Feedback: Hunter - Scatter Shot/Binding Shot

I tried posting this in the “Feedback: Hunter” forum, but I guess I don’t have access since I’m not on the beta…

I would love to see a change to scatter shot’s position in the class tree. It feels really bad that it’s locked behind binding shot. I may be a minority, but I don’t use binding shot in PvP or PvE. However, I use scatter shot in both. It’s a great single target stop, which is what I thought hunter excelled at: they have a lot of single target stops to make up for their lack of AoE stops.

I found this post on the EU forums that made great suggestions, and Blizzard has already taken action on one of them! (swapping Pathfinding and Trailblazer) Please keep up the good work!!

Edit: I thought of a potential solution:

Put scatter shot where high explosive trap is, and high explosive trap where scatter shot currently is. This would give a choice node in the middle of steel trap or scatter shot and a choice node under binding shot of high explosive trap and bursting shot. If I were to take binding shot in PvE, I would want to pair it with a knockback to trigger it, and with this change you can choose a knockback effect directly under it. This would limit having a double knock (since bursting doesn’t diminish with other knockback effects), but I’m willing to give that up to get my trusty ol’ scatter shot back. <3


Scatter / Bursting is an interesting choice. Binding isn’t a choice. Putting the choice node before the single node maximizes options.