let me start by saying i am not a windwalker main. not even close. what i am is a dabbler. i’ve now leveled 2 monks to 80 and gotten up past heroics on both.
i GREATLY enjoy windwalker. there is so much going on here thats cool. the various shadow pan and flurry of xuen procs, a fully charged blackout kick swinging like 5 times at once, rising sun kick with that thick thwack sound getting the proc for the extra swing, whirling dragon punches fantastic sound effect and animation. the mobility, the rhythm, the impact, what a spec.
but then you get to fists of fury.
you were having fun? prepare to stop your rotation dead in its tracks as you channel the most boring looking spell, with the most monotonous robotic sound effect in the game for almost a full 4 seconds straight, during which you cannot do anything else like spearhand strike interrupts or pop a defensive or heal without interrupting it and cratering your damage. and damage? frankly it feels like such a wet noodle for how long you have to channel it and how many talents seem to play into it. i’ll admit, i dont have a crazy high haste stat and maybe that makes the difference, but compared to a rising sun kick or a strike of the wind lord? what a wet fart fists of fury is. you see one unimpressive damage number float up lazily every half a second or so and all you are thinking is “do i really have to do this? i could be kicking right now”
i dont know. maybe when you get high gear and the right stats something changes, but having played every spec in the game now up to 80 in at least heroics, this is probably the most boring, rotation stalling flat tire of an ability i have used. and again, i admit, i am not a windfury main, im not even a monk main, so maybe there is some nuance i am missing here, but it just kills the whole rotation for me.
i think a good comparison would be to look at demon hunters eye beam. these two abilities, fists of fury and eye beam feel like they fill a somewhat similar role. medium length 30 second-ish cooldown, supposed to be a big damage button, with a channel that deals damage to all targets in front of you. but man what a difference. for starters eye beam resolves in half the time, about 2 seconds. the sound effect is much more urgent and impactful, less of a robotic slapping and more of a frenzied laser scream, and the damage numbers instead of being 1 tepid number every half a second is a blistering wall of big yellow crits waterfalling over the enemies so fast its hard to count them. eye beam then sends you into a frantic short buff window to crank out some big hits ASAP, while fists of fury seems to just plunk you back into your rotation, possibly lining up with a whirling dragon punch for a bit of punctuation. it gives you an auto attack speed buff after the fact but that is completely non interactive with actual gameplay. i know demon hunter and windwalker are a bit apples and oranges but the two feel similar enough that i can make the comparison. on my havoc DH i am always excited to use eye beam, i cant wait for it in my rotation, but on windwalker fists of fury feel like it just grinds the gameplay to a halt with no payoff and bad aesthetics and audio.
feel free to disagree and try to sell me on fists of fury, but as it is i think its a flat tire on a hotrod of a spec. and to clarify, i am not talking about details overall dps throughput, im sure its actual numbers are just fine, im talking play feel and excitement.