My feedback for Epic BG’s is the same as it was in this thread: My Request to Blizz Regarding Wintergrasp
If Blizzard makes a change to a BG they need to make it more obvious than just posting it to patch notes because a lot of people don’t even read them. Players need to be ported into scenarios that show what the objectives are, what the advantages and disadvantages are and what the goal of the BG is.
The issue I’m seeing on Alliance side (I don’t play horde so I can’t speak for them) is that there have been changes to the maps and boss health over the years. The PVP population has developed several different strats to adapt to each change so much so that now players are just straight up confused and they don’t know which strat to use. We have 40 different players calling out 40 different strats, each convinced that their way is the right way. Instead of working as a team for a common goal players are afk and arguing in instance chat over which strat we should be using. There’s a battle within the battle!
It’s soooo frustrating when 1/8 of the team understand that Blizzard made a change to Stonehearth graveyard and they want to use that advantage but 1/4 of the team charges ahead and rushes to IBT (with the exact same slaughtered outcome every time) and then the rest of the people are running around aimlessly and in total confusion not knowing WHAT to do or where to go because there’s a complete breakdown of communication and teamplay.
And last but not least - Blizzard, you can’t serve 2 different populations at one time.
You can’t expect retail players to even TRY to fight it out and not gain rewards when you’ve been dumbing the game down and handing them gear and achievements like candy. You’re trying to throw these kids into BG’s of a different era, when we didn’t have or expect the rewards and achievements that they do now. It’s NOT working!
Editing in: And dare I say it. It’s also not working that you are placing realms that don’t speak the same language on the same battle server! Something that Blizzard knew but Activision just doesn’t seem to grasp is that MORPGs require communication and team play. You need to stop ostracizing your player base!