Feedback for a questline; Warning: potentially triggering

Please do not click on the blurred text as this information may be potentially, absolutely, triggering. It was for me. I’m beside myself, at the moment. Also, some spoilers. But I was encouraged to give some details. So… here goes. :frowning:

This quest may turn out completely differently, but I can’t continue to find out.

I would like to say that they would rather spare his life, than unalive him, because he’s “old” or “time to shut down”. I know there may be people that say that going out “with dignity” is better than … having Alzheimer’s, but - life is so valuable. We become stronger because of what we deal with, truly. I’ve gotten to help folks that were suicidal and I would never want to see people hurting. But unaliving them is - not my first choice. This questline has the potential to be absolutely devastating to some people playing the game. This quest seems to say “it’s ok to do this”, when, in my experience, this is not a good idea. This quest, it’s not ‘ok’. :frowning:

edit: It’s the quest where you help a dwarf commit suicide. This quest has the potential to be incredibly triggering for people dealing with this kind of situation in real life. I strongly encourage people to NOT unalive themselves if they are dealing with any illness. – I mean, it doesn’t seem ethical to want to unalive people with Alzheimer’s (the story-guy), or let them do it, because people, all people, have value. No matter what.

Blizzard has always given us amazing hope, like “Live, Another Day” and “Must remember the Light.” “Do Not Seek Death.”

I was encouraged to post this here. I am not trying to flame anyone. I truly don’t think this quest is a good idea.

original post: (looking for advice/guidance on what to do.)
I am almost completely triggered by a new quest in the game! Holy mackerel this is like totally unhealthy! It’s … scary!! D:

I can’t even talk about it, because it’s probably against the forum rules! So at least, I can talk about how I feel about it? Maybe?

This quest is totally unhealthy and I’ve never seen anything like it in game, before.
Holy, holy mackerel. I mean, it’s unhealthy for me, and maybe others that may have been in my position.

I can’t even fathom, are they trying to advocate for something, here? It’s horrifying and dreadful.

I’m absolutely scared, right now.



I mean without the quest names or details this post isn’t great feedback.

Customer support also isn’t a place to provide feedback. You’ll need to make a suggestion in game or post over in the Quests forum. But you’re gonna need to provide more details if you want anything changed.


Quest forums would be better and be constructive without breaking the rules.


I thought I’d be breaking rules if I posted in General, but you say there’s a Feedback forum? I can’t actually talk about it, because I’m afraid I’ll get banned if I bring it up. I’m still dealing with some emotions, too, at the moment. It’s not entirely personal, this could bring up a lot of stuff for other people, too @_@

Just avoid swearing being extremly toxic stick to the facts and say how it could be changed.


I don’t have to be toxic to say it’s unhealthy, but others may not agree with me and I could get banned just because I learned something … healthier.

When i mean toxic i mean being unflattering to the developers and saying well were not gona go there.

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I’m not sure how that will be interpreted. That’s why I’m worried about giving details.

I sincerely appreciate you talking with me about it, though!


Last thing i want is someone to get actioned.

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I understand.

I mean, there’s a chance this quest could turn out differently, but I don’t think it will.

Am I in the right forum for it, now? I didn’t see a ‘Feedback’ kinda thing.

D: D:

Its been moved to quest forums so yes CS doesnt collect feedback.

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I moved it, me’self. :heart:

edit: I had to quit playing. I may actually not come back, which blows, because the new area looks beautiful. Like unsub, not coming back. I can’t do this. It’s unhealthy. I promised myself I wouldn’t go near stuff that was unhealthy. For anyone.

edit: I put in some details.

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Thanks for updating with details. Without at least the name of the quest, it would be hard for Blizzard to know what was troubling.

I personally havent gotten that far into the expansion yet, but when I do, I can report back on if it has a happy or troublesome ending, if you’d like. That was if you want to continue on you can know what to expect at least.


I did the questline today. I’m not sure how far you got, but it’s really not about helping someone “unalive” themselves. They are already shutting down, nothing we do would stop it. Just like people at the end of their natural lives.

The chain helps you honour his last wishes and see them through, to give him peace of mind.

But again I’d like to stress that you are not assisting them into ending.

Not sure if that will change anything for you but wanted to provide an update in case it did.


I appreciate your info, Jeysca. :heart: I went and read the quests on wowhead, and they kinda still give me this creepy feeling. Some of the quest text says things like “I want them to remember me like I was”, which set off some alarm bells for me.

I took several days off from the game. Still feel creeped out about going back to the new areas. I was really loving it, til I hit this thing. It was so creepy. I didn’t know how the ‘shut down’ was going to occur; but I had bad feelings from the entire quest-line.

edit: I was right not to post it in general. :frowning:

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