Feedback: Holy Paladins

I’d also like to mention how short-lived the holy paladin “rework” lasted.

In DF they put all this development time into spells like Hand of Divinity, Tyr’s Deliverance, and Daybreak. Daybreak is gone, Tyr’s was nerfed into uselessness for several tiers, and Hand of Divinity isn’t competitive with Divine Favor.

For TWW they spent a great deal of time around Holy Shock and Light of the Martyr, and that whole section of the talent tree is still completely useless.

They had a (IMO) interesting spec mechanic with Glimmer, where I felt they definitely had an opportunity to flesh out a unique playstyle for the spec, as Glimmer could have been used for more meaningful spell interactions like how Renewing Mist or Riptide function for their respective healers. But instead of iterating on it they tossed it after a few expansions.

For me, the spec just kind of seems like it’s in shambles. A Frankenstein of a bunch of different failed ideas stitched together, without a clear design direction or goal for how it should even play.

From builder/spender, caster/melee/hybrid, too much power baked into wings, beacon healing, light of dawn being useless forever, holy shock needing to be massively rebalanced every patch because of passing fancy for how the spec should play…it’s just a mess.

I think part of MW’s success is that every ability in its toolkit has an intended goal and use. I…don’t feel that way about holy paladin.


100% this. Can we just get DF S2 holy paladin, but with realistic tuning numbers? That hpal felt so good; that was an actual melee healer.

Not sure I necessarily agree…DF S2 holy paladin felt strong, but it was because they had slapped on several new cooldowns to the spec without any proper testing or tuning. It was beyond bloated IMO and I don’t necessarily think it had a great playstyle, it just had a slew of OP cooldowns it could cycle through to handle every mechanic.


Oh yea I forgot about that. That was unreal how such a simple talent could be so valuable to the playstyle, just for it to be ripped from our dying hands

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Honestly best description so far. Hit the nail on the head.

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I tried Hpal, and it’s feel really really week
3M3 crit on Word of glory? What’s this? I have 10M Hp

A holy combat paladin has been a desire of the community since the beginning of World of WACRAFT.
but clearly bizzard doesn’t like and doesn’t want paladins playing this way.
the Melee Wings build, works for blizzard as a “Shut up and don’t disturb!”
Always suffering nerfs directly or indirectly (as in patch 11.1) to keep it inferior to cast construction, in all game activities.

I don’t think that will change. Note that the paladin community itself doesn’t give a damn, every season just use Google, download some trendy build and everything is fine.