<Feedback> [H] Fri/Sat 10:30-1:30 EST

Times: 10:30pm-1:30pm EST Friday/Saturday

About us: We are a group of friends raiding together in retail during the week and looking to clear TBC content on the weekends.

We have multiple CEs together over the course of a few expansions and looking to add TBC on that list. We’re currently 11/11 Karazhan looking to expand into 25man content.

Recruiting: We are currently in open recruitment!

Loot System: RCLootCouncil with a priority on performance/attendance.

Contact (Discord): Bauski#7229, Beaz#1182 or Bawnches#5910

We need a boomkin, Ret Holy Paladin, 2 DPS (any class) and 1 healer (any class)

Still looking for a Balance druid and Holy Paladin!

Cleared 11/11 3/3 this week! Still looking to improve the roster with balance druid, holy paladin, resto druid and resto shaman!

Still looking for balance druid, holy paladin, prot paladin and resto shaman!

Any strong players are considered even if you aren’t one of the classes listed feel free to reach out!