts on live.


I think you’re confused. It has a different function in War Within. It is not like Dragonflight’s version at all.

It’s flanking strike in name only. If you keep it like this week’s version it is literally just a kill command that hits harder (and can also kill you)


The random charge, whether toggle’able or not is terrible design both for PvE and PvP. This has been tried multiple times and failed every time for other classes. Kill Command has 14 different effects tied to the button, do you really need it to also periodically do more damage?


Thank you Kaivax!

This is wonderful news, tell the team that outside of those two changes - we’ve loved the direction! So good to have last week’s Flanking Strike back where it felt so good to press and felt incredibly rewarding with proper usage.

P.S. The sic’em change was incredibly cool and really hope to see Bloody claws get a lil face lift! <3

Have a wonderful weekend!


Only in name.
It was suicidal blue kill command.
I’m sorry you wanted less buttons to press Maizou, but it was bad and unhealthy for the spec overall.

This is the correct course of action.
Just make them choice nodes with a neat name so everyone can be happy.


Reverting Flanking Stike to last week’s version is a good change. I am not going to repeat the reasons why, it’s a dead horse at this point.

The only way I see the Mongoose Fury(MF) window still working in TWW is if each Mongoose Bite(MB) increases the window by ~1s since MB is competing with every other ability between bombs, KC, FS, ES, SH, CA, and harpooning for focus with ToE. The DF MF window worked as we just managed focus between MB, KC, and occasionally WFB while using abilities like DC or ES outside of the window. With an increased ~1s, we can more comfortably squeeze in more abilities in the MF window while allowing skill expression.


I very much disagree. Flanking Strike as an active button is bad and unhealthy.

But again, I would prefer they just make it a choice node so no one gets shafted.

As I said, Monks were given like 3 or 4 of these choice nodes in WW - where they can choose between previously active skills or a new passive version. So it’s not something out of the realm of possibility.


based on what
don’t say button bloat without explaining how it was button bloat either
survival has 5 rotational buttons tops with fs being one of them, and that’s if you count in aoe
it has 3-4 otherwise

edit: actually no
choice node good
give us both blizzard


Then you aren’t playing Survival right? Lol.

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i guarantee you i am playing significantly better than you are if you believe that


I don’t think you’ve played Survival on beta at all.

  • Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike
  • Explosive Shot,
  • Kill Command/Flanking Strike,
  • Wildfire Bomb,
  • Kill Shot (5)

This is your single target loop on Beta. (This is not a priority, this is just a list of the button you press)


Oh wow, that was a quick turnaround. Thank you. Can you please add an alternative choice node talent to Animal Companion that buffs my one pet so I’m not forced into two?



Button bloat is any time a button that can be replaced by a passive isn’t. This iteration of flanking strike does all of the core things you’re saying, while removing a keybinding, and so it being a standalone button is bloat compared to the passive iteration.

This iteration of flanking strike is no more BM than any other. The entire spec suffers from “This is actually just BM mark2, and we’re just pretending it’s not”-itis.

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Absolutely cooked take. anything can be replaced by a passive button.

Last week’s Flanking Strike was a Focus spender and benefited from Tip that dealt very nice damage.

This week’s tip is a blue kill command that can kill you. Why waste a talent point on something like that?


It doesn’t spend focus, nor can I open on a pack while spending focus to get tip stacks rolling. It also can get me killed randomly far more often than having it active can.
It doesn’t even function the same.
Calling it button bloat is either not understanding last week’s version of FS, or using buzz phrases incorrectly while also not understanding last week’s version of FS.

Make passive FS a choice node with active FS.


Because it does all the things that it did last time. It triggers cleave, it gives more tip of the spear econ, and because it’s a strong gap closer for PvE and PvP situations on a rotational button. All of those things are fine reasons to talent into it. It doesn’t need to be a different bind to make it a valuable rotational button.

Agreed, last weeks iteration was literally perfect. Felt like a gap closer and nuke with upside through talents and the flexibility of granting back a tip. 10/10 loved last weeks button.


you mean it’s a one way ticket to death because it’s uncontrollable lol. “Sorry can’t press KC or I dive right into the enemy”

Also, for someone who seems to hate “bloat” you seem to really like one ability doing 15 different things at once. THAT seems bloated to me.


Thank you for the quick response to feedback! I’d just like to add my own voice to the others here saying the concerns about the previous iteration of Flanking Strike (the spender with increased benefit from TotS) not fitting with survival’s kit are unfounded, and the ability was actually close to perfect - there’s no need to try to fix what isn’t broken.

And thank you for reverting Mongoose Bite as well, it would have been a shame to lose such an iconic part of Survival’s kit. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all cook up for it going forward!


I disagree, and it’s clear we’re not going to agree on this point, so there’s no reason to keep going back and forth on it. We both like what we like, and if you’re happy with that iteration, that’s great for you. I enjoyed the other iteration better, and I’m disappointed to see it go.

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