Personal anecdote, but it seems to me the amount of afking and leaving is incredibly high in wintergrap. As well as the complaining. I normally don’t see that in AV or IOC.
Fighting an inanimate object while getting attacked is different. Theres a reason SotA was removed, people don’t like vehicles/fighting walls. WG is SotA on steroids.
Understanding the battleground =/= easy. Consequently I win on defense a lot simply because of turtling. Its disgustingly effective and boring at the same time. Even when I win its still a joke, thats why I /afk out.
Surely you can think of things in game you have zero desire to do. No matter how much one “learns” about something you can’t force someone to have fun when they don’t like it. I personally hate vehicles.
So amazing. The amount of brainpower and strategy is just through the ROOF.
what complaining? are you playing alliance or horde, attacking or defending? your experience is just as anecdotal, most of what i see in WG is players asking what they should be doing.
other way around, strand was designed as a mini-WG, with the real one in the queue now we no longer needed strand. given that there is a wintergrasp enthusiast community, i’d say people do like it.
yeah, i don’t do them, but you don’t see me here demanding to be able to blacklist keys or pet battles. i don’t like seething shore, so i avoid the random bg queue most of the time and stick with ebgs. you should do the reverse considering you dislike 2/3 of the bgs in that queue.
if all you care about is the class vs class meta, arena is for you, ebgs are not. im not looking to do a dance with a siege engine where i blow all my cds in a back and forth exchange of cds, i have 9 more siege engines to kill and need to be conservative with my cds and resources.
I’d tell you to pay attention to the people leaving the bg within the first 5 minutes next time you play it, but I doubt you’ll acknowledge mass exodus even if there is one.
SotA was removed long before Wintergrasp was annouced because SotA was immensely unpopular. It was heavily blacklisted. I assume Wintergrasp would be the same deal if there was blacklist options again.
And you can find ‘enthusiasts’ for anything, popular or not.
I’ll play all bg’s except Seething Shore and Wintergrasp. This is why blacklist needs to be a thing again. I’m not going to stop queuing simply because theres a chance those two trash cans pop up.
Maybe you’d enjoy PvE more. I hear there is vehicles to fight and control there.
i do pay attention, and i really don’t see it. i do see it from alliance in AV though.
no it wasn’t. WG was announced as “coming soon as an ebg” back in legion, they also stated TB and two versions of ashran would be added as well.
it caused more problems than it was worth.
i play both, let me know when PVE raid bosses start thinking. there is nothing wrong with vehicles in ebgs, they are microcasms of battles, not fights, battles have tanks and artillery. you are in the wrong queue if you want to focus on class meta.
let me ask this, if i am defending quarry and i ask for airship to fire on my position, how is that not pvp? i am using my team’s assets against my opponent.
With the removal of blacklisting they remedied the worst offenders. IoC and AV were heavily blacklisted so they were put in their own queues and SotA was outright removed.
Because you avoiding random bg queue because of a single bg and people /afking out of battlegrounds they don’t like leaving people to backfill is SO much better. /s
Are you going to whine if they put southshore vs tauren mill in the epic bg queue?
its almost like there is a queue without vehicles, and its not the ebgs queue. they put the most disliked bgs in their own queue exclusively for the players who like them, now you are here in that queue whining and complaining that it isn’t exactly what you want. grow up and queue in randoms or arena.
no, im a dk.
ebgs =/= class vs class meta. even AV is about team fighting, there is nothing you can do as a healer when your mark got steamrolled by 20 players.
Nothing quite like waiting 19-25 minutes in Horde queue… only for Wintergrasp to pop at the end
Happened to me like 4 times last night. I might just merc tonight to be honest , if I’m going to take the “risk” of Wintergrasp popping then at least with Alliance merc mode I only waste 5 minutes of my time instead of 25ish minutes.
Waiting 19-25 minutes in Horde queue, having Wintergrasp pop, afking out, then being “locked out” of your toon for 15 minutes… so that’s a good 35-40 minutes of lost time, that’s not fun
They really should consider just implementing a “grace period” during the first pre-game 2 minutes of a bg, during which we can simply leave without incurring deserter. If we leave a bg AFTER the starting gate opens? Then yeah, giving people deserter for that seems like a fair punishment to me
But getting “locked out” of being able to play your toon for 15 minutes at a time, over and over, really does detract from your enjoyment of the game imo
IMO a better solution would be to increase the penalty for deserting. i used to hate IoC, even blacklisted it, under the ebg queue it’s been balanced and now is one of the best bgs in the game. if players had more of a reason to stay they might learn to appreciate certain bgs for what they are rather than just quitting immediately.
i say up the deserter penalty to an hour and make it account wide. you’re not supposed to be shopping for a bg.
I already did a search, I found nothing. You are the one claiming it, you need to provide the source.
40 person bg is not synonymous with vehicles. I enjoy AV and IoC, even before the split. The epic bg queue launched with those two. Wintergrasp was added LATER. I didn’t ask for wintergrasp to be added, I was content with AV and IoC. Maybe for arguments sake they should add Seething Shore to epic queues. Then you won’t queue for anything. lol
Team fighting without vehicles. I love large scale skirmishes in AV. Vehicles suck the fun out of it.
What a horrible suggestion, thank god you aren’t a dev. The game is dwindling in subs and you are going to force people to play something they hate or not play anything for an hour? lmao The wait in queue and 15 minute deserter are more then enough.
in particular, pay attention to the very last sentence, and the first responses from the playerbase.
it’s not synonymous with no vehicles either. and you are still completely missing the point. you only care about players fighting players, not strategy, not map play, not epic battles. go do arena.
I did. guess we cancel each other out. good thing a ton of other people also asked for WG to be added to the ebg queue. just like the players asking for SSvTM, should blizz ignore those requests because a few players don’t like it? of course not, but you can’t make everyone happy and you can actually give yourself a mental breakdown trying.
healers suck the fun out of killing players, losing sucks the fun out of pvp, should we drop anything and everything that isn’t fun? of course not.
you are not supposed to bg shop, if that is too hard to understand, then don’t queue. we have no clue if the game is dwindling in subs or not, as far as i can tell it has been mostly stable since wod. the fact that certain players would have a tantrum over hour long deserter is fine, the intent is to stamp out their behavior, so of course they would whine about it. look a the twink queues, they whine, they cry, but the change to split them off is having the intended effect.
Can you guys fix the bug where Ivus will suddenly despawn/disappear out of nowhere? It seems to be triggered when he is lured into a building by Horde, he will go into the building to chase the Horde and then suddenly POOF… he just disappears.
Last night in Alterac Valley we decided to summon Ivus “in honor of 4/20” , we got our big tree boi out and he ended up at the Horde base. But then he aggroed a few Horde players that were hiding out in Drek’s room, he went inside to chase after them and then he just disappeared
I also summoned him in a Thursday game and something similar happened, he just mysteriously “disappeared” out of nowhere.
Should definitely be looked into, since a lot of casuals wanted to come down to see Ivus (I could tell they were excited judging from the chat)… but by the time they rode across the map to the Horde base he was already gone. For Ivus to just despawn/disappear after all that hype is pretty lame
These big bosses should NOT simply go poof and disappear just because they entered a building/indoor area, it takes away from the “epicness” factor imo
If i had to guess someone on horde found a snap point that forces ivus to despawn. Soon ppl will find a way to replicate that and force blizzard to fix it
Just a very minor suggestion here, but I think simply adding an achievement for summoning Ivus / Lokholar would be a good thing. Would motivate more of these random casuals to participate and such
No it doesn’t, IOC is like the shortest epic bg by far
Most my IOC games go for like 17-25 minutes, that’s not that long.
IOC is probably the most balanced epic bg out of the 3 to be honest.
It really can go either way. It’s more about good execution/teamwork than controlling any particular base (mid, hangar, etc). I’ve seen all 3 bases win games, the bg seems pretty balanced to me
WG is 100% balanced between factions, both sides get exactly the same things. If you’re on defense you get exactly the same castle as I do when I’m on defense. Same goes for offense.
IoC has some lopsided things about it, as does AV.
Sorting my reflex by duration (shortest first), WG also tends to dominate the top. IoC is just behind.