[Feedback] Healer Runes

Healing Specialization: This new ring rune increases Healing by up to 26. It can be found via a new discovery.

Meditation Specialization: This new ring rune increases Mana regenerated every 5 seconds by 5. It can be found via a new discovery.

After neglecting healers in Phase 4, thanks for giving us something to look forward to. Let’s see if these are actually worth the excitement. :+1:

Tuning-wise, these look mediocre in the long run, probably fine for Phase 5.

The tuning is an issue because there is no scaling factor. Secondary stats, like hit rating and weapon skill indirectly scale with your character’s power. +26 Healing and 5 MP5 are just flat bonuses, basically enchants.

So, let’s do the “eye test” to see if these are good… we are comparing it to … 6% Hit Chance.

… Healing Power seems weak to me.
… 5 MP5 is also seems weak compared to 6% hit.
… combining both effects doesn’t look remotely close to 6% either.

So, what makes these runes tuned poorly?

  • These bonuses do not scale up. Healing Power in particular gets “less beneficial” as you get more Healing Power. (How powerful is +26 at 500 vs. 1000 healing power…it’s not as beneficial when you have more Healing Power.) – Compared to 6% Hit Chance, your attacks will do more damage with better gear, but the attacks still need to land, so Hit Rating actually scales.

  • MP5 needs time to work. Unless you plan on making 6min boss fights the norm, you’re not really going to see a benefit. Even then, 60 mana every 1min is just plain weak, especially when we’re likely going to have 8,000-10,000 Mana in Phase 5.

You gave all the Tanks and DPS a modern rotation with incredibly overpowered bonuses, yet you continue to give healers nothing to be excited about.