I will admit the Horde does have the advantage at the choke, but this advantage can also be the biggest threat to the Horde if Alliance takes it. If we lose our choke it is awful trying to get it back and Horde can lose IBT/TP just as easily as SHGY makes IWB and SHB to take.
It's nowhere near the same. Tower Point's choke is twice the size of open land, including land outside the range of Tower Point.
Icewing Bunker itself covers half its own chokepoint, with a 1-man wide gap on 1 side, and ~20yds of space on the other. You are always in full range of those inside the bunker as well.
Both are chokepoints, but one has ~50yds of width at its most narrow point and the other has ~20yds of width. That's the difference between the reach of Outlaw Rogues, a melee class, vs Balance Druids.
So water walking isnt a thing?
Do I even need to respond here? Firstly, it's not a common thing. Secondly, Horde doesn't need special water walking to access 3 doors into the Alliance flag room. And thirdly, all water walking effects break on any damage.
There is NO justification you can make whatsoever for Twin Peaks. It's as bad as Arathi in being "mirrored" but grossly imbalanced.
07/31/2018 07:50 AMPosted by
The Alliance equivalent to the Horde's smith-farm-mill triangle is the smith-stables-mine triangle. The Horde's triangle is better because a single person at the mill can call all incomings, while the Alliance need a person at the mines and a person at the smith, but there is an Alliance triangle.
But there is no Alliance equivalent. Mines is a noob trap, capturing Mines is basically throwing the game, at least outside of organized rated premades where tactics may differ. Lumber Mill can reinforce Blacksmith quickly on several classes, Mines cannot. The chokepoint itself is also condensed as a triangle on the Horde side where the path to the Blacksmith is directly attached to the path to the Lumber Mill. The path to the Mines and path to Blacksmith are separated by a 30-40yd or so gap.
Reminder that in unrated play, any given team just having a deathball with stacked healers can win, so the finer points of gross map imbalance don't necessarily come into play as often. I've PVPed as Horde plenty, and trying to explain to very daft players that capturing the Mines is throwing the game (and often has, as Alliance gets entrenched in Lumber Mill and can end up holding it and Blacksmith just because of how utterly awful it is to reinforce anywhere from the Mines). It's not unwinnable for the Alliance, none of these are, but it will often come down to stacked healer deathballs, or Horde throwing the game by capturing the Mines on Arathi, or mutually zerging on AV, etc.
Like I've said a few times, none of this is going to be fixed. And even if you did, PVP massively favors the Horde in a self-perpetuating cycle, and that player imbalance isn't going to ever go away.
All I ask for is a change toward victory-agnostic Honor and Reputation rewards. A participation based system where doing things like being present at objectives yields Honor over time, so players get the same kind of Honor FOR ACTUALLY HOLDING OBJECTIVES that others players would get by throwing themselves into some big dumb meat grinder. Give a good amount of honor for turning in armor scraps too... (It might, but it's probably a pathetic trivial amount that is far less than simply mindlessly throwing yourself into a giant melee in mid)
Players who are behind will give up less often because their rewards will be based on participation. Players who are ahead will be less complacent because they don't just get a massive chunk for simply being present in a win.This would probably be a little bit lower honor gain for the Horde but a huge boon for the Alliance, where it can be very frustrating and demoralizing when you try and get nothing. I go and defend Tower Point, and then my team loses anyway, and I spent 5 minutes in a tower missing out on 50 HKs for basically nothing since I'm pretty sure the Tower Point honor is team wide and I'd receive it even if I didn't hold it. I did my part for objectives and end a full AV with like 60 Honor, and some guy who died 20 times himself comes out with 200, just made-up example numbers.