Feedback for World of Warcraft: The War Within

??? how am I acting?

my thread has 100 replies from 1 person…

do you think that’s normal?

Says 50 from you 36 from Akaston.

Right at the bottom there.

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You are quite literally arguing with anyone who will give you the time of day.



I engaged mainly with him and you, that’s two people. He has remained stern in trolling.
You are also the majority of replies!

Hey I would argue whatever your OP is if I can physically read it.

Its long and eyesight is bad. It blurs together on my phone.

Also you have my discord. If you, personally, have an issue with me, I’m just a friend request away.


I sended you a bnet friendo the last time you said that on the forums but you’re not my friendo :sob: :sob: :sob: (no issue I jus like friends)

I accepted it! I’m on there!

I accepted it like… 4 days later lol

Try it again Dragula#1137

I’m gonna look :pleading_face:

Edit - OK den I sees :grinning:

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Send me a message then so I can add a note:P i forgot to last time lol

I showed up 2+ hours late to this thread and don’t understand why you were flagged/reported but at least being flagged may mean your post gets read by the right people so that’s something.
I guess.

Anyway, good post. Hope someone sees it.

Forum mods arent devs.

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People probably got annoyed with the “body type 2 is politics we don’t need” bullpucky.


And it’s the orc too…

My big gripe is i cant fully read the top cause its so long. It’s messing with my eyesight.

I could try copy pasting it into chat gpt and seeing if it can give a summary.

Thread would have been fine if it was just about the addons. Making a political point in talking about body type 1 & body point 2 is really where you lost me.

I happen to like using the addons I use. They don’t play the game for me and make it easier for me to know what to do in an encounter. If they included some of those cues into the game I wouldn’t be too upset with losing them. I don’t think they are as big of a problem as others obviously do. I don’t play the game that hard so I benefit from them as a casual player. They help me a lot and I am very grateful for them.

Ugh… Not this again.

There is nothing wrong with addons. They are optional, and you are free to play the game without them. You do not need addons to play the game. But please stop requesting for this to be removed. Everyone plays their own way, and removing addons is going to kill the game much faster than it would help with anything.



  1. Remove all addons.
  2. Stick to two types of game modes, PvP and PvE, but Plunderstorm is okay.
  3. Stop putting politics into the game, cause body type.

Probably because of this line:


Oh for snickerdoodles sake…

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0/10 effort

Please don’t try again.


Are you worried about the “body type 2” designation?
OMG what would happen if “body type 3” existed?