Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Its funnier how people fail to see the benefit, if it was supposed to beyond passive talents they would have made it so.

Yep, you are right, we are all wrong and clueless.


Oh goody our community council is insulting us while telling us Blizzard makes our talent trees are terrible on purpose. I hope everybody feels special.

From what I have seen on the alpha the ancestors for elemental provide us no rotation changes, no resources and only provide damage if we are able to deal damage. Our hero talent tree is essentially a passive stat that is worse than our current mastery. But everyone be happy because our casual community council representative likes it.


How can I like something I haven’t used yet? I’m waiting for access.

Sorry I got picked for something I voluntarily signed up for, but honestly this is the 4-5th comment from you regarding this so, don’t know what to do for ya fella.

Don’t worry, all of us are sorry.


You should be, if this is how you communicate no wonder shaman is in the place it is.
Can’t have fun like the other class forums do, gotta be negative and contrary in the sake of “progress”

Oh maybe I communicated that poorly. I meant we are all sorry you got picked.

On behalf of everyone I am also sorry that we felt Farseer is really poorly designed and we were negative and contrary about it. Sorry about everyone providing feedback about the tree to try and “progress” it to something that is better. We were all a bit confused at the rather drastic shift in tone of the thread once you got involved in it, we didn’t realize you were trying to have fun here.

So yeah, sorry.


Terribly sorry for the drastic shift there bud

From my understanding when u say something like 'no wonder shaman is in the place it is ’ means u think shaman is in a bad place. And ur first reply about this hero talent which will not make shaman better in any means,on this post is ‘wow this is so cool blablabla’ makes it so ridiculously stupid.
And this come from a community council or whatever u wanna call it XD.

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You are the contrarian here. People are giving legitimate feedback. Farseer for ele has zero interactions with the class kit other than some CDR on fire ele. The ancestors summoned don’t cast if you aren’t casting, they don’t interact with our talents or mastery, and the defensive nodes are horrible as well. The tree needs serious work, and all I see in your responses to people is that it’s okay without providing any constructive counter points of your own.

Compare our ancestor spawns to the diabolist spawns for warlocks. Diabolist can spawn 3-4 unique minions who are on a set rotation so not RNG, they all have great visuals, they cast unique spells, and they also change the way warlock spells function when they spawn.

Ancestors spawn, cast lava burst, chain Lightning, an ele blast, and then peace out. It’s literally a proc trinket or on use trinket for a hero tree. It’s actually worse than divine image for holy priests, because at least if a priest gets stunned their image will keep casting.


Take a glance at the top topics for this class, now any other.
Just an observation.
How can I give feedback beyond speculation?

Have u ever admitted u are wrong? in your whole life? jesus

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I don’t play resto and ele is my alt, but I feel like ele’s version of farseer is really half baked currently.

My perception is that Farseer shaman is attempting to force ele sham into a machine gun meatball build that attempts to get as many fire ele’s out as possible and it’s likely that storm will go the opposite end of the spectrum and focus on chaing lightning/lightning bolt/etc. In my opinion, that’s fine, but they need to lean into that direction and fully develope a working concept instead of what they have now. The couple of problems I see with this tree currently are:

1.) This limits the capabilities of making unique tier sets that interact with fire elemental/storm elemental because if you’re talent set is geared around shooting out more pets, then they can’t really make your ele’s stronger or else the run the risk of being too powerful. Admittedly though, if there ever was a class that needed it’s time in the sun, it was ele.

2.) This tree feels like it forces players into talents with little room for variation. Remember that meaningful choice you guys mentioned in SL? This tree ideology removes that word from your vocabulary.

3.) It doesn’t solve any problems or issues with ele. It will still be the lower popular pick because of lack of raid buffs unless they are allowed to be the class that does insanely high damage.

4.) Ancestors MUST do damage on their own independent of if the shaman is casting or not. If this does not change, then there are going to be times when you gain no benefit from ancestors due to needing to move or what have you. No one wants to take a hero tree that you gain only partial value from because you’re playing the game correctly and avoiding mechanics.

5.) Ancestors are uninspiring and leave a lot to be desired. If you’re going to call this a hero tree, then the ancestors need to be important. Right now, they don’t change or augment anything in the way you play other than your talents. You could take the same talent build and not take ancestors and your rotation wouldn’t change in any way.

  • Suggestion would be to make it so that you summon molten goliaths that throw down a lava version of earthquake that plants flame shock to targets and then the next one is an ascended version of an ancestor that now is elemental blasting all targets with flame shock and then it goes back to the molten goliath who consumes all active flame shocks, empowers the lava quake by the remaining flame shock damage, and casts an empowered lava earthquake that again re-applies flame shock. Again, just a suggestion, but something needs to change because this stinks compared to the other classes.

6.) Replace all the flat % damage/healing nodes with something that actually does something. These feel like lazy additions that don’t improve the game and if they don’t improve the game, they probably shouldn’t be added.

So has this ever worked? You’d figure after 18 years you’d have more input aside doomposting.
At least what I wrote was my own opinion, impossible to know what it’s going to be like till we get access to it.

I forget who it was (apologies to them), but someone on this forum mentioned that tier sets will likely change to be directed at the hero tree instead of the class tree. So, for instance, instead of shaman having resto, ele, and enh bonuses the shaman tier would instead have farseer, totemic, and stormbringer bonuses.

I thought it sounded pretty bad at first, but after thinking about it that just might be a great idea.

Farseer really is just a rework of Holy Priest Divine Image I mean it basically does the exact same thing except Shaman’s is only 6 seconds while Holy Priest is 15 seconds which actually makes ours weaker. With a 6 second window it makes it much harder to line things up in it but a 15 second window makes more sense. It really would have been nice to introduce so much more impactful instead of just copy and pasting Divine Image. Sad thing is Shaman has so much lore to choose from so many things they could have done with totems,

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You can be passionate and disagree, but that’s just plain rude.

I’m certainly not sorry. Even if I may disagree at least Dyse is trying to positive about it, even if I would agree that Shaman overall isn’t in the best state.

What you did is saying u are happy about a bad hero talent tree which is unarguably bad ( at least to most of us in the forum).
According to your logic, i did write my opinion too by doomposting cause it is really bad.

It is fine to be positive about shaman but the last half of this thread has been him arguing with people and constantly needing to get the last word in. Admittedly it was a rude post by me, the way he constantly ignores the vast majority of a constructive post to quote a small part of it to respond with what he believes to be a zinger may have gotten to me more than I thought.

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Why do ancestors, why not summon all four elementals wind, water, earth, and fire, and they all attack on their own as pets that augment and buff each elemental spell on your bar. Like Lava burst becomes volcanic spew, Lighting bolt and chain lightening becomes a thunderstorm with lighting coming out of the sky and a storm cloud, your water healing becomes a damage ability like a flood wave, and your Earthquake becomes fissure and tears open the earth with boulders and rocks flying at your enemies. Would be sick, is much more thematic, and you get the augments like Warlock gets. Lets say they last for 30 seconds or 15 seconds and is on a 2 minute cooldown or something. Shaman just feels and looks so bad in PTR right now it hurts my soul man