Feedback: Hunters

This likely due to running Packleader as it is severely bugged, providing more KC Resets as you should have

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Lil more feedback.

Sentinel’s Owl. Visually it kind of looks…like it’s pooping on your target. It’d be nice if it swooped around instead of hovering there. Maybe make the projectiles it shoots look more…moonstormy rather than… ploppy.

Lunar Storm looks pretty, but it’d be incredible if it followed your target so tanks wouldn’t walk out of it considering it’s ICD.

Looking at other classes’ and other hunter spec’s main cooldowns they all mostly feel good on their own, Combustion, Bestial Wrath, Trueshot, Demonic Tyrant, Adrenaline Rush etc.

Sure they’ve got talents propping them up or helping them be better but I don’t think any are quite as propped up as Coordinated Assault is right now.

Relentless Primal Ferocity and Bombardier are mostly great talents don’t get me wrong. But right now they’re kind of the only reason’s CA is worth pressing.

+20% to some bombs and a 50% bleed from Kill Shot (which you can only cast twice during CA and never really feels like a Survival thing anyway) is…uhhh, not alot of value for a major class cooldown.

Granted we can reduce it to a 1min cd or possibly 45 seconds with Sentinel it’s still, really unimpactful.

Pack Leader hasn’t been touched in uhh…since Alpha launched and half doesn’t work still. I’m hoping this is because it may be due for a rework. It’s more interactive than Sentinel currently which is nice but it would be cool to see it changed to more live up to the idea of leading a pack of animals around.

I know BM already does that but I don’t see what the harm would be in giving them even more pets, just like Demonology Warlocks and Diabolist.

Let us summon an army of critters!..That we can then send at the target to explode just like Warlocks do with their imps. It’ll be on brand for Survival.

Just kidding about that bit but it’d be nice if it had more pizazz.


Yeah for sure. It’s just a bit of a mess at the moment because there is so many sources for KC resets and CDR that it makes it hard to know what is working and what is bugged, making it hard to evaluate it IMO.
Also the bugs to ToTS makes it really hard to evaluate how it works, since some abilities does not benefit from it but consume a stack, some abilities consume multiple stacks etc.

Hopefully we get some more changes (dual-wield and pet changes please!) and bug fixes soon, so we can give better feedback.

Huh? I personally feel like Pack leader is more pick it and forget it. It’s all passive and doesn’t really effect how you play. Sentinel is not much better but then we at least get slight control of the stacks and can use our own moonlaser thingy at the time we want. I still dislike Sentinel a lot more but think it works better, while Pack leader I like more but think it’s really poor, need a lot of work. Hopefully this is why they have been radio silent about them.

Black Arrow still feels relatively lackluster to press as it clutters up the rotation with extra Aimed Shot charges that we frankly don’t need. Is there a plan to change this ability up to be able to be slotted into our rotation as MM?


Forgot a thing.

In regards to Survival again.

Merciless Blows.

After playing around with it for a bit I don’t see it being very good. The problem being that both Butchery and Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike cost focus, so to cast Butchery, then cast MB/RS and cast Wildfire Bomb which costs focus as well? Not happening.

The niche it might fill is if Contagious Reagents works as intended then we could Butchery and MB/RS to spread Serpent Sting to more than 3 targets in two GCDs but that’s two talents and 60 focus spent just to get Serpent Sting spread around. Not really worth it.

I suppose it’s just like a nice-to-have in scenarios with 3 targets but in those cases you’d definitely be prioritizing Wildfire Bomb instead of MB/RS.

And in 2 target scenarios you wouldn’t be casting Butchery to have it active anyway.

Perhaps if Butchery cost 0 focus and simply had charges it might be a better pick but I feel like it’d be better if say for example, Kill Command caused the next X MB/RS to cleave or something even Wildfire Bomb, but not Butchery.

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Last visual was literally the bird pooping on things in your circle. The current version is good enough - the circle just needs to be visible to tanks so they stop moving things out of the circle.

Reposting my feedback here: Consolidated Surv/BM Hunter Feedback for TWW Beta


As a long time Survival Enjoyer since legion, if these changes shipped today (bugs fixed) I could have little to complain about but there are a handful of sore spots that could be ironed out.
I don’t think I have never posted on forums before so sorry if it’s a bit bloated.

Coordinated Assault
I would love to see this changed to play around Tip of the Spear entirely, reducing the cd and gcd of Kill Command for some really fluid weaving and begone with the janky pet ability casting that required 3 macros to really get the most out of. I was a huge advocate for this ability in DF but I think it’s time as is has passed with the reduction of value in Kill Shot. (Maybe play into the Explosive Shot more? Kill Command lowers the cd of Explosive Shot by 50% or something along the lines)

Mongoose Bite
This ability falls aside a bit in this tree, maybe changing Bloody Claws to increase haste or reduce the gcd of Mongoose bite per stack will help add some personal value to this spell. Otherwise I can see the potential where we just drop it in favour of the more consistent Raptor Strike even in single target.

Quick Shot/Sulfur Lined Pockets
This talent needs to be more deterministic. Change it to every 3rd Kill Command Reset will proc the arcane shot. This will make the talent feel a lot more receptive with a smoother luck curve. With the added power into it’s follow up, being an unlucky survival will feel worse for no reason.

Sic 'em
As is this talent is very lackluster, seems unlikely to be lacking so much haste and have so much crit where this is that desirable against other options with the current state of Kill Command. If Coordinated Assault is changed, I would love to see this become a way to use Kill Shot on any target like a Sudden Death proc; “Your Pet abilities have a chance to make your kill shot usable on any target regardless of health%”. Then potentially you could have an angle to bring back Dragonflight Birds of Prey/Pouch of Razor Fragments.

This probably needs to be off the gcd, feels quite sad to lose a gcd of it’s short duration to it’s own cast time, especially since it’s personal damage is really nothing to write home about.

I would love if this had a bit more visual flair on it, something similar to Arcane’s Familiar, a little owl guy to float around you when Lunar Storm is available. Also the sound is horrible personally if i gotta hear that screech every 15s for 5 minutes every boss i will lose it by the next expansion, make him make a nice hoot. For playability, I would like to see the proc of Lunar Storm replace Wildfire Bomb with a Sentinel bomb that functions like the S3 survival 4p where it gives you a charge and your next wfb(in this case sentinel bomb) would not consume a charge. Otherwise if you are not counting the invisible timer for wfb you could be caught out without a bomb when it’s available, and this ability is so much of your damage in st it would be a horror to have this happen several times a fight. Having the Lunar Storm follow the player instead would also be nice, similar to a mini starfall.

Pack Leader
Hard to give great feedback on this tree as it’s just kinda nothing as is, buggy and thematically lost with no visuals. I thought having this tree give Dire Beast to sv (similar to enhance getting lightning rod) would have been a good idea to build off, and to buff bm dire beast or second charge. Alternatively would be good to have a cycle of beasts like in the hero talent icon that we could call upon kind of like the Monk Conduit of the Celestials tree.
Alternatively renaming it might be fine and just fixing it up, because in my opinion it is the most mechanically sound of the two for Survival with the most fluid gameplay altering features.

Hunter’s Mark
It’s odd that our specs generally have synergy in the last 20% not the first 20%, I understand the fear of having hunter make what is usually the hardest parts of an encounter be a bit easier but surely the point of raid utility is to bring value, making usually the easiest part of the encounter shorter is so whatever. Also take it off the gcd please so we can more readily use it for swapping.

As melee we are generally a bit less desired in raid content than our counterparts, would be nice to see some unique utility (probably not on the line of strength as windfury totem) or a bit more utility along the lines of potentially having a selector to make Harpoon a death grip or a tranquilizer bomb like evoker’s Oppressive Roar.

Dual Wield
This is a greedy request but many survival hunters express interest in this, and the frame work is kind of there already through Lunge. Make Dual wield for the fast wildfire fighter bombslinger and the 2h for hard hitting Mongoose Bites. (Could replace Lunge; dual wielding gives wfb damage but 2h gives mongoose bite damage, both give auto attack wfb cdr like current)

Overall, especially with the last build the Survival and Hunter tree look really good, excited to see how it plays once it’s ironed out and to see what is done with the hero talent trees next. (Assuming Pack Leader is just this way because it’s got a bigger change coming)


More feedback.

This time concerning utility and buffs/debuffs we bring as a class.

Hunter’s Mark and the 3 target Intimidation really feel like “we’re only giving you this because you asked but we’re not making it good enough to really make a big difference”.

Everyone’s voiced their complaints about Hunter’s Mark already, limited use, takes a GCD to apply, near useless in dungeons, has a 20 second cooldown. Like why? Just give us the x% crit aura from WOTLK or something.

3 target stun. In what scenario exactly am I going to need to stun specifically 3 targets. What if there’s a pack of more than 3 mobs, do I just pray it stuns the right targets? Sure I can specifically target the most important one and stun that one but what are the other two stuns for then? Flavour?

Pet Utility. Why is so much utility tied to pet type, and pets on a whole when one entire spec doesn’t use them. Warlocks have pet choice too but their utility gained from their pets isn’t quite as impactful as Bloodlust or a whole defensive or… well cunning pets. But they also have the CHOICE to not to use one and STILL gain that utility. Why can’t we at least choose what utility we want to bring outside of pet choice?

I have heaps of cool mechanical pets that will probably never see the light of day because I don’t PVP.

Binding Shot. Why. I’ve almost never gotten good use out of it other than using it as if it were another root.

High Explosive Trap. Why. I’ve only ever used this to goof off and troll my party members. And once or twice on Fyrakk to move the ghosts around but even then at great risk of just punting them into the wrong area.

Steel Trap. Why. Used for a tiny bit of DPS when you’ve got no other buttons to press I guess. Caltrops would at least do a bit more general DPS.

I understand that not every ability has to be a banger but the changes people have suggested for High Explosive, Binding Shot, raid buffs and pet utility are all very simple and easy to make changes with huge Quality of Life benefits.

Bursting Shot available in the class tree is huge and that’s great, but why’s that like, the exception here.


I love the dynamic of having 2 pets. I think it’s cool and really fits the personality of “beast master” very well…

HOWEVER… The massive problem right now, is blizzard has forced Beast Mastery Hunters to slot for Animal Companion, and Call of The Wild.

There’s not problem if the player has the choice, and option, without being “useless”.

Again, as aforementioned, Blizzard has removed player choice in the current beta builds, and forced hunters to build a very specific way.

So until that gets fixed, I agree… However, in DragonFlight Retail, I’m taking animal companion, I love 2 pets… But that shouldnt be forced


Marksman Spec Tree Changes Requested via Feedback Ranking

With objective to add data & provide more digestible feedback to the dev team, I tried to combine most of the changes requested on the Hunter discord & on this forum post over the last few days.

Outliers with the most votes will clearly show a strong community desire to implement a change. I hope the dev team will act on these most requested changes.
Enjoyers of any form of content, from World quest farmers to Mythic raiders, anyone is encouraged to vote.

Note that this is only for changes concerning Marksman spec tree.

Your most wanted changes on the top, your least wanted changes in the bottom.
Make sure to finalize your ranking before clicking on the Vote button as it will lock them in.
https:// strawpoll. com/ jVyG2pjGzZ7


It’s really great to see you be so responsive to our feedback. I can see that your priority is firming up the core gameplay loop and the focus economy, so I’ll give my feedback on this week’s changes and summarise the things that I’m still hoping to see.

HUNTER Class Tree Feedback

Territorial Instincts –This talent will only be good if you change the way the cleave operates to ensure that it prefers targeting casting mobs. It would reduce the amount of criticism of this talent if that were the case. Otherwise, a random stun with no control over which targets are chosen is a very frustrating concept.

Steel Trap – Again, it would be good to confirm that you do not expect this trap to contribute to spec talents that empower our rotation through the number of bleeds on a target (such as Outland Venom). This is not a fun PVE talent and few of us will want to be forced into using it.

Binding Shackles – The tooltip on this still refers to a Binding Shot root rather than stun. This talent also doesn’t include Bursting Shot or Entrapment, which I think might be an oversight?

What’s still missing

It would still be great to see an option for High Explosive Trap to knock enemies up instead of away.

Hunter’s Mark damage amplification is still clunky to apply, particularly in M+ content. It is still not a substitute for a really powerful contribution to group content such as Mystic Touch. A group Leech or Mastery Buff would align with the Class identity.

MM still can’t cast Heroism/ Bloodlust and is still unable to benefit from pet passives such as Predator’s Thirst when playing Lone Wolf. This can easily be solved by introducing a ‘Sac’ style talent that allows MM hunters to choose which passive to choose before dismissing a pet.

Survival Gameplay and Tree

Gameplay Loop – Feedback and Remaining Issues

  • Really loving this week’s changes, but most specifically confirmation that you do not want to deprioritise the Focus economy.
  • Unfortunately, its currently really difficult to understand if this new gameplay loop is now working because of two bugs, one on Grenade Juggler, where too many Explosive Shots are being generated in multiple target situations, therefore wildly reducing the cooldown of Wildfire Bombs as a consequence of Wildfire Infusion. Then there is the problem of Wildfire Bomb not consuming Tip of the Spear correctly unless you have two stacks. We feel unable to provide proper feedback until these are fixed.
  • Please consider introducing Tip of the Spear as a spec resource akin to Arcane Charges.

Other Issues

Raptor Strike should be baseline given the issue of no melee tools to new Survival hunters at levels 1-10.

The current Quick Shot and Sulfur-Lined Pockets interaction unintentionally mean that we will never be able to generate an Explosive Shot. Please improve the chance to proc an Arcane Shot (which we hope will fix this interaction).

Merciless Blows and Contagious Reagents are still conflicting with each other. Both will spread Viper’s Venom to 2 other targets. If it is the intention for Contagious Reagents to spread exponentially when taken in conjunction with Merciless Blows then this is currently not functional.

Fury of the Eagle is still not worth taking even after its proper inclusion as a spell fully empowered by Tip of the Spear.

Middle of Tree Bloat and Variety of Capstones

By introducing some of the (very welcome) changes to our gameplay loop and focus economy this week you’ve also altered the talent point economy of some of the tree. Too many talents now don’t seem to be worth the talent point investment, an issue which gets worse the further down the tree you go. Many of these talents could be merged to regain their value. For example, Lunge still seems an unnecessary talent point after the range extension removal. This can be merged with another talent such as Improved Wildfire Bomb.

There are also still lots of throughput talents. Improved Wildfire Bomb, Tactical Advantage, Sweeping Spear, and Killer Companion are still just filling talent point slots in the tree. The latter two are particularly frustrating as they cost 2 points and remain gatekeepers to the capstones rather than representing anything exciting or meaningful to the playstyle.

Explosive Expert in particular is not only gatekeeping a capstone, it is a row 8 talent that provides just a 1 second Wildfire Bomb cd reduction per point – this is very underwhelming.

There are too many Coordinated Assault options rather than capstone options that would change your playstyle outside of cooldown usage. Please consider making Relentless Primal Ferocity the baseline version of Coordinated Assault. Right now, the baseline version still feels like a very unsatisfactory button to press, ultimately just being a +20% dmg modifier for the instant damage of Wildfire Bomb for 20 seconds. As is, you’re forcing us to choose 2 or more talent points to get a spec cooldown of similar power to other specs / classes.

There are also lots of ideas in this feedback thread on introducing other new and interesting capstones (some of my ideas below)

Right hand Side of the Tree Suggestions

I will continue to lobby for an alternative playstyle to the full Bomber mode on the left-hand side of the tree. This is not to be contrary, but I’d like to see you build on the potential you’ve introduced with talents like Outland Venom, Bloodseeker, Contagious Reagents and take them further.

A playstyle that builds on that core Tip of the Spear loop, but further incorporates bleeds, poisons and Kill Shot usage (outside of execute range) is really interesting to me. This not only nods to Survival’s history but also allows for lots of interesting alternative ways to play that don’t undermine the core design philosophy you set out last week. It also allows this side of the Survival tree to synergise better with Pack Leader.

Bloody Claws: Your bleed damage has a x% chance to gain you one stack of Mongoose Fury. (An iteration of the old Survival Mortal Wounds talent).

Merciless Blows: Casting Butchery makes your next Kill Shot, Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite hit 3 targets.

Sic ‘Em: Kill Shot critical strikes send your pet into a Killing Frenzy for 8 seconds causing their Basic Attack to also hit 5 targets within 8 yards at 60% effectiveness.

Shrapnel Bomb: Replaces Wildfire Bomb. [Mongoose Bite / Raptor Strike] and Butchery apply Internal Bleeding, causing (x.x% of Attack power) damage over 9 sec. Internal Bleeding stacks up to 3 times.

Sweeping Spear: Your Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite damage is increased by 5/10% and your Butchery damage is increased by 25/50% against targets suffering from your bleed effects.

Killer Companion: Your pet damage is increased by 5/10% against bleeding targets.

Flayed Shot: Your bleed damage has a 15% chance to gain Flayer’s Mark, causing your next Kill Shot to be free, usable on any target regardless of their current health, and deal 25% increased damage.

Fury of the Eagle: You summon the spirit of Ohn’ahra, who furiously strikes all enemies in front of you, dealing [(93.2% of Attack power) * 9] Physical damage over 4 sec. Critical strike chance increased by 50% against any target below 20% health. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kill Command cooldown resets reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle by 3.0 sec.

Killing Streak: Fury of the Eagle now gains bonus critical strike chance against targets below 65% health, and Fury of the Eagle critical strikes gain you Flayer’s Mark.

Again, despite the list of suggestions above, its still great to see your ideas for Survival hunter and the new gameplay loop has such potential when the bugs are addressed.


If we’re dead set on Marksman not having access to pet utility without a pet but also wanting it to be the no-pet spec…

And I know a lot of Marksman hunters don’t want to have to deal with pet pathing or pet AI or simply want to be a sniper.

Then maybe give them a mostly aesthetic pet. Like Mages Arcane Familiar or Warlocks Floaty Eyeball Thing. Does a little damage, doesn’t work against Lone Wolf. But also grants them access to Intimidation and Bloodlust.

Like it could even perch on their heads or shoulders. Like a Crow or a Raven or an Owl (hint hint) or a Squirrel With A Gun or a Pirate Parrot or something I don’t know.

I don’t even play Marksman and think its a bit silly they have to sacrifice DPS to Bloodlust or stun a target when no other class or spec has to do this.


Every single hunter, besides you apparently, wants Pet Companion and CoTW - it’s the majority of your damage. Where do these people with clown takes keep coming from?


What are you talking about? When did I ever say that I didnt want Pet Companion and CoTW?

Not only that, I love how you quoted me out of context to support your argument.

As I had said at the very start of my reply… So nice try with your cute little side step of that information

I love Pet Companion, I use it, and it’s a lot of fun.

When did I ever say CoTW was a bad talent? It’s not, its a great talent?

You completely miss understood what I said, and anything else that I’ve said.

The problem is that both dark ranger and pack leader literally require CoTW to be effective, and it forces people to spec their talent tree’s a very specific way, i.e running all the way down the left side. Which bars people from wanting to divulge into class fantasy, and build their characters how they want.

Blizzard has regularly said they want to adjust and build their talent tree’s in such a way that they dont promote cookie cutter builds, then turn around and make 2 hero talents, that literally have passives that do not function without CoTW… And they’re not just small passives, they’re massive buffs to the core damage component of the Hero Talents. So why even have the hero Talent in the first place when both are required to have CoTW?

Moreover, not “Every single hunter besides me wants CoTW”… I can scroll up and find multiple posts where people have called out that CoTW being a required talent, coupled with the talent tree’s being so expensive is a massive issue.


Marksman Hunter

It’s an alt I’ve played regularly for a long time. Overall the rework has huge positives, but there are a few gameplay elements we’ve lost that I would like to toss back out for consideration.

One thing I really hate about Marksman AoE is being forced to multi-shot after every single other attack. I understand Precise Shots, and I appreciate talents that beef up multi-shot (perhaps by too much atm lol).

But when you look at the Season 3/4 bonus in Dragonflight. That obviously takes things a little too far, but specifically being able to Rapid Fire into Aimed Shot without having to break that flow with a multi-shot feels great. I’d like to see that come back somehow.

Along a similar vein I enjoy Deathblow and Kill Shot procs in general. I miss Bombardment and letting my Kill Shot enable my AoE rotation.

My final piece of feedback is I’d love for Aimed Shot to be usable on the move in some kind of limited capacity. Maybe standing still could grant you up to 2-3 charges over time or something.


Heres some early thoughts after some testing based on how things feel while levelling and giving delves a go.

I am liking the reworked trees, the main Hunter tree lets me pick up the things I need with easier access to talents I feel might come in useful. But I feel that it’s added new abilities to our rotation without the option to keep a slimer playstyle. As it stands I could be needing around an extra 2-3 buttons for BM, 1 or 2 for MM though I’m more PvP orientated here. So far I havnt had any button bloat for Survival.

I find the loud horn sound for Huntmaster’s Call to be annoying and would preffer one thats a bit quieter. As it stands I’m sure it will end up giving me headaches.

Applying Serpent Sting is rough for BM, for both single target and AoE. For single target we need to pick up Hunter’s Prey for it to even matter, otherwise it will only kick in when the target is almost dead. For AoE the buff from Explosive Venom need to last longer and/or require fewer casts to activate. Testing it out in follower dungeons I often found the buff would activate when a pack was almost dead and then drop off before I could use it in the next pack.

Also can we finally get Barbed Shot bleed to show up on nameplates like all other dots?

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Following on from my other posts I will today give feedback on SV


Instead of Linking Terms of engagement to Viper’s Venom, The Link should instead go from Alpha Predator to Bloodseeker.

The same goes for the other side of the Tree between Improved Wildfire Bomb and Grenade Juggler.

Quickshot is insanely unwhelming because the proc rate is so low. it’s RNG on RNG on RNG. 30% chance when something else happens which is Also RNG. During a 6:26min dummy combat I only got 10 procs.
Sulfur-lined Pockets is boring because of this, as those 10 procs means I would have had 7 arcane shots and 3 explosive shots in 6min and 26 seconds. very boring.
Also this kind of ‘count to 3’ mechanic might require more WAuras to track and use optimally which is a bit irritating.

Co-ordinated Assualts design is still very clunky. Charging the target when you push it is fine design for SpearHead but it makes CA feel a bit too similar to SpearHead on button push.
Then you have a complex design of your buffs activated by your pets basic attacks which you can’t tell are happening without a WAura. Then you have to choose which button to buff and hopefully it’s buffed when you push it otherwise it could be the ‘wrong’ spell you buffed or it’s already on cooldown now so the buff applies right after you’ve pushed it. It feels very unintuitive and confusing to new players how you should use this Cooldown.

Then you learn the optimal way to use it is to create 3 separate macros. 1 to turn off your pets autocast basic attack when you go into CA, Another to make your pet use its basic attack before you use killshot, and a 3rd to turn your pets Basic Attack auto cast back on once CA is over.
On top of that you need 3-4 weak auras to tell you that all this is working correctly and to remind you to turn your pets basic attack autocast back on.

This is a very unfriendly design and I would like to see it simplified so that it’s way less cumbersome to use, optimize and enjoy. I just want a big damage cooldown to work everytime I use it.
It’s also annoying to use in execute because if I killshot and then use CA my killshot in on cd and i can’t buff it.
Please rethink CA in general. And also rethink i having the same charge as spearhead.
It doesn’t need to charge as Killshot and Wildfire Bomb are both ranged.

Sic’ Em has 2 problems. It’s not a big enough reward to get just another thing that resets Kill Command. I would like to see it get a more powerful effect like it generates tip of the spear or perhaps makes your next KC generate multiple tip of the spear stacks.
It also suffers from having very low amount of uses in combat. It only is useful during CA or in Execute. Without a ‘death blows’ type talent in the SV tree it makes Sic’ em very low impact, low proc rate, and low reward.
(I’m not suggesting SV needs a death blows type Kill shot proccing talent, it would be consistent with the other trees but mostly resetting a Kill Command is pretty zzzz)

other quick notes;
Sentinel is OP
still feels like I want to Kill Command to generate a tip of the spear stack even if I have max focus so I’m overcapping alot (Maybe im just bad?)
Still feels like there’s a lot of buttons I want to press at once.

Sometimes Kill Shot or Explosive shot won’t cast because it says I’m too close to the mobs? bug?

Please bring back Birds of Prey

Thanks so much for reading

Video explanations can be found of my notes on Youtube @Slothfaceyoutube

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You can only get 2 Killshots inside the Coordinated Assault window now. You 100% do not need a single macro to achieve that. They’ve objectively fixed that problem with the ability and, therefore, writing a whole thing about why it’s still a problem (when it’s already been fixed) is wasted feedback.

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I think the fact that classic wow exists at all is proof that simplicity can in fact be just as successful.
I’m not siding with or defending that other guy; you are just factually incorrect when you claim simple can’t be as successful as complex.

Edit: Also, the entire First Person Shooter genre of games are WILDLY successful and popular and they are very simple… You aim, shoot, kill and win. You can 100% retain opportunities for skill expression, while maintaining a simple premise.

I wholeheartedly agree with your feedback besides one point where I disagree wholeheartedly. Namely:

I would really not like to see SV become more like the zookeeper that BM has turned into. I understand some like the “summon a hoard of beasts to fight by my command” but I am just 100% more of a “it’s you and your trusty companion alone” kind of guy. That is one part why I prefer SV over BM despite me being a hardcore BM lover up until Legion.
I would like to see big changes to Pack leader because it’s theme is the only thing there. It’s completely passive, lack luster and visually near non-existant. Even with bug fixes I do feel it’s a completely “pick the talents and forget about them” kind of tree at the moment. Would be nice to get some more visual effects from it and also something major, like most other hero talents have.

This is just such a big W for Blizzard if they did implement it. Like you said, the framework is there and a lot of people have been asking for it since Legion. Taking the time to implement it for TWW would be major.