Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Its a bit sad i have to give up this game and the class i enjoyed for 18 years because of how bad it is now and in the future.
Actually not gonna play tww if shaman is gonna stay in the same state as now, anyone same here?


I enjoy this game in most aspects and understand that it is a huge and daunting task to make the world that I love to live in. Thank you.

But I will be actually angry if my ancestors aren’t differently dressed versions of my character with funny mustaches and hair cuts. I have high hopes for this. Fat Orcs with disco jump suits. Handlebar mustaches. Please let our ancestors be seen.

After playing around with it for awhile, Farseer feels quite a bit better to play than it initially sounded to me. I went ahead and tested most of the interactions I was curious about that I’ll go ahead and share for those interested (dont take this as gospel, it is the first week of Alpha):

  • Unleash Life always makes them cast Healing Surge on spawn
  • PTC does seem to be able to proc Ancestors (the proc chance on PTC Riptides is ~double an ordinary Riptide)
  • Primordial Wave can spawn Ancestors (if talented)
  • Ancestors Healing Surge does NOT work with Pwave cleaves, only the casted Healing Wave
  • High Tide does not buff their Chain Heal casts
  • Ancestral Reach/Flow does not buff their Chain Heal casts
  • Ancestors healing does NOT feed Cloudburst Totem or interact with Ascendance or Ancestral Guidance
  • Ancestors Chain Heals can heal pets (does seem to count towards their Chain Heal target cap of 2)
  • Ancestor Chain Heals seem to prefer healing you over healing the max number of people
  • Having multiple Ancestors at once will make all of their spells “duplicate” on the same target they healed
  • Ancestors Lava Burst is always a crit, regardless of whether or not you have Flame Shock on the target
  • Ancestors Chain Lightning only hits 2 targets just like Chain Heal
  • Ancestors dont give mana via Resurgence
  • Ancestors do not seem to scale with Mastery/Haste/Crit(?), they do seem to scale with Intellect and Versatility


  • Healing Surge is sometimes duplicated (4 events) if you have 2 Ancestors out. Not consistent. To reproduce > Cast Ancestral Swiftness > Cast Unleash Life > Repeat
  • Ancestors Chain Heals can heal pets (does seem to count towards their Chain Heal target cap of 2)

A couple of the interactions are unfortunate, such as their healing not feeding Cloudburst totem. It’d feel quite bad if a large chunk of our healing was not fed into Cloudburst - you’d almost feel forced to just play Healing Stream Totem with Farseer always. That said, I am VERY glad you dont feel pressured to take all of the Chain Heal talents since the Ancestors’ Chain Heal is separate from ours. I could see a variety of Talent builds working with Farseer at the moment. For a tree that’s meant to be mostly passive, it actually does a pretty great job of not pressuring your gameplay too much. If they fix up some of the targeting issues the Ancestors seem to have (and fix things like Cloudburst) I think this could actually be a pretty decent Hero Talent Tree

Oh, and one point of feedback - they are a little hard to see visually, even with maxed out settings. It’d be nice if they were slightly less transparent


Thank you so much for taking the time to bring us this.

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A real letdown of a hero tree overall for reasons already stated, regarding game-play. The visual is poor and would be better served if they were elementals or ascendance avatars instead.

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So far, ancestors do not proc Surge of Power. At the moment, Farseer is DOA for ele. Hopefully the people with alpha access are providing feedback and aren’t too busy content farming on twitch.

WoW, that is horrible news. I feel like all they ancestors are, are just healing stream totems or searing totem but with majorly handicapped big spender spells that don’t trigger any of our toolkits.

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Icing on the cake is that they don’t generate maelstrom with the abilities they cast, AND
 the ele blast they cast when they expire also doesn’t proc Mountains Will Fall.

I heard a take from someone saying that the hero talents really are made for one of the two specs; and after seeing the results of Resto/Farseer interactions, it’s 100% meant for r sham.

That just means that the “Fire” Build will be dead then since this is aimed at Pwave and Lava Burst. We all know Stormbringer will be the Lightning build for Elemental.

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not a huge fan of npcs actively doin things for me, love totems tho, love Torbjörn and that kinda fantasy – not a huge fan of the theme of the NPCs comin outta no where and casting but only when you command them to if that makes sense

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How would a build be “dead” when these are passive benefits to spells you already use regularly?

I think its pretty ugly personally you have turned Resto shaman into a Holy Priest with Divine Image.


If you would have read what I was replying too. If the Hero talents are aimed at one spec over the other, Farseer is by far aimed at Resto over Elemental. There is nothing in this tree that says OMG THIS IS AMAZING for Elemental Shaman. It’s boring, uninspired, but again you and I don’t see eye to eye and probably won’t. This is a reply not a personal attack. But As we have seen in Alpha Elemental is in a horrible spot and farseer’s talents aren’t worth taking.

With Farseer, the ancestors do nothing with our toolkit and do not trigger any of our procs that we need. They hit like wet noodles. This is based around PWave and Lava Burst which I’m pretty sure everyone can agree is the Fire Build. They sacrificed elemental for resto with this hero talent tree.


Are you in Alpha?

I had people in the alpha test interactions with specific ele talents.

The ancestor proc rate is far too low, the abilities they use hit for about 1/4 of the shaman’s, the spiritwalker’s talent is borderline useless considering we have to sacrifice talent points elsewhere, and the bottom talent “Ancestral Swiftness” requires us to sacrifice even more points elsewhere just to take NS so we can spawn one of these extremely undertuned ancestors (which attack random targets at times that aren’t even in combat).

The Farseer hero talent tree as is currently stands in alpha is so bad for ele, that it’s possibly a net loss in the grand scheme of things.


Irrelevant, players are in alpha and reporting Farseers performance.

The ancestors spells don’t interact with our talents or kit in any way. They are however tuned very high throughput wise. Their lava burst/chain Lightning hits for about 40% of ours which is crazy because you can have 2-4 ancestors up at times. Their heals heal for 40-50% of ours. These will obviously be tuned down which is fine. But it’s really disappointing that they have zero interaction with our talents or mastery.


I was watching Tiqqle live test and his ancestors were hitting for 40% of his damage spells and their heals were healing for 35-50% of his heals. They seem to be tuned very high.

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Nothing about what I’ve seen and read through the Farseer makes me feel like a more powerful shaman or a Shaman more in tune with his ancestors. They just copy spells

it’s boring and uninspired.

I already can’t see what numbers my abilities hit for, because there’re SO many passive effects attached to spells. Adding more RNG attacks makes it a visual nightmare. Imagine what I’m seeing in Raid content.

In my Opinion, I would like to see more power put back into the Shamans spells and less Multiplicative RNG. The Farseer should be someone who feels more like a Spirit Guide for their group. Giving out buffs similar to an Augmentation Evoker or something would be a nice approach.

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Which is why I asked, experience is one thing but speculation is another.


Almost 99% ppl is not happy with this ‘some dude spawn and cast more lava burst’ hero talent, while this community council keep defending it for whatever reason is kinda funny at this point.