Feedback for sv hunter going into TWW

I am mainly a sv player, I do M+ and pvp as my main modes of content. Unfortunately the hero specs announced for sv/bm and sv/mm have me extremely not excited to play. This is the first expansion I haven’t pre-purchased and probably won’t until there have been some changes to hunter.

Pack Leader is bad.

Pack leader is extremely boring, there are more detailed threads going into specific problems but the real issue is it seems to be just an extremely uninspired weakaura spec. You don’t even get a pack to lead. How this spec hasn’t been slotted for a rework is beyond me, what dev is in charge of class design for hunter? It maybe time to seek another line of work.

Give me the ability to use exotic pets as Pack Leader.

Make me lead a pack, I don’t know if you need to rework stampede to be worth a %$^#, death chakrams outpaces it in all content by a mile on every spec. At the very least just give me the ability to summon a second pet like BM or give me a cool animation when I use flanking or my burst. Just give me something to make it cool.

Wouldn’t even hate dual wielding as a passive for this spec only. You make survival use 2h and then lock us out of the 2h legendary, you clearly do not care about our weapons so just give us dual wield.

Sentinel is mid.

I’m sure this could be great in M+, but for PvP it seems to be unplayable as you’re just gonna break cc constantly and not be able to play the spec ever. I’m kinda torn on the arcane-themed damage as well. It’s ok. I’m not excited about it but I do not hate it. I don’t think I can ever play it in arena, but may enjoy it in M+. Was really hoping for more from this spec, but instead we got wild spirits back. Unsure who this spec was designed for.

Pets need another overhaul, you guys can’t seem to just do the common sense fix.

As a PvP enjoyer I have been using the same undead raptor since the beginning of shadowlands. Please let me use any of the other 100s of pet models I’ve collected over the years. It is actually omega depressing this isn’t an option. What’s the point of collecting all these pets if they just sit in the stable, gather dust and no one cares about them.

Let me pick whatever pet I want, and customize it’s abilities or give it a talent tree like we used to be able to do. You keep introducing new pet models that we can’t use because of extremely cooked “passives” attached to 2/3rds of the pets.

In conclusion, I am less excited to play the next expac after seeing these hero trees, and no communication from the devs regarding the pretty much universally negative feedback across the board for hunter trees. I understand “its only alpha” but that is just phase 1 in the cycle of “its only alpha, beta, first patch, second patch, itll get done next expac.”


Thank you for this post!

It’s good to see there are people who care and try to make a difference. I feel exactly the same way - I was super hyped about the expansion and now I feel hit with a cold shower. After pack leader and dark ranger I had all my hopes set for sentinel, only to discover it’s another “pack leader”… a talent tree based around a serpent-sting-level-of-power arcane damage DoT and an owl spewing AOE in a fixed location everybody can move out of, or move into to make you break CC on them.

I’ve basically given up at this point. I don’t think there’s anything more I can do as a player. I posted in all feedback threads, created all these new topics to draw attention to how unfun hunter talents are, nothing seems to have any effect.


I just want a lead class designer that is responsible for Hunter to actually communicate their goals and hopes for the class and its’ specs.

It has felt directionless (for me at least) since Legion.

I’m usually part of the silent majority in the grand scheme of the game because all in all I love it. But Hero Talents have made it obvious there is a huge disconnect between the Hunter Devs and the class’ players.


honestly i dont hate that survival is melee so much as i hate that the devs have abandoned it. Can we get some kind of attention to this spec, any at all? survival has been practicaly abandoned it feels like lmao
they just keep tossing bomb buffs and other random stuff at it


I’m just once again sick of hunters being bows/elf junk.

Why do we have sentinel? We’re not going to be allowed to use glaives or mounted combat.

My hunter is a dwarf. Similar to the dwarven musketeers or dwarven mortar team. I use guns and explosives, not bows.

Don’t forget that there’s more lore for hunters than just the nature dorks.


As someone who used to play RSV I dislike both. Not only did we lose our spec but the spec they replaced it with feels like it was abandoned


Honestly feels like the whole class has been abandoned sometimes.


Hero talents are a bad idea overall. I feel that’s being poorly implemented with their whole Triune xpac plan release where we will most likely get something clunky/rushed (much like azerite) where S03 of TWW will give us something feasible for 2 specs perhaps.

On Midnight Hero talents will be playable. Since we get 1 xpac per bad system that will be thrown out and with 3 they will be forced to actually fix it.

It’s been a long speculated theory that hunters had no dedicated dev since before DF


I believe one of the former devs said the hunter dev also works on druids. If that was and remains to be true, it makes sense that hunters are forgotten because look at how often druids, especially balance, had been reworked since alpha shadowlands.

Wasn’t that shaman and not druid?

Maybe, I thought it was druid - I can’t recall. Either way, if it’s not something in a pathetic state, then clearly they know how to do their job, they’re just refusing to.

we don’t know any specifics on who works on what. we know that nimox posted both shaman and hunter stuff during DF development. anything beyond that is speculation

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