Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

True. We will have to see.

25 players makes sense for the stability. I’m sure we can all come to an agreement (for now - aka short term fix for Epic BG’s).

I’m just happy the Blizzard team is looking at Epic BGs again. There is so much potential for this content it’s crazy how they don’t put more effort into the content - my opinion of course.

here’s a suggestion.

make it so epic server lag doesn’t over heat my comp and make me uninstall just to keep it from blowing up.
i just got a new comp due to your server lag overheating my old one to failure, and as soon as this one overheated i stopped playing.
i just got the 6 month sub too…
you live and learn and then stop relying on ubisoft company i guess.


Played a few more Ashrans under this new 25-man format last night (Alliance side)

Game 1

Backfilled into a loss where score was A: 61 to H: 113, promptly afked right out.

Game 2

“Fresh” game. The team seemed to agree on going ROC first, I disagreed with this strat and voiced my concerns about it (I know from experience that ROC is unreliable at best), but the majority went along with it so I just followed the herd. As predicted, it didn’t work out :laughing:

Horde killed our mage while we were away PvE’ing at ROC, and later on during the first teamfight our incompetent AA-holder got Deathgripped into the Horde and lost the AA. People started leaving once they saw us behind 60+ points on score.

Ended in a loss with us being farmed on the bridge into the Alliance base. I found a safe spot to hide until the loss was over.

Game 3

Another fresh game, this one played out a little better and we managed to get ogre during the opener phase. There was a bit of back and forth/tug o’ war in mid… Horde pushed us, we regrouped pushed them back, then Horde pushed again, etc.

Eventually we got separated from ogre and ogre died, we then fell behind by around 13 kills. We slowly lost ground/deaths and ended up pushed to our bridge. Game ended once Horde killed our mage, wiping out the last 42 reinforcements we had left.

So from a win/loss perspective, it seems like not much has changed, Alliance is still struggling even in the 25-man format.

For some strange reason, the games “felt” longer than the 40-man version :thinking: I’m guessing the reason for this is that with 25 people it simply takes longer to reach the 150 kill threshold for the win condition. One of the Ashran games went for like 39ish minutes.

With the 40-man format games would sometimes end in as little as 16-18 minutes, it sounds strange but it’s true. Racking up 150 kills with a 40v40 format was noticeably faster than this 25-man/watered down format.

I’ve only played one Ashran and no lag, problem solved.

Anyways, enough of this “Ashran” talk for now :smirk:

Mr. dev person, it’s time, just add Southshore vs Tarren Mill to the epic bg rotation - it’s “the perfect fit” imo. Simply open up your dev program and copy-paste it over, easy enough :ok_hand:

No lie - you can pull up my activity logs from last week, you’ll see that Southshore vs Tarren Mill is basically the “only” bg I played the whole week :smiling_imp:

I find that this map has almost UNLIMITED replayability factor. Despite cycling through a number of different alts while playing it, I was “never” bored. The same can’t be said about the 8.3 content (visions, assaults, dailies, corruption grind, etc), I was already bored of the 8.3 content by like week 3 of the season :tired_face:

You can tell that Southshore vs Tarren Mill is good/successful content because people sign up to it just for the fun of it. I noticed a lot of the same player names over and over in many of the games I played - which means I wasn’t the only one spamming it.

Might also be a good idea to copy-paste and incorporate that one Ashran “frontline fortitude” buff for melee players (to appease all the melee complaints), but that’s about it. The rest of the bg is fine.

SS vs TM being an epic bg would also solve the problem of Horde players not being able to Horde merc into it due to it being a “brawl”. So I would be able to run my entire roster of various alts thru it, instead of just “some” of them.

Just one more thing, we’re still waiting for the “time elapsed” tracker to be added back onto the bg scoreboard. “Time elapsed” tracker should have never been removed in the first place imo.

Make all Tanks viable in Battlegrounds. I know Blizzard are not miracle workers so if Tanks are excluded from arena whatever but wanting to enjoy a tank in BG’s shouldn’t be to much to ask?

Right now you just get abuse and people hate you for not going a DPS spec.

But, they already are viable :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe not in terms of doing big DPS or getting a bunch of kills/topping the meters, but they do have their uses in bgs.

Flag carrier role

  • Guardian Druid
  • Vengeance DH

"Spinning" a node/flag to stall for time

  • all the tanks can do this to some degree

Simply “being a distraction”/tying up enemy players

  • all the tanks can do this with defensive CDs

Knockbacks/“disruption” CC

  • Prot Warrior
  • Prot Pally
  • Guardian Druid
  • Vengeance DH

Tanking bosses/NPCs (mostly pertains to epic bgs)

  • all the tanks can perform this role

Epic bg teamfights

  • Blood DK (2 charges of Deathgrip)

Off-healing for teammates/utility spells

  • Prot Pally (best)
  • Guardian Druid (weaker offheals, but its decent)

Probably the most “useless” tank in PvP is Brewmaster Monk, they just don’t seem to bring very much to the table in bgs.

Here is my feedback.

As alliance, I am tired of losing in BG’s. This frustration has led me to play other games. Business 101. When your customers are not happy and leave your product for another, you are doing it wrong. This gives the customer the chance to spend money elsewhere that they otherwise would have spent with you.

Blizzard can’t fix clueless.

I’m not referring to you but Alliance in general in EBG.

Not backcapping in AV. Not going hangar in IoC. Giving up quickly in WG.

Ashran does have an imbalance regarding Song Flowers.

Now garbage like SS vs TM the Alliance dominated for some reason.

Fixed that for ya.

Eh? Not really. I noticed the games were closer this time around and there were fewer “one-sided blowout” games. Most games ended with like a 25-30 point difference from what I saw.

Of course it’s possible you ran into our little 9-man premade, and yes, we did win most of our games :wink:

I played it every single night, so it’s plausible.

What an awesome necro.

This is a feedback thread started by a dev. It’s one of the few threads worthy of being revived.

Leave BGs alone and fix PvP gear!!! Who cares about BGs when the core of the system is useless…

the only thing most of us want is blacklisting back or remove ashran and wintergrasp.

who ever wanted av and ioc longer???

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Ashran is mostly fine, I would probably blacklist WG though. Only thing with Ashran is they should revert it back to the 300 reinforcements version, for more lengthy/interesting games (current games are over too quick imo).

Or if/when they add Southshore vs Tarren Mill into the mix, blacklist and such will be a moot point anyways since I’ll probably just “specific” queue for it (over and over and over and over) :upside_down_face:

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Oh I really hope they don’t do that without bringing blacklisting back. I’d rather stop playing epics entirely than deal with that dumpster fire.


Huh? Best 40-man bg in the game imo :smirk: :ok_hand:

When you compare it to say, Wintergrasp, it’s no contest - SS vs TM is simply more fun.

I vastly prefer wintergrasp tbh. At least WG isn’t plagued by endless lag and you can actually contribute as melee.


This is the big thing here. No real los and dropping down to 25fps+ isn’t very fun