I've stayed up way too late playing AV tonight! Haven't done a 4am marathon in a while...
Phalanx, thanks so much for these changes. These changes bring in line the 'epic experience' so much more than the 'ignore other players, kill the bosses' strategies that have been prevalent for way too long. I've enjoyed seeing people turn in to the various upgrades.
I wasn't sure how much detail you'd want us to go in so apologies if too long!
RewardsI've had a few 1 hour+ games, even one going to 1 hour 20. It was glorious, a back-and-forth battle. I loved it, even though we lost.
My concern is most players of today won't love it, unless rewards are upped. I mentioned this on beta and I think the quest will go some way to help, but in terms of the honor grind:
Why would I spend 1.5 hours in AV or IoC for winning 450 honor when in that time I could do at least 9 random battlegrounds for 300 honor per win (before multipliers)
NPC health and damage These could do with a boost still. The non-boss NPCs are still really fragile and don't deal much damage. Druid of the Grove Thorns still hits for 200 damage, their Entangling Roots for 200 damage. They aren't much of a 'meat shield' so even if you do get them to move they get mowed over really quickly. Upgrades don't seem to do much damage. As an example:
Champion Guards who live in the mines, following 1800+ turn ins, hit for 700 melee swings. https://imgur.com/RXCfR9D
Upgrades in general feel pretty underwhelming in terms of the boost they give. In previous expansions you could really notice the damage and health increase, and if you got the shaman or the druids to march during pre-patch, they would wipe entire offensive teams. I'd like that again so even if you don't manage to get the big guns, you have made a noticeable impact on the game.
Turn ins should be a real game changer, like they were originally and how they were in pre-patches of expansions past.
Ivus and Lok should be returned to their boss status, and probably boosted some in terms of damage and health. I think their time spent in the middle should be reduced.
MinesWith reinforcements mattering again, everyone's attention is on the mines. They're too easy to flip. Challenging to capture, but once they are faction controlled, they should be challenging to take. There's a lot of rogue-druid action where they just trade ownership of the mines because the leader is too easy.
I'd suggest Aggi, Umi, Masha and Keetar being upgraded into elites with increased health and damage that are challenging. Every other miner and guardian can stay the same, but the leader should at least be somewhat challenging.
BunkersI get why Stormpike Bowmen were moved, and I don't disagree, but their new positions make them poor defenders. I'm not sure if it's because they are too 'in' rather than being on the edge of the bunker, but it's not unusual to see their melee damage higher than their shots, because they seem to get LoS'd by the floor? Some screengrabs of their weird "I can't shoot you" pose... https://imgur.com/a/FPoNuul
TrinketPlease can this be updated to be relevant (it will soon be 60 levels out of date) or can we add
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/18150 to the vendors for a Mark of Honor or something?
MapMaybe it will just take time for Alliance players to adapt, but it may be worth looking at the Iceblood choke, given how powerful it is. You just can't breach it without brute force. Dun Baldar has a back door, so I think either that should be fixed or Iceblood should have another way to breach it.
Turn insWhile the quantity required for turns in won't be an issue with longer games, it would be a really nice QoL improvement to, similar to Ashran, 'take all my stuff!' rather than the 1/5/20 turn-ins we have currently.
That's it for now, will do a post for IoC tomorrow after playing some. Thanks again!